The prednisone-induced fog I’m in makes it hard to remember to keep up with this blog. Anyway, there hasn’t been much to report.
As of last week, I was on track to be weaned off the prednisone and hopefully resume treatment next week (10/13). But the lower dose, again, worsened my side effects. So, again, my dose has been raised slightly in the hopes of things stabilizing if nothing else. I have an appointment to see a GI doc in a couple weeks since the inflammation isn’t going away as easily as anticipated. Depending on how things go at my regular oncology appointment next week, that appointment could be moved up. Until then, it seems I’m in an unpleasant holding pattern.
I’d really like to get off these drugs. Really. Any day now.
Wow! That looks gorgeous. Both mousse (mousses?) looks so light and airy and the topping shines like polished glass. How’d it taste; good balance, too minty, too chcaelotoly? Is there such a thing as too chocolatey? I will be giving this a try soon as it looks just perfect as a warm weather dessert. Thanks, Joe.
What a pleasure to find someone who thinks through the issues
The expertise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?
O sr foi ver as vacas sorris à minha terra (Vila Meã) já nem deve saber onde fica…ficou no entanto, pelo que a actualidade nos permite avaliar, com mais consideração pelas vacas do que pelas pessoas…
Calling all cars, calling all cars, we’re ready to make a deal.
that the reason you are not at your ideal weight comes down, in large part, to “mindlessness.” As a society, we tend to tune out when we eat.Garner then gives wonderfully simple yet effective action steps. They are so easy, you owe it to yourself to try it for 30 days. I especially love her “10 Proven Secrets.”I am going to send copies of this book to my clients!In gratitude.Kim NishidaHelp other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? | Â
Este é um dos culpados do estado de coisas. Ajudou a destruir o paÃs por quem tanta gente lutou e morreu. Assinou tudo o que de mau está a suceder aos que trabalham ou são impedidos de trabalhar: salários de escravo, subsÃdios indignos para desempregados, perda de feriados, horas extraordinárias pagas a um preço insultuoso, etc. Gentalha desta devia ser chamada à responsabilidade, se isto fosse um lugar decente…
Właśnie testuję od kilku dni nową wersję PCLinuxOS z KDE 4.6.5 i szczerze to nie ma się do czego przyczepić jak na razie. Wszystko jest tak jak powinno być.
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
Diese wunderschöne Oilily Shopper, hätte ich heute bei meinem Samstag-Stadt-Bummel sehr gut gebraucht. Sie sieht ja so fantastisch aus. Ist auch mein Favorit!!! Sehr liebevoll sind die Blüten auf den Shopper platziert. EIN TRAUM!Fast hätte ich es vergessen: Ich mag in dein Lostöpfchen hüpfen, vielleicht hab ich Glück?!Einen lieben Freitag-Gruß aus dem Erzgebirge von Kerstin
I don’t know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.
Holy concise data batman. Lol!
, I would encourage 1% to check out a OWS rally, part. a stop/frisk rally. Some OWS-ers are the nicest, most generous people I have ever met. Ditto for !%ers.
At last, someone who knows where to find the beef
Until I found this I thought I’d have to spend the day inside.
You’ve really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
Any chance of a link to "Several wealthy Germans volunteered to give $150 billion to the German government to mitigate some of the consequences of the global financial melt down"?
many thanks, it’s simply accessible and has countless awesome ideas and tips. the primary of my 2 favorite options are the pages where they’ll begin with an item or a handful of things that function inspiration for just a space, and then depth how the house owner used those things to form a novel and well-styled house.Online affiliates are alternative web sites that refer their own customers to a unique business’s website…browse a lot of at
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Wow, your post makes mine look feeble. More power to you!
Dommage…j’aimais beaucoup les chroniques de Guillon et de Porte. Bon d’accord, c’est assez vulgaire mais c’était drôle…enfin bref !
Dec01Pınar KuÄŸu AraÅŸtırmanın bir evlilik sitesinin kullanıcıları arasında yapıldığı düşünülürse, analizlerin gayet yerinde bence Murat’cım. Televizyonlardaki evlilik programlarındaki tipler geldi aklıma haberi okuyunca 🙂 Biri olsun da kim olduÄŸu, nerede olduÄŸu önemli deÄŸil diyenler yani. DoÄŸal olarak romantiklik deÄŸil mevzu bence de… Herkes senin benim gibi mi Murat’cım :p
I don’t know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.
Laut der Tabelle über Crossfit Level (die mal gepostet wurde) braucht man für den “elite” status bei den Ãœbungen (SP: BW, BS: 2x BW und DL: 2,5x BW)bei mir wäre das insg (64kg BW) -> 352 kgLaut der Tabelle oben bräuchte ich für den gleichen Status im Total 440 kg (was schon sehr deutlich mehr ist…)
Jeg henger meg på Bobleliv, gratulerer så mye med Norges fjerde beste reiseblogg! Jeg skal følge med dere videre på reisen!
Alter Knacker 0 0Dropbox? Nie gehört. Früher, also als man noch deutsch gesprochen hat, da hatten die Leute Schächtelchen. Auch ich hab’ alte Schuhschächtelchen, in denen ich Briefe und Postkarten aufhebe. Und immer, wenn ich neue Schuhe gekauft hatte, hat sich mein Speicherplatz verdoppelt. Das ist es doch, was ihr mit Dropbox meint?!?
This is BRILLIANT! And thank goodness they're so PRACTICAL. BOOTS. PROPER BOOTS. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT SOMEONE UNDERSTANDING THE IMPORTANCE OF APPROPRIATE FOOTWEAR IN SURVIVALIST FANTASY.It drives me NUTS in movies when the kickass heroine is wearing killer heels to a life-or-death fight, or when she knows she's gonna be chased somewhere. FABULOUS post. Thanks for sharing, guys! xx
Witaj Mateuszu, tak, masz rację, że jesteśmy jedną wielką marzycielską rodziną, lubimy się i wspieramy nawzajem i o to chodzi.Nie przejmuj się tym niemieckim, w szkole wiadomo, raz jest lepiej, raz gorzej, jak w życiu.Trzymaj się i głowa do góry. Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Dobrego tygodnia życzę. Pa
Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.
Extremely helpful article, please write more.
u're a lucky girl kessa… speaking of contests… what can u say about the "medicol contest"? the people there are so crazy, huh?anyway, i wanna win goodies like u too!
Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.
"What's up with all those gold pots they go around wearing, anyway? And the blue lines across the nose?"That was a good one, shows Tammy O., the fighter against racism, in her full fighting shape.Tammy, each time you open your big mouth you dig yourself in deeper and deeper. You should really zip it – for your own good.
Nov21William Bibler This is a great idea. I hope it works out well and that you do it again. However, I didn’t see it until late the night of the 21st _ too late to participate. How can I avoid that in the future?
At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all
Right after the introduction of her very first collection of dates in the United kingdom uk, Britney has achieved unmatched demand for tickets. She will likely be operating 21 of her smash hits as well as 2 surprise songs
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
I LOVED your Tush award! LOL How cute is that? Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. My blog is very new, so I haven’t added my twisted humor section yet.I adore your site, and love the spin you put on things. With a lot of the ladies that I come into contact with (with hair loss) nothing brightens their mood like a good sick joke, or funky story.I’ll be adding you to my blog roll because I really thing the girls are gonna love you! I do already.Have a great day!
Maestro, yo, en el ejercicio del despiece, no sabÃa los nombres que tenÃan en realidad las diferentes partes de la llave inglesa y puse:-Palanca: Yo puse estructura-Espárrago de ajuste: Yo puse tornillo(Permite el movimiento de la pieza móvil)-Diente de ajuste: Yo puse pieza móvil¿Lo tendrÃa correcto?Gracias!
I’m impressed! You’ve managed the almost impossible.
Why don't these goofballs go and protest about Al Shabab not allowing aid to Somalians? Oh, I know why, because Al-Shabab would shoot them on sight! Where is the flotilla for the starving Muslims of Somalia? Where!?
You really saved my skin with this information. Thanks!
2 décembre 2012Coucou!!!Tous les bijoux sont magnifiques! mais celui que je préfère c’est le bracelet « coeur, pierre, abeille », j’adore!!bonne continuation pour ta chaîne Youtube et pour ton blog!!Bises!
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
Hi,I want to say only this thing we should do work like that every one know us if any other person is facing some problem in his work then other person come to him and say to him this work will do that person.
wish i had a site like this lol please do the right human moral thing and spread the truth… 9/11 was an inside job sorry if that pops anyones propaganda bubble but you have been fooled big time.. the war on terror is a big LIE!!!!!!! please get the word out. if this site isn’t BANNED in your country then you’ll find tons of articles for events/topics western media REFUSES to cover and in fact covers up… my home country (america) = evil nazi hi-tech empire
I am in the league with you. I drink a mug of coffee for breakfast , one for lunch and one after dinner and still go to sleep before 10pm. I love it and have been drinking it since I was 6 yrs old.
Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.
Yeah, that’s the ticket, sir or ma’am
Microsoft got rid … Microsoft got rid of the easy way of doing this and made it hard, and for what end? to advertise MSN? Not all publicity is good publicity Microsoft! Thanks for the video, though. Super informative. I will have to set-up my parents spreadsheets like this because remaking them would be way too time consuming. Maybe after I show my Dad the process he will begin switching.For me, Google Spreadsheets:=GoogleFinance(“GOOG”; “price”) Was this answer helpful?
Johnsonville: No Ordinary Burger — A Southern FairytaleJun 28, 2011 … I brought the patties and packet inside, fought off the very large dog sniffing around my feet and decided that since these were bratwurst patties, …
Fortunately, you are quite correct….there aren’t just other fish in the sea as grandma used to say, there are ALOT more fish in the sea.Thanks for the comment.Julie
Wow, how scary. I admire how you handled this situation and that you didn’t go off on your husband. I am not sure what I would have done.You pose an interesting question, though. How DO you explain these things to the little kids who don’t understand yet. That’s a tough one.Did anything else happen with that weird guy who had to point out the obvious? Was he looking for a reward or something?
Hi Michelle,I was in the nonfiction session and didn’t get to attend your class but hope I get to attend one of your classes in the future, and I have no doubt you were terrific and helpful to all the writers who attended. It was so great to meet you! I just ordered your book and am really looking forward to reading it! I hope to bring it next time I see you so you can sign it. Looking forward to reading more of your blog and keeping in touch!
santa il feto non è un essere umano ? ha prove inconfutabili ? ha un momento – un minuto esatto in cui un essere può essere definito umano ? non si tratta di questioni di fede – si tratta di questioni scientifiche in cui non c’entra nè il papa e la chiesa. dare dignitàumana al feto è solo questione di puro realismo come pure negare dignitàè solo questioni di pura menzogna
It’s a pleasure to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly
If I haven’t read it here then I wouldn’t know about this free version from C&C. I just finished downloading it and can’t wait to install it. BTW, I put your blog on my blog roll links.
You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.
dental implant. This is a procedure where in a metal screw is threaded in to your jawbone which acts as the root, and then a prosthetic tooth is attached to it. This has become the more popular choice than having dentures since they look more natural and feels like it’s the same original tooth. The
BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!
RYNEK wygląda na dystrybucje , surowce lecą , eur/usd tak samo , ESF do klina nie chce wejsc moim zdaniem USA jest już w bessie
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Hello!Perhaps strange to get comments from random strangers, but maybe not, as your life is currently broadcast on the internet (?!) Just wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon your blog the other day and it has become my new favorite internet reading material. I am in the very beginning stages of applying to the Peace Corps. Your site is well-written, insightful, and informational- thanks for sharing!! (Clearly I am still in that adrenaline-spiked psuedoreality stage, still daydreaming about my someday Peace Corps adventures…)Anyway, thanks and best of wishesMelissaLeft by Melissa on January 12th, 2006
avante / Bom querida, primeira coisa a fazer é aprender a escrever, ai depois vc pensa em emagrecer, faz a teste aprenda a escrever e vc vai ver como ficará mais fácil ate pra emagrecer.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 1
I’ll immediately snatch your rss as I can’t to find your e-mail subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Kindly permit me know so that I could subscribe. Thanks.
Lustigerweise habe ich mir kürzlich in der Bahnhofsbuchandlung (!) das “Circus-Bookazine” gekauft. Die nehmen herausragende Blog-Beiträge und bringen sie mit viel Liebe und Kunstfertigkeit in die Print-Version zurück. Die Idee finde ich toll. Man merkt finde ich schon jetzt, dass Zeitschriften- und Buchgestaltungen wieder hochwertiger werden. Das wäre doch ein schöner Effekt der Konkurrenz durch die E-Medien.
That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.
Frank B. October 27, 2012 One last suggestion (in case you haven’t tried it): update to the Office release version. The only way I could find to install it was to run Windows Update from the Control Panel since it was an optional update. Good luck!
Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.
Last night in Mojacar and were deterimned to find the best fish and chip shop as advertised by the owners having spoke to them on the bus the year before. Very friendly couple who kept us amused while freshly cooking the fish and chips – very nice indeed – a must for all – see you next year
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
Evariste, pourquoi ne pas nous donner quelques exemples de tax expenditure pour comprendre un peu: s’agit-il de « niches » comme chez nous?
06/01/2010 AlfmaniaK, obrigado pelo comentário.Este tipo de acção, HD via wireless a passar por routers, na minha opinião peca pela falta de Mbps dos dispositivos. Vês o filme sem falhas? Tenta fazer isso e faz um download. Ai vê-se a força da coisa.
Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!
gracias David por refrescar nuestra memoria y por recordarnos que llegará el verano y todas las cosas maravillosas que nos ha inspirado vuestra música y vuestras fantásticas imágenes.un abrazo
Birds are almost as scary as ghosts, because they poop on you. I’ve been terrified of them ever since I saw the movie High Anxiety.I create alerts in my calendar for just about everything, but then I ignore them.
, "It has become clear that the heads of state of governmentdon't want strong political figures — especially when it comes to the president of European Council. "Belgian Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy, has emerged as a front-runner for the top job.Also in the runningis a Dutch Prime Minister, former Latvian president, and Luxembourg's Prime MinisterFormer British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, could be a surprise appointment. He has neither entered the election race, nor ruled himself out.
This YT policy is a friggin' joke. XenutTV1 and ToryMagoo44's accounts were unfailry removed from YT. Now that it's in writing let's see if they stand by it.Restore XenuTV1 to show the world what good boys you are and how YT can be effectively used as a tool for free speech. YT doesn't seem to respect the first amendment of their corporation's country, how sad.
Now I feel stupid. That’s cleared it up for me
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
Unquestionably believe that which you stated. Your favorite reason seemed to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get irked while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks
Definitely believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people consider worries that they plainly don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks
Thanks a lot for such great tips. Actually I never heard of QDF, but it sounds good.And finally content is king ( But better optimization gives better results )Vivek Kumar recently posted..
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!
Meyve tatlılarını çok severim hafif ve güzel oluyorlar..Armut tatlısını krem şantili ve karamelize ederek denemiştim.Değişikliklere açık olanlar için nefis..sevgiler
Glad I’ve finally found something I agree with!
don’t get me started on teleportation.i watched something on tlc years ago (when you actually learned stuff and it wasn’t reality shows) and they discussed how teleportation would be a reality in our lifetime.well…foot tapping…i’m still waiting!
Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.
I’d really love it if you could come check out my channel—I’m doing a big GIVEAWAY!!+ I could really use your feedback!Thank you so much!♡
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
whoah this blog is excellent i love reading your articles. Keep up the great work! You know, a lot of people are searching around for this info, you can help them greatly.
Ten iÅ¡ vis kažkokia komedija. Kas antram žingsnyje vÄ—jas papuÄia ar žvakÄ— sumirga, pradeda cypauti veikÄ—jas kai maža mergaitÄ—. Svarbiausiai, net nÄ—ra priešų pirmas valandas, tai net atsibosta žiÅ«rÄ—ti kaip savo Å¡eÅ¡Ä—lio baidosi…Å iaip Condemned: Criminal Origins, Shellshock 2 tokie kur dar pameni, kad mokÄ—jo sukurti įtampÄ… ar netikÄ—tumÄ…. Vis tiek koÅ¡marų nesapnuodavai. 🙂
Yep, received this one from 701 289 0088 at 11:48am PST.I’m with Rogers and you can send the offending number to 7726 (SPAM) and they will credit 0.15 if like me, you’re paying for each received txt msg.
Last one to utilize this is a rotten egg!
Your writing style is like butter. Your posts are substantive and I enjoy reading them. You really can lower the boom, and I really got a good snort from line 2, paragraph 16. He truly is a priceless piece of work.
Oui, mais toi, c’est pas les autres….Tu n’es qu’une poussière de cet univers virtuel.Je me base sur la réflexion globale, pas individuelle….Tu sais, CK ou la parole d’évangile, ce n’est pas trop mon trip…
Your answer shows real intelligence.
August 14, 2009 – 12:03 pm I thought I struck gold when I started using this for a client. Then, I actually checked the data, couldn’t share it, couldn’t transfer the business to another person and couldn’t export the data.Useless.
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal? 😉
Maria Teresa · martedì, 11 dicembre 2012, 12:31 amMi manchera’ tantissimo. E’ stato un appuntamento molto atteso. Grazie Gad anChe per averci fatto conoscere personaggi che non si vedono nelle altre televisioni e che mi hanno aiutato a capire. Credo sia una scelta sbagliata ma ci ritroveremo il venerdi.
That’s a genuinely impressive answer.
Right on-this helped me sort things right out.
Really excited that you are throwing this giveaway! I love the prints of Athena Procopiou and she is also half Greek so I support her! I am really into the Inez print and I would be very happy if I could win it. Lots of love,Ariadni
The Absent Game…In between me and my husband we have owned a lot more MP3 gamers over time than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (basic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few many years I’ve settled down to one line of gamers….
Grazie ottimi studi, as usual, sia Artes che Agata. Sul grafico daily in una situazione generale più favorevole agli short alcune divergenze sembrano indicare come possibile un rimbalzo, purtroppo al momento è pressoché impossibile prevedere quando questo avverrà e con che forza.Ciao
Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!
Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.
Caro Eduardo,Muito obrigado por seu comentário! Ele nos vale de ótimo incentivo. Esperamos sempre disponibilizar matérias de interesse e qualidade ao público católico.Que os Sagrados Corações de Jesus e Maria o cumule de graças especiais!Abraço fraternal!Marcos
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
ahh!beta channels suck.point blank.i dont think we should be forced to switch to these channels.we should have a choice! old channels are the shiznit and beta channels are just stupid.why doesnt the youtube staff understand that most of us DONT.WANT.TO.SWITCH.seriously.
Learning a ton from these neat articles.
Phenomenal breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.
I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question
apr15 …il classico “fare lo scemo” che piace alle ragazze, in un clima di rilassatezza e di amicizia/gioco…che comunque non è “fare il cascamorto”, ma qualcosa di migliore perchè se poi non ci sta almeno cadi in piedi perchè hai scherzato.Se una ragazza è pensierosa o molto riflessiva però è difficile da impostare un clima del genere, è una cosa da valutare caso per caso per vedere in che modo si può riuscire eventualmente a “sdrammatizzare” senza sembrare privi di tatto.
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!
GeorgeSorwell Another excellent review of a very entertaining book. I liked it so much I read it a second time. The second time I noticed how skillfully it was structured. I also noticed that whenever it began to show signs of becoming serious, Roth would break out the slapstick. Which I totally loved about the book!!
Thank you for this informative video on WordPress User Roles as well as the entire series. I am a new WordPress admin and these videos are the first resource that I think of when I need to learn about functionality.
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
I was so sickened by what you described here that I couldn't even read it to the end.That woman could've shouted "Jooz" instead of Polish for all I care – that's no reason to hunt her down.What, by the queen's slowly disintegrating face, is the UK coming to?
Nice piece of rabble-rousing Dan. The problem with your analysis is of course the aspects to the discussion which you so carefully step around because it isn't just "the left" who are marketing borderless Europe is it?
Olha o Lucas a Super Onze Downloads n quer pegar os Episódios da Aya de deizer que foi nós que Legendamos, afinal isso seria errado e eu n estaria dando o verdadeiro créditos pelo trabalho deles!! No Menú Principal daqui vc vai encontrar o Nome "Site Oficial da Aya Fansub".
That’s 2 clever by half and 2×2 clever 4 me. Thanks!
I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the structure of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures. Maybe you could space it out better?
That means they do execute *some other* types. I think they should clarify, but I suspect that they will be pretty reasonable.Totally! Enquiring minds want to know!To all the people asking off-topic questions, your questions would be better directed to the Google Webmaster Help Groups…
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
Ton dieu père noël licorne rose ne t’a donc pas appris que nous ne sommes pas plus d’anciens spermatozoïdes que d’anciens ovules ? Tu devrais lâcher un peu son best seller pour des ouvrages de science, cela te serait bien plus salutaire.Du cadavre, tu as déjàla puanteur du propos et le néant intellectuel. Bien. Tu as pris de l’avance.
Nagyon szépek lettek:) Marcipánom van elég sok, kicsit túl vásároltam magamat:) Lehet, hogy ezt még elkészÃtem, ha nem is karácsonyra, majd szilveszterre:)
I’ve been doing pretty well meeting my own writing goals lately, but I know what you mean by life issues. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to get out of bed.
Hi! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading through your articles. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same topics? Thanks for your time!
Csak gratulálni tudok, nagyon guszta ez a kenyér huh de ennék belÅ‘le 🙂 Meg fogom csinálni én is ! Gratulálok az összes oldalhoz, minden nagyon szuper..Ãœdv Szofis
Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thankful for your help.
Choć jesteś tylko jedna jedyna i niepowtarzalna to scenariusz mojego filmu przebiega tak samo. Studia dzienne, super wyniki, stypendia, staże, ambasady. Mam tak zajebiste CV, że nawet na rozmowach rekrutacyjnych panie z HR mówią mi, że moja zajebistość jest powalająca i onieśmielająca, więc dziękujemy Pani. Mając w kieszeni dyplom od rektora zaraz zacznę pracę jako kelnerka za 5 PLN. Zaraz. Bo ciągle mam to pewność, że będzie inaczej. Ciągle. Ciągle?
well honestly what do they expect? I know for example, where there are MANY human excersize thingys stored in the garage & do you think those humans play with them every second??? NO! They don’t eben go out there and ‘re-discover’ them! It’s like, it’s like the humans are ‘repelled’ by them! Go figure! xoxoMs. Stella O’Houligan
The honesty of your posting shines through
I like the helpful info you provide in your articles. I’ll bookmark your weblog and check again here frequently. I am quite sure I’ll learn plenty of new stuff right here! Good luck for the next!
am fost si eu la fertilia sa aflu mai multe despre acest laser si e chiar interesant ce se intampla! eu vreau foarte mult sa am un copil, medicul mi-a spus ca doar fertilizarea in vitro este soluti…
Good morning, Dorien! Thanks for stoppping by and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one (yeah right) who “manages” my home…training future CEO’s (*smile*).
I was called by Professional Services earlier today. They wanted me to take a free trip to Fuengirola to put in a claim against Halfmoon Holdings for some thousands of pounds. However as I had not taken up the offer by Halfmoon Holdings to sell my Club Class Membership, I had not parted with any money to them, and could not justify the free trip. They are using the tactic of alleging to be from a concerned Spanish body that is trying to get people’s money back as a result of new legislation. Keep up the good work please. Hilary
Graham or Lucky Charms Treat Bars $2 each -.50/1 Lucky Charms Treats, Golden Grahams Treats, Chex Mix Treats or Milk’n Cereal Bars, Any Box … or use .50/1 Lucky Charms Treats, Golden Grahams Treats, Chex Mix Treats, OR Milk ’n Cereal Bars,
Ingmarie- hehe, nej jag e INTE ensam!Anneli- kommer med all säkerhet att sakna det… Men det är lite svÃ¥rt att trösta sig med det just nu:)Västgötskan- det är en rätt användbar förmÃ¥ga;)
I agree with Laurie but really this issue is just another one of those things that seems to divide us. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. These are the things that are important. To me this haloween question is very much like the question of what food is acceptable to eat which Paul addresses in Romans and probably other letters. It’s complicated and I’m not sure there’s any right answer but I think some of Paul’s advice in Romans is helpful.
Oh my God! Season 1 was brilliant, I am shocked to hear that there is no plans for Season 2, especially after Season 1 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger… did Mark live?If a second season doesn’t happen I will be extremely dissapointed!
Grazi for making it nice and EZ.
suicide is an interesting, yet accurate comparison. this article is another reminder to me, of the parallels in the circumstances of the jewish and black community. another thought you provoke for me here, daniel, is how so many of us had been lulled by the indoctrination by the left. it took years for me to learn margaret sanger's original intentions. why would an ordinary girl, like me and so many others know that? thankfully i am waking up from liberal programming. to be sure, it's no overnight occurence. i continue to be startled in seeing how much i have not known. thanks for continuing to enlighten with your writing. great post!
Holy miles! I'm sticking with the 8-15 range for the half for long runs. I don't want to see another 20 for a GOOD LOOOOOONG time. However, it's a smart plan if you think you're going to do a full in the fall.This sounds like a very reasonable plan. Two days off, which is important and underrated.I think you got this in the bag!(For your hill workout, it sounds like you do hill repeats. How steep is your hill? I have several near me and would like to start trying out this workout. Though 10-20 up might be a bit much for me to start with. I was thinking 5-8 =).)
Heya i’m for the first time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back and aid others like you helped me.
I found Getting Things Done by David Allen useful. Particularly if you find yourself wading through a pile of paper every time you want something you know is somewhere on your desk!
Dorothea, det är klart att man kan ha ”lysningsmottagning”, mycket praktiskt pÃ¥ alla sätt, men det verkar vara fullständingt bortlagt, och fort har det gÃ¥tt dessutom. Synd!
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knowledge. Sinful?
Oh WOW. Just WOW. I can’t say enough how much I love the photos! Thank you so much for being the official family photographer! Sebastian will have the best childhood photos!
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
That looks delicious Eva! I saw the theme for the monthly mingle and ofcourse I know that zucchini is also a member of the squash family but it just never dawned on me until now.. 😉 So that broadens the range of my recipe for the MM but that’s beside the point..The problem I have with all those thoughts swirling through my head is that they tend to bother me at night… Going out and taking a photo might not be the best thing to
De facto o comportamento é de risco e poderá originar sim uma gravidez, já que, por exemplo, o próprio lubrificante masculino já contém espermatozóides suficientes que podem originar uma gravidez, por isso é que o coito interrompido não é eficaz no que toca a prevenir uma gravidez. Quanto àreceita da pÃÂlula, a mesma poderá ser prescrita no centro de saúde, marcando uma consulta de planeamento familiar no seu centro de saúde ou poderá ir ao seu ginecologista e pedir que lhe receite uma que seja indicada para si.
I have tried to do the Low carb thing but to be honest I was always hungry..stomach was always growling so I need to have some unfortunately. However I try to eat as gluten free as possible so i’ll eat Quinoa or Buckwheat instead of rice. Even the whole grain bread that I mentioned is made from brown rice and is gluten free. But thanks for the tip though and your support!
feb25Ciucciamatite Populista Grande! hai ragione! Io propongo una legge di iniziativa popolare per assicurare al garante della Privacy di rintracciare i fenomeni come te per poterli denunciare per diffamazione
Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this blog loading? I’m trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any feed-back would be greatly appreciated.
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I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
This was one of my favorite shows of the season – they really captured the LA vibe well, though I think my favorite accessory was the Starbucks cup they toted. You've a great blog, I really enjoy
Oui, c’est vrai, Soeur Marie, tourner autour du pot, c’est pas ce qu’en amour on appelle les préliminaires ? (bon, pour le pot, certaines pourraient se vexer)
Even though I don't travel to competition events like you, I do drive my girls around to their after school activities and other whatever events that happen to pop up in the spur of the moment, so I can totally relate to waiting in the car and knowing the interior of it well. For the love of our children, right?
If your articles are always this helpful, “I’ll be back.”
We could’ve done with that insight early on.
Please enter me to receive the complete system – I am sick of spending money on systems/software that doesn’t work. A “try before you buy” system is the ONLY way I would spend ANY more money.
I’m so glad I found my solution online.
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.
A million thanks for posting this information.
Ici, le Père Noel passe dans la nuit livrer tous les petits et grands n’enfants; nos enfants sont motivés et se lèvent tôt (enfin raisonnablement) pour découvrir ce qu’il a déposé au pied du sapin.Des souvenirs d’enfance où le Père Noel profitait de la messe de minuit pour passer, super rapide ses livraisons !
Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!
Thanks for posting the conference.I would feel so much safer if everyone on that panel would be in the White House.Incidentally, I imagined you much older (sooo much wisdom, you see);)
Oh the PRS, we have had threatening letters about fines and court etc etc, theres scum running riot on the streets , drug dealers move in and out of the area, kids driving cars like twats and killing people ,,,,,, whats done ,,,nothing unless , like me, you play a radio at work thats listened to by TWO people, i must the worst criminal in the UK.Oh yea if you play a car radio and a friend hears it YOU ARE BREAKING THEIR RULES-PAY YOUR LICENSE or they will back date it 6 years…
Halloj där !Åhh vad du har hunnit göra många fina inlägg sen jag var här sist..du har så fint så man blir alldeles tokig..hii..hii..ha det så bra Kram Anette
Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.
You really saved my skin with this information. Thanks!
ah! Il me faut une nouvelle chemise, je vais aller sur! merci pour l’info Martin!LoL! l’employé du mois est celui qui a piqué le dernier boxer … Je vais donc aussi demander à mon boss mon petit diplôme de ce pas! Moi aussi je suis un pro d’Internet!
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way through.
I read your posting and was jealous
Pleasing to find someone who can think like that
Hei.Masse lykke til med et sjarmerende bilde. Skal se om jeg har et kvalifisert bilde jeg og.Juhuu… Endelig er ferien booket. 14 dager i Tyrkia.Klem Mona CPS Ta en "kaffe" snart? Om et par uker kanskje? NÃ¥r drar du til The US?
I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.
Hallo Zsofi, ich bin diesmal sehr spät dran mit meinem Kommentar. Erst heute habe ich die Ruhe gefunden, Deine beiden neuen englischen Einträge zu lesen. Super ! Mich würde auch das Rezept von dem Garnelen-Eintopf (?) interessieren, schickst Du ihn mir mal ? Du darfst Dir dafür auch etwas wünschen…:-) Liebe Grüße von Deiner “Nachbarin” angelika
Evidemment, mais alors là si vous rajoutez ça ici, déjà que ces messieurs dames sont déprimés à l’idée qu’ils devraient faire attention à ce qu’il mange (mais bon pour eux « faire attention » = « devoir se priver » (en même temps ça les arrangent bien de faire ce raccourci…)), là vous les achevés…
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
tyvärr ett ointressant inlägg av din kompis. får mig inte att ändra åsikt precis. Förra veckan var jag på svenska ambassaden och röstade tillsammans med mina vänner. Vi röstade på SD. Sverige borde lära sig av andra länders utrikespolitik. Det finns en anledning till allt. Jag respeterar dig, broten. Du är jätterolig och talangfull, men jag har min åsikt och du har din, jag hoppas du också gjort ditt rätta val.Kram!
You couldn’t pay me to ignore these posts!
I love Model in a bottle, it was actually on the Oprah show.. I found it in a boutique where I live started using it for my wedding that photo shoots. It really really works….. I love it… I need to purchase more for my kit.
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Hey, that’s powerful. Thanks for the news.
Avec ce genre d’appareils, les clichés que l’on prend sont toujours incertains. C’est ce qui fait le charme et la beauté des tirages.
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
The truth just shines through your post
The honesty of your posting shines through
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Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
on this page is useful. I worry about what cold sores do to a womans appearance. You can look awful when your lips are full of cold sores. Any tips about what I can do about a cold sore breakout?
At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all
No standing over a stove? Woo-hoo!! And I just returned the book you spoke of to the library without even turning a page. Darn it all!! I have to make this recipe. What else I love about this post is that you referred to spring as bipolar. That is hilarious; and true.
Helena P comentou em 3 de dezembro de 2009 às 16:13. Tenho um pedido !!!!!!Mostra o seu closet um dia desses para nós?????, só uma fotinho…. é o meu sonho desde que entro no blog!!! e olha que faz tempo heim? bjo
Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.
Begun, the great internet education has.
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
Meillä oli kasvatustieteen perusopinnoissa yksi Puolimatkan kirja. Kun sain tietää Puolimatkan hörhöilyistä, oli pakko lukea se uudelleen uusin silmin. Laitoin samantien postia kurssin proffalle suosituksena vaihtaa kyseinen opus toiseen. Teksti itsessään ei promotoi IDtä suoraan, mutta kyllä tuo kirjan-ulkopuolinen asema vaikuttaa huomattavasti ja siksi pitäisi ainakin tehdä opiskelijoille selväksi, mitä taustaa vasten Puolimatka väitteitään esittää, jos eivät kirjaa vaihda.-Siina-
Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!
We are a bunch of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your website offered us with valuable information to paintings on. You’ve done a formidable task and our entire neighborhood will probably be thankful to you.
Shoot, who would have thought that it was that easy?
What a great idea to use diced tomatoes for the bruschetta! I hate buying tomatoes in the winter because we work so hard to eat local and winter tomatoes from far away don't taste that great. I plan on canning as many as I can this summer so I don't have to rely on the canned stuff from the store. Great idea!
I just ordered both MRHP books in pdf format! When can I expect this glorious edition to my personal library? EDIT: OH WAIT NVM I CAN JUST DOWNLOAD THEM LOL
C’est toute l’histoire de VRAI homme ou de VRAI mâle = XÇa implique que les autres n’en sont pas. Comme vous dites si bien, ça nous INTERPELLE en tant que gars.Si je dis que pour moi, une VRAIE femme ça ne porte que des robes et ça reste àla maison àtorcher son homme, j’ai comme l’impression qu’il va y avoir des réaction! Concernant la déception, ben c’est réciproque, alors on est quitte!
Es imposible volver a enamorar a alguien cuando se va el amor se pierde la magia y fue, por eso hay que cuidarlo siempre para que no se pierda, se olvide, se esfume… ya habra otro amor
I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the enjoyment here! keep up the good work.
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Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!
Hey, that’s the greatest! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!
more strongly, by selling the Gospel. It is a niche market, but it is still a market.”wow… are you knocking on my idea to write a fluffy christian book to sell to pay off my seminary debts? the mens and womens editions, the keepsake edition with italian leather, journals… catchy title with a pretty cover??? no???jokes aside, i love ryan bolger’s quote. and good, challenging questions to think about at the end there.
Good job making it appear easy.
me gusta mucho lo que ellas estan haciendo, ya que la convivencia que tienen, es bien de ahuvo, ya que ellas no simplemente estan participando por una corona, si por abrirse paso hacia nuevas metas, son chavas muy bonitas, y su forma de ser es lo mejor,que tienen.
Well, Neil, the book’s not quite finished yet but I’d love to a Poetry Cafe reading. I want to go to the reading on Monday but I have a school meeting that’s gobbled my time.
ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. this is absolutely hilarious and our taxes are paying for this. man all U liberals out there this should make you change your votes never have I herd of this before like the libs think there government. and all the cons have to do is sit back and smicker and relax.
November 20, 2012 There are definitely some valid questions behind the deal – and I’m far from an expert on this issue. I honestly can’t say whether Trudeau has taken the “right” or “wrong” position here…only that he’s taken a smart political position.But is there really a problem with exporting oil to China?
You ladies have impressive blooms late in summer…as I think of spring coming I realize fall is coming your way and was once melancholy for you and your gardens…but I have so enjoyed your gardens through my cold and snowy winter.
You’ve really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
Il y a deux jours, on m’a parlé de ce film. Et m’y voici à sa recherche. Si vous habitez Paris, serait-il possible qu’on se donne rendez-vous un jour pour en parler? Entretemps, j’essaierai de trouver le film, mais, chose étrange, il n’est pas disponible ni a la bibliothèque Kandinski ni a la Bibliothèque Publique d’Information… à l’idée de l’effacement de la mémoire, j’ajouterai celle du management de l’histoire. Mais c’est juste une idée rapide.
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Aaaw shame 🙁 Indeed life is tough, sometimes too tough and we feel we have to wait a while before we can begin again. These layouts are just too lovely and thank Goodness she got to be involved and you have so many happy photos of her!
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.
“You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!
Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.
I would be interested in knowing if lifestyle clauses can affect working class citizens equally to celebrities. For instance can a company gather internet searching information on someone and if they find that they visit websites that they deem as unethical or immoral behavior can they fire them? Seems a bit “big brother” to me.
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
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Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.
Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.
Tiens, mon post sur Frank Sorin PA et Grozdanovitch est passé à la trappe, de vide à trait plat, si PA pouvait descendre de sa chaise à posteur et nous expliquer pourquoi il élague des choses, pourtant ni vilaine ni génante ou en quoi elles le sont ?Par contre des pipicaca sans fondement, comme issus de leur abyssal vide personnel, tiennent ici, pour l’éternité.Mes posts repassent souvent à la trappe depuis quelques temps…?AO PS : est ce car je mentionnais le blog de Sorin ?
about your mom and especially this "She had no sense of why anyone might spend hours coaxing a dish to perfection when it would disappear in minutes once set on the table"..In my eyes that is so true!!
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Yo, good lookin out! Gonna make it work now.
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
Thanks, Betty. Mostly our customers were collectors, and/or craftspeople, who put their own collections in the houses. In the Kansas City Miniature Museum collection, one of our houses has only a minimal addition, a sewing machine and worktable, which we loved. Somehow that one item just brings the whole house alive with the idea of habitation, as if someone just left the room.
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No, from international cricket. You didn’t get that right either!Lovely tributes paid to him by Vettori & Justin Vaughan. Very appropriate..-= SarahCanterbury´s last blog .. =-.
Dany20. Juli 2012Hallo,ich möchte gerne einen Kletter-Schnupperkurs machen. Bin schon seit einiger Zeit bouldern und möchte jetzt mal in die Höhe…Wer hat Lust, mitzumachen?Bin 35 und hochmotiviert VG
No se puede negar que las guitarras suenan bien, y para ser unos ni#os el trabajo es admirable. Pero no sé si haces el comentario del baterista de manera irónica, ya que el pobre muchacho se ve bien asustado y en cada corte entre versos y coros entra fuera de tiempo. Pero como dije, un gran trabajo para estos muchachos.Cambio y fuera. Paz.
Hi AmandaTurned a bit wet and cold here, so even more jealous than I was yesterday. Sounds like your keeping the blood alcohol level to the max. Make sure your little sober when you go through US customs as they can be a bit funny.When you reach Vegas put a dollar on 17 black for me. Missing you, continue having a great time you lucky sexpot.HugsThe Hammer xxx
Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.
How much is a Second Class stamp? finally an english dub! Every hentai sex vid I looked at on this site had Jap trap written all over it.
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
Na verdade, a grande maioria dos programas funcionam normalmente, e os poucos que possuem alguma limitação, o Sandboxie identifica e instala um perfil criado para repará-las.Aqui, por exemplo, possuo o 7-Zip, o Synaptics (driver do touchpad) e um terceiro programa que possui alguns problemas, e o próprio Sandboxie me notificou disso antes de usá-los, e aplicou as devidas correções.Usando Google Chrome 13.0.782.218 em Windows 7
On running the script I am getting the following error:Cabinet Maker – Lossless Data Compression ToolERROR: Could not find file: C:\\inetpub\\temp\\input\\templatename\\manifest.xmlCan anyone me in this regard?Thanks!
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
Charlton:I do believe that it is going to take such an action to solve this problem. Our government has gone totally rogue, and it has forgotten or ignored the fact that it works for us, and not vice versa.As far as I am concerned, virtually everyone in the federal government needs to be tried. There is no one else on this earth that can reign in the monster that we allowed to grow besides we te american people. This is our job, and there isn’t going to be any avoiding it.
É preciso ter muita consciência politica e um grande amor ao próximo para persistir e lutar como Ãlvaro Cunhal.Muitos de nós gostariamos de ser assim mas vamos vacilando e abandonando a corrida se bem que a esperança de voltar à mesma nunca morra sobretudo quando somos incentivados por exemplos destes.
Perfect shot! Thanks for your post!
Presidenten skriver:Fredrik: Det blev inget positivt resultat för Elfsborg men förhoppningsvis fixar de det pÃ¥ söndag istället… Yngve: HÃ¥ller med om att spelschemat ser hyfsat jämnt ut men enligt mig har MFF en fördel dÃ¥ HIF har allsvenskans tre svÃ¥raste matcher kvar (MFF, ÖSK och Elfsborg borta).
E por falar em Bismarcks, nunca e tarde recordar que o um Bismarck de verdade disse:"Os tolos dizem que aprendem com os seus próprios erros; eu prefiro aprender com os erros dos outros."( Otto von Bismarck )Tinha razao, Professor. Nao sao mocambicanos. Sao arianos!…
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
Växjö, jag är nog den sämsta du någonsin kan hitta på Geografi, men hittar jag det på kartan så tar jag en sväng över för att besöka staden, miljöerna och ha några riktigt goa dagar där, låt mig få träffa dig då?
The ability to think like that shows you’re an expert
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I was looking everywhere and this popped up like nothing!
I’m amazed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog that’s equally educative and engaging, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy I stumbled across this in my hunt for something concerning this.
Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.
I can relate. After my mum died I dispensed with the annual day with the relos. Friends you can choose. Sad about the Scotch, though. I like a nice smooth drop. Single malt is best. Ah well. At least the fruit flies died happy.
Couldn?t be written any better. Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
Kajian yang menarik, namun tidak semudah dan seringan para si pemilik perusahaan mau berkorban untuk waktu yang merupakan investasi yang terlalu besar di dalam sebuah Blog.Namun, bila hal tersebut dilakukan maka kita akan menukan hasilnya domino dari upaya tersebut.Sukses selalu Salam Ejawantah’s Blog
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Excuse me to me for my evil Englishman speaks. Hello Frank, I you want to congratulate to you for the book that you published of newts and salamanders. A book with a few nice illustrations and very complete for beginners. It is my opinion.When I got fond in the world of the urodels, I not tape-worm Internet and the book that you wrote was my bible, at present, I support several species of newts and salamanders and have managed to raise some species. A greeting and I hope that you return to write another book of the caudata. Shaft the near one.
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The main problem with power and corruption is, like with anything else, a problem of pride and humility, of vice and virtue. If virtue is absent, corruption is inevitable. If it is present, corruption can be checked to an extent proportional at least to the sphere of authority, and more with God’s help. I think a good example would be John Paul II and Soviet Communism. Frossard compared the Pope’s action, which materially was only speech, to the stone that killed Goliath.
I’ve been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thanks , I’ll try and check back more often. How frequently you update your web site?
If only there were more clever people like you!
06/05/2011 – 10:55amEso es lo que más o menos se preguntaba el otro dÃa David Sánchez en la mismÃsima Radio Marca justo al final del partido de vuelta de semis den el Camp Nou (ni le contestarón, ¿”pa” qué?
Your post captures the issue perfectly!
moment to thank Raine Miller for providing us with not just some stories but some fantastic prizes. Click here to enter for a chance to win a handcrafted Raine Miller goodie bag. And check out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win ebooks of both Naked and All In. What can
Hei Heidi, deilig inspo med bilder….elsker stolen og puffen, kremt* denne har jeg ogsÃ¥;) og puten i blÃ¥tt med deilige sommer blomster.
The difference between the bromance between Josef and Mick vs McG and Danno is that Josef never made me want to down a bottle of Tums.Sometimes Danno’s raving is just a bit too much. I hope they find a better balance in S2.
J'eusse aimé y être.Comment était Shannon Wright?J'aurais été intéressé aussi par François and the Atlas Mountains dont on dit le plus grand bien…
This piece was cogent, well-written, and pithy.
About 3 hours by plane I believe! Be here by dinner tomorrow night and we will make a place for you! I am sure she would adopt you and I have always wanted a sister, so hurry up!! LOL!
What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posting!
la Licra et l’association SOS Racisme ont annoncé leur intention de poursuivre le journaliste pour diffamation raciale, estimant qu’Eric Zemmour n’a pas le droit d’avoir tort sur un sujet aussi sensibleSi ça a vraiment été dit dans ces termes, c’est tout simplement que ce qu’a dit Zemmour était vrai ^^ » Si même Licra et SOS Racisme l’approuvent…et bien…
If, based on the math, you had multiple parties each with a decimal of a seat greater then .5 you would round then up, leaving the possibility that an extra seat would be needed.
Wow. Just wow. Hazell goes 5-for-20 with 2 assists last night and now in Gonzo’s eyes he’s Jason Kidd, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson rolled into one? Yeesh.
What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly
You know, I would have put money on you having a fabulous party, and that that cape (and your hats!) would be doing the rounds after a while!You are a beautiful goddess in green, like Lucy I am in awe of your ability to look so gorgeous after 2 bottles of wine, and I would love to nibble on all your nibbles, missus!Liz's dress is spectacular too. And the boys' horn section – what can I say???Chips for breakfast – yeah, why not? Do what makes you happy, my darling! Happy New Year! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think youve produced some truly interesting points. Not too many people would really think about this the way you just did. Im definitely impressed that theres so substantially about this topic thats been uncovered and you did it so well, with so substantially class. Very good one you, man! Actually fantastic things right here.
I made this tonight with venison instead of beef or pork. It turned out wonderful. I also added a teaspoon of paprika and a cup of beef stock instead of water. I will definitely make this again.
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
There are no supplements proven to increase egg size/quality, however, there are several protocols under investigation for potential benefit. You may want to ask your Reproductive Endocrinologist about DHEA, myo-inositol, melatonin and CoQ10 with your next cycle if this one is not successful. We do not recommend taking these supplements without doctor’s approval. Let’s hope this cycle works, though…Best of luck!
disse:Fernando “Nunão” De Martini disse:12 de dezembro de 2012 à s 12:00Pois pra mim a FAB precisava é de apenas 5 esquadrões de um multirole, desde que fosse um 5a geração no estado da arte. E só existe um disponÃvel para aquisição hoje em dia: o LM F-35 JSF.Com isso se poderia diminuir a Força e empregar esquadrões para outras missões.Mas rá… mais fácil que acabe ficando mesmo é com 5 esq
Aaarti,Blogging is indeed a great way of discovering friends and relatives and even yourself. Thanks for being a constant motivator. I am glad that the travel bug has bit you as the places you seem to go are tempting me as well..
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
I am forever indebted to you for this information.
The right but most boring choice. Also – how can the designer of the year be owned by so few men. I actually don’t know anyone who has a Thom Browne anything.
, we will never integrate “FLASH” in apple’s devices. So as everybody knows, flash is very important for some videos, websites, softwares, applications to work. No flash, means you are very limited to what you can do. Also applications are nothing free as Galaxy’s apps.
That insight would have saved us a lot of effort early on.
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
Thanks so much Kylie! But you know the opposite is also true… having only really used traditional media I find I’m somewhat of a “fish out of water” when it comes to using digital media. Hence, my digital painting looks pretty much like I painted a portrait with oils on a canvas (it has a similar feel to my Sam Gamgee portrait). And I approached it much as I would an actual painting. Those who learned with Digital media can do things I have not a clue about
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
Most of us have trouble making it out of survival mode. The deck is stacked against us with resources concentrated in the hands of the few, so it can be a struggle to accumulate the resources to make a go of anything. I just saw a Harvard Business professor yesterday talking on Bloomberg yesterday about how business has been trained to hoard cash and therefore is not making investments. The hoarding mentality which is part of survival thinking makes it hard for people to survive. Some peole manage in spite of it all, but is that really the best we can do? I think not and I am looking forward to seeing how we change it.
Hallo Ulrich,es freut mich, dass du auf meinen Blog gekommen bist. Solltest du Probleme oder Fragen über den Raspberry Pi haben, einfach hier irgendwo stellen Du findest hier übrigens auch einige Artikel darüber wie man Debian (Raspbian) installiert und konfiguriert.Viel Spaß mit deinem neuen Pi!
Ol neb stuart sounds like another chimpout jew that’s crying from having his ass kicked with the truth and exposed by incogman. Some of his other blogs are spreading like wildfire and it has them scared and scurrying around to post as many lies as they can. Hey neb, you got to learn to wipe your mouth after you shit.
I have sun damage and am light skinedI was diagnosed with acktinic kertosisI will be attending school for acupuncture soon and look forward to healing myself this information sounds true i cant wait to trythank you
We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!
You leave C-Gidget(tm) alone! He looks good in sunglasses, dammit! That’s the ONE thing you MUST do to be in a Point Break remake!DEAL WITH IT!*cries self to sleep after washing down a handful of Vicodin with Jagermeister*
October 29, 2011 – 8:01 am I used to get a lot of angry customer calls when working for big tech company managing a product. I used a strategy used by suicide prevention hotlines. I called it ‘preventing customer suicide’, which was a way for me to get distance and not have to be right/better/superior/etc. Listen, acknowledge the pain, respond with care. Even when no was the answer to the request (freebees mostly), customers were satisfied.It seems these technologies are often used as customer avoidance strategies rather than improving communication, a la the hated automated phone systems (at least I hate them).
You’ve managed a first class post
Can I just say… waaaahhhh!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I’m sooo sad I missed out on all the fun! I was pouting all evening. We only stayed at my sister’s party for about an hour because it was getting late for Oliver, then we went to my parents’ house to put him to bed and listen to my dad’s football game on the radio. Not nearly as cool as seeing NKOTB with you guys. 🙁 I guess now I’ll have to add this to my list of “Things To Do Before I Turn FORTY,” lol…I’m glad the rest of you had a great time though! I’m going to watch the videos right now! :DMelissas last blog post:
I had no idea how to approach this before-now I’m locked and loaded.
Great post, Kari. I don't have a book deal yet, but I'm trying to prepare myself for that day. 🙂 I have a hard time taking a day off, because I feel like I should write every day, although I'm not sure that's as productive as it's intended to be. I hate to admit it, but I think I may have to set some sort of schedule, even a loose one.Debbie, congrats on your recent sale!
It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d certainly donate to this brilliant blog! I guess for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to new updates and will share this blog with my Facebook group. Chat soon!
Way to use the internet to help people solve problems!
Going to put this article to good use now.
GemHello Michelle,Glad you’re laughing with us I forgot, what about some of the Anderson fairy tales? The original Little Mermaid had me sobbing and I believe there was one about a little girl who sold matchsticks which was just heartbreaking.
Uggla var verkligen bra i gÃ¥r,man fick en annan uppfattning om honom,och sen gillar jag hans sätt att prata och ställa frÃ¥gor till dom andra.DÃ¥ fÃ¥r man själv lite svar pÃ¥ sÃ¥nt man undrar över.Omelett efter en krogkväll,nja det vet jag inte om jag skulle vilja ha..*L* annars är det ju gott.Hoppas att förkylningen ger med sig och att du inte blir alltför dÃ¥lig.Kram och ha en fin söndag♥
Created the greatest articles, you have.
hmm magnifique chatte qui ne demande qu’a etre devoree! d’abord passer la langue sur ses longues levres lisses puis aspirer ce clito qui commence a gonfler…hmmm un regal!
Hallo,gab es im Oktober ein weiteres Panda Update für die Suche auf In einigen Blogs wird dies vermutet und Matt Cutts hat dies für die Nacht vom 13. auf den 14. Oktober bestätigt. Gilt dies auch für den deutschen Markt?VGJens
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.
whoah this blog is fantastic i love reading your articles. Keep up the good work! You know, a lot of people are searching around for this information, you can aid them greatly.
excellent issues altogether, you just gained a brand new reader. What could you recommend about your submit that you simply made some days in the past? Any certain?
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?
f3Generally I don’t read post on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to check out and do so! Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thanks, quite nice post.
Ha j'adore! Tu peux pas savoir ce que ça me fait plaisir de voir affichée – Enfin!!!! – la mesquinerie des "têtes pensantes" de ce groupe de presse. Minables, irresponsables, petits et frileux, j'ai bien peur, Jack et Walter que vous perdiez votre temps à essayer de discuter avec l'un d'eux.Et pour le coup, je partage avec un plaisir non feint!
That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!
; the cop doesn't need a warrant if he arrests you on the street. He needs a warrant to search your car or your house (other than the parts of them within arm's reach if you are arrested in them).I think even the 6th Amendment issue can be finessed by "confronting" you with the photo of the violation. Seems sketchy to me, but I'm sure that's the way the courts will rule, same as photoradar tickets…
I like the BMW, I’m afraid. But I can’t say I looked at the front of my car before I bought it. I was only interested in the 7-passenger angle. Sigh. No sleek beamer for this taxi mom.
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
This is both street smart and intelligent.
Way to use the internet to help people solve problems!
Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.
“My argument is that women not being able to support themselves can be dangerous.”Getting married is dangerous. The best defense would seem to be having large families, so that each unhappy bride has brothers and cousins to which she can turn in time of need. Getting married while keeping each other at arm’s length would seem to be more dangerous, even among the outliers, or, rather, may be one of the factors contributing to unhappiness among the outliers, along with no-fault divorce.
oooh I love your card, honey! These new images are fab, so glad I ordered the kit! Can't wait to see what else you make, cos this one is yum-o!Big HugsTab xxx
Thinking like that shows an expert at work
R " a coon commentary spot as the 'Black' expert." Yes i think Mr. West will continue jiggin' somewhere. Good thing he lost his election and recount. Yasssssss!!!!!
Taak!Ja, man er sgu nærmest bare blevet dekraderet til et hylster! Og ungen inde i mave har det jo som blommen i et æg. Det er sgu mig der gennemgår alt det der ikke er sjovt!
Merlin is too awesome!! Love black cats, I used to have two. My big fluffy lion like kitty was named Felix would play fetch with me. Awww….. you reminded me of good times. So glad that Merlin has been a wonderful addition to your family! He is a beauty. Cats rule! hee hee
Caloz ez marhajóóó:D bár nekem sosincs ennyi hajgumim mert folyton eltűnnek..:/ általában a csuklómon hordom Å‘ket Ãgy mindig kéznél vannak:DViki: hihetetlen mutatós darab lett, tökre el tudom képzelni a jövÅ‘beli lakásomban:)
Obama is the fake friend if you ask me. Lets be serious. He has done everything to distance himself and he went along with the idea that being anywhere near associated with the likes of Jackson is a smear.Get out of here…rename you blog the House Negro.
Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.
This is crystal clear. Thanks for taking the time!
I just gifted sweater to my grandson made of 60% alpaca 40% and it seemed to glow once I got it blocked. It was fabulous to work with. I have made several items with 100% alpaca and they are a bit limp but oh so soft. Good to know that I shouldn’t chose the fiber for cables – thanks!
List of the Best Law Colleges in Gujarat. This includes all the top Law colleges & institutes offering LLB courses degree in Gujarat. Some of these offer LLM courses as
i want darkmoon to write her an email saying among other things that lobro misses his comrade-in-arms, there is none fiercer, nor better informed.don’t hand the jews a victory on platter, do you think they deserve that?
Ummmmmm… qué buen aspecto. Tengo pendiente hacer un pastelito de éstos salado, pero viendo el tuyo… me ha tentado más!. Es más lindo y apetecible que el que vi en otra receta. jejejejejBesitos
That’s really thinking out of the box. Thanks!
Ditto.I think I will re-read "the Kite Runner", altho Khaled Hosseini's book "A Thousand Splendid Suns" is more closely represented by your picture of the girl in the window.Thanx
Your post is a timely contribution to the debate
I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.
I want to send you an award for most helpful internet writer.
Schade, dass du, lieber Peter North, dich im Gewand eines Pornodarsteller auf solche Kommentare einlässt. Der Wolf im Schafspelz heisst nämlich nicht Peter North, sondern Jan Peter Kühn, Dipl.-Soziologe und Initiator des Berlin-Mitte-Instituts, der gerade zur Erwerbsarbeit in der Techno-Szene promoviert. Wirklich schade und ziemlich traurig.
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
Marcia disse:Lina estou em Paris e seu blog foi essencial para minha viagem, muito obrigada por tudo. Mas me descuidei sobre esse assunto do Detaxe, existe um valor mÃnimo das notas? Não fiz nenhuma grande compra mas varias de pequeno e médio valor, posso juntar todas elas? Realmente ainda estou confusa com as informações. Obrigada novamente.
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.
J’ai envoyé un commentaire aujourd’hui il y a un bon moment maintenant, rien dans son contenu ne me permet de comprendre pourquoi il n’est pas passé.Bien cordialement
My favorite bookstore website is Powell’s – they always recommend something good. Amazon is pretty spot-on as well. Borders, not so much (I was ready to punch them when they kept emailing me about Sarah Palin’s book.)Still, at least where I live, bricks-and-mortar bookstores offer up a heaping pile of serendipity. I can’t walk into a couple of the better ones in my town and get past their display tables without buying something. Maybe it depends on who is picking the books.
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
In the complicated world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.
That’s a smart way of looking at the world.
Des murs préfabriqués se montent d’un étage par jour.Dès que le gabarit fut constaté, les voisins se sont sentis rapetissés. À l’arrière, les voisins voient 4 étages. Un solage à 2m50 hors terre, deux étages de 10 pieds et une terrasse pour écornifler de haut chez les voisins.On va camoufler le solage avec un muret et sur la terrasse, on va s’asseoir pour respecter les plans approuvés
Thanky Thanky for all this good information!
Thank you for every other informative website. Where else may just I am getting that type of info written in such a perfect method? I have a project that I’m simply now working on, and I’ve been on the look out for such info.
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
The author mentions that squirrel phenomenon, actually. Yeah, I struggled with the concept of all of us being ‘self-interested’, but finally realized that self-interested is quite different from ‘self-interested’, and that it’s not a bad thing. And when we understand this fact, human nature starts taking on a whole new light. It’s interesting stuff…
Hello my friend! I want to say that this article is amazing, nice written and include almost all important infos. I would like to see more posts like this.
rosemary colbert August 31, 2012 fantastic put up, very informative. I ponder why the other experts of this sector don’t understand this. You should proceed your writing. I am sure, you have a great readers’ base already!
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3adà °•à °¿à °¨à °¿à °—à ±†.à °•à °¾à °‚ à °²à ±‹ à °¯à °‚à °¡à °®à ±‚à °°à °¿ à °¨à °µà °²à °² à °ªà °°à ±Âà °µà °‚ à °®à ±Šà °¦à °²à °µà °¡à °‚à °¤à ±‹ – “à °¨à °¿à °¶à °¬à ±Âà °¦à °‚ à °¨à ±€à °•à ±‚ à °¨à °¾à °•à ±‚ à °®à °§à ±Âà °¯”, “à °†à °¨à °‚à °¦à ±‹ à °¬à ±Âà °°à °¹à ±Âà °®” à °šà °¦à °¿à °µà °¾à °¨à ±Â. à °®à ±Šà °¦à °Ÿà °¿à °¦à °¿ à °¨à °¾à °•à °‚à °¤ à °¨à °šà ±Âà °šà °²à ±‡à °¦à ±Â. à °°à ±†à °‚à °¡à °µà °¦à °¿ à °šà °¿à °µà °°à °¿à °¦à °¾à °•à °¾ à °†à °ªà °•à ±Âà °‚à °¡à °¾ à °šà °¦à °¿à °µà °¿à °‚à °šà °¿à °‚à °¦à °¿ à °•à °¾à °¨à ±€, à °…à °²à °¾à °—à °¨à °¿ à °¨à °¾à °•à ± à °µà °¿à °ªà °°à ±€à °¤à °‚à °—à °¾ à °¨à °šà ±Âà °šà °¿à °‚à °¦à °¨à ±€ à °…à °¨à °²à ±‡à °¨à ±Â. à °šà °¦à °¿à °µà °¿à °‚à °šà ±‡ à °—à ±Âà °£à °‚ à °¬à °¾à °—à °¾ à °‰à °‚à °¦à °‚à °¤à ±‡.
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Hi Amanda hope ur good, i loved ur boy/girl video and can’t wait 4 the next 1 and just wanted 2 ask u which website do u think i should join? this 1 or shebang, i’m loving u on blue bird and also im following u on twitter now. Love as always Ehsan xxxx.
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
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Mike Vigilant "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -Ghandi Home RSS ← The Grad School Search
I always look in the men’s section for shoes like that, but they’re usually too big and too wide. 🙁 But I know I’ll have luck one of these days!
Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.
That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.
Insights like this liven things up around here.
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.
Crimineel Dat zijn jouw woorden Jacqueline.Langzaam maar zeker gaat het taboe van de vetten af en krijgt men door dat de koolhydraten de ware vetmakers zijn.De kracht van internet en het ‘weten’ van de mensen dat ze van vetarme voeding niet gelukkig, laat staan slank worden, zal de doorslag gaan geven.De voedingsraad zal vanzelf volgen met andere richtlijnen.Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat 2012 het jaar wordt van de omslag naar koolhydraatbeperking.
Yes, I get the point that the vast majority don't want to. And I agree that over time more probably will. I guess I was just confused by the post title, which evidently I took as being more definitive than it was intended. Apologies for my apparently tenous grip on the standards of the English language.
Fais moi peur… Et si ce sondage « rigoureux » (chut) fait plaisir aux médias, il ne fait, toutefois, que confirmer ce que je crois : une France rabougrie peuplée par des vieux cerveaux dans lesquels l’intelligence a bien longtemps disparu. J’ai de vivre dans ce pays. Et puis, un rayon de soleil, les championnats d’athlétisme : la France vivante et diversifiée. Merci aux athlètes.
Your post captures the issue perfectly!
If someone has developed the requisite spiritual qualities such that God sees fit to place them in the celestial kingdom, I assume their society will not be too objectionable to me in the afterlife. And if I can’t let go of whatever past offenses an exalted being may have committed against me, then that individual’s presence in the CK won’t be much of a problem since I probably won’t be there myself.
Heippa! Tiedätkö että onko kaikki ruohonjuuren kosmetiikka/kemikaalit eläinkokeettomia? Ja mitä mieltä itse olet the body shopin tuotteista. Ovatko ne hyvä vaihtoehto vai täyttä moskaa?
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
thotë:UNE E NJOH MUHAMET KUKAJ perndryshe ethirrin AMERIKANI dhe edij se eshte ne gjendej te mjerusheme ,kontributi tij eshtye shembull por duhet edhe ne te jemi shembull per te ,por koha pe bajka te veten , klmmm
"Lasten laiminlyönnistä, puutteellisesta hoidosta ja tapoista on annettu tuomioita pitkin vuosia."Mikä näitä ihmisiä vaivaa?! Luulisi että sen ekan kuolleen kohdalla olisi viimeistään alkanut mietityttämään, että ei tämä kuolema nyt ainakaan uskonpuutteesta johtunut. Ei näin.Erittäin kannatettava lakiehdotus.
Going to put this article to good use now.
Cabby AZ, As I know you are aware of, our founding fathers left us many quotes and differnt examples of leaders having tendency of mankinds nature to rule supreme, thus becoming dictators and tyrants. It is for this very reason they outlined a binding contract between the citizens and the federal government, our constitution, as well as our bill of rights and our declarations of independence condemming such tyrants.
I really needed to find this info, thank God!
🙂 So my excuse is poor amygdala control… oh wait, that is poor self-control 🙂 Eat less, exercise more… 🙂 Funny about your MIL though. Seems in every family there is either someone like her that can turn goodies down, or a person that can eat "whatever they want" all the time and stay thin. Ahhh family 🙂 Thanks for the post!Angel
I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.
So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
This info is the cat’s pajamas!
Astalavista compadre! Garcias for this very enlightening video tutorial. Didn`t realize that there is so much you can do to a videoclip using WMM. Tak tau plak bendalah ni dah ada install kat dalam pc saya. Sheeeesh, how could I be so dumb?
Created the greatest articles, you have.
Hey! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading through this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this page to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
Super informative writing; keep it up.
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This makes everything so completely painless.
Believe it’s an average of $18,500,000 average per round not per player. The $185,000,000 is for all the teams to divide across all rounds. Considering that the 1st round has a bigger pool than the last round the average is meaningless. If it were $18,500,000 per player then the kids being drafted would be make more than the MLB average salary.
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
disse:Agradeço a referência e vejo que, apesar da falta de tempo — nossa pandemia — lê-se muito bem por aqui.Tens total razão sobre a universalidade de Tchekhov. Meu Volga é o GuaÃba…Fico feliz que o secretário de Comunicação de Olinda alterne reuniões e boas leituras, mesmo sob o risco de sua retina…Grande abraço.
/ This state agency issues licenses upon successful completion of a few more beads for him. If you skip this step, you will then have access to jobs that you have in mind. But what if you use this wire. {||||
Che poi il motivo è molto semplice: Apple è d’elite, e non tutti possono permettersi l’elite. E poi a quanto pare non sà che la gente sulle cose apple ci mette musica scaricata da altre parti. Insomma viva l’ignoranza, ma da Battiato non mi aspetto di più.
Why can’t she just use regular butter and syrup to top her French toast and pancakes like 99.9% of society? They always look so dry spackled with a smear of sticky nutbutter and scuffin crumbs or fakery granola. Pour some damn maple syrup on top, Kathy, and turn it into a sugarbomb like every other breakfast.
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If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.
”Ni beklagar sorgen for de narstaende” och ”ni tar starkt avstand fran kriminellt beteende”.Och det snoar i helvetet. Det ar en sak att saga en sak och en helt annan att mena det. Det ar ett ynkligt forsok till alibi nar ni i sjalva verket njuter av nyheterna att Sverigedemokrater dor eller misshandlas. Det ar inte svaart att lasa mellan raderna. Men det ar klart, ni ar ju de goda och Sverigedemokraterna de onda oavsett garningar.
I’m impressed. You’ve really raised the bar with that.
Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!
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Gareth,I don’t know about that argument, but you’re probably right. People will often get defensive at what they think someone is saying, rather than what they really mean.Perhaps I’ll make it out to Ray’s sometime this year–perhaps when I go the east coast in November. No promises, but I will ask about scanning the images.
Absolutely! Get that beautiful ocean sunset pic screened onto a t-shirt and wear it with pride. And be sure to perfect a flabbergasted look of “Oh my, the TIME you must spend cleaning, maintaining, working to pay bills… how DO you enjoy yourself?!”
With one minor point of clarification ….. what is your definition of “rocketing along US Highway 12″? I chuckled when I read that….loved the stories. You are a great rider…..made me feel like I was there. Only I was on a cute little Harley Sporster named Little Bit. Actually, Little Bit is history. I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 1965 Vespa Scooter — although I don’t think I’ll be quite as adventurous. Thank you for sharing the words and pics, Tom. You are a treasure to be sure.
If the Mayan’s were still around, it would be grounds for a big new-cycle party! Oh yeah, they would be lopping those heads off right and left!My personal favorite is the Mayan version of basketball where the losers lose their heads after the game. Lynn McGuire
I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this info for my mission.
If it’s console-specific or PC footage I’ll say so in a trailer’s title, and sometimes the description too. Game companies usually showcase the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 version in their multi-platform vids.
The vintage pinny is adorable and the glasses are such a find, I love the yellow lenses. Can’t wait to see some of those jumble sale finds xxx
Reviewed on: June 25, 2012The best free experience Vegas has to offer! If you have not been, go! Even those who have been usually go again. This has got to be one of the top 5 best free things to do in Vegas! Check it out.
Wow these are some great tips I work with AIL and they have great tips for job seekers… and they’re hiring too check it out : )
That’s a smart way of looking at the world.
This is the perfect way to break down this information.
Ho ho, who woulda thunk it, right?
Gabriel Hadarean – If your skin tone is orange, maybe you need to adjust your picture control settings, white balance or fine tune your LCD. Skin tone results are as varied as the styles of the photographers who use them.
I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.
Awwwww pictures are so cutee!! she's adorableee!! I'm so happy for you and your new family!! I wish you the best in this new journey!!! May God keep blessing your familyyy!! 🙂
To the best of my knowledge the Museum of Tolerance will deal neither with the Holocaust (because Yad Vashem already does that) nor with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. So don’t pin your hopes on that museum, part of which is being built over Muslim graves and thus is hardly in a position to preach or teach tolerance.
Ecco, sono qui, commento (forse, se scrivo in fretta, azz…) per primo,posso proporre un tema e fregare tutti sul tempo……e non mi viene in mente una beata fava.Ecco.Un’altra occasione persa.…Ah, e se il tema fosse: “I tram che ho perso”?Non abbastanza scemo, eh?
Excellent Point, Evan! While it is true that the West has a dangerous Fifth Column of Muslims living in our countries; the Muslim countries, in particular Saudi Arabia, have a potentially dangerous Fifth Column of Asians, Africans, Europeans and Americans literally RUNNING their countries.CIA — Are you listening?
Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.
That is because your body is still working out, adjusting to the new changes. I suggest you take your dieting slowly, one at a time. Because this can lead to poor concentration and low energy throughout the day.
Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!
that, I do agree that you have some very valid points, and that (a) those thinking about joining an organization check it out thoroughly, and (b) the oranization itself has a defined purpose and absolute transparency.Can’t wait for the blog on certification! Blessings,Bonnie
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
By the way, and this has nothing to do with Frances’s second marriage, did you ever come across the story that while walking at Sheen, Frances and Henry Grey encountered a bloody, axe-wielding hand coming from behind the wall? It shows up everywhere–Chapman, Weir, Davey, and in countless novels, but I can’t trace it back further than Agnes Strickland. Do you know whether she actually had a source for it, or whether the Victorian imagination was just running wild that day?
With that money, the best profession in the world is breeder. I get $2,000/month as a salary in Orlando, Florida, USA, and I work as a Math professor in a university. Good God.Here in the USA we protest because our public employees make much more money than private ones… And both the privates and publics work their ass out for their salary… MooSlums just breed for it…
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.
That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.
You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.
that someone calling themselves a Hindu in India is considered communal/unsecular (by some sections of the society). I was looking for specific examples/issues of that, because I’m skeptical of that claim, and would rather decide for myself. That’s why I’d bolded “this” in 1conoclast’s comment that I quoted.
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
above, possession will get you nowhere if you aren’t putting it in the back of the net… took them an entire half to start attacking fully. can’t rely on that if you are going to meet a team like brazil or netherlands in future rounds! let alone look past paraguay in next!
That’s really thinking out of the box. Thanks!
La pintura, aunque esté realizada en un pequeño formato,es la consecuenciade la idea de un pintor.Cuando plasmamos una expresión de una idea, elresultado, es la imagen resultante, y como consecuencia de este hecho loque apreciamos en el plano es el resultado de años de investigación, de mucchosmaestros dedicados a ese trabajo. Si ponemos atención en la pintura, podremoscomprobar, como está ejecutada, y nos daremos cuenta,que lo que parece que notiene importancia, es en realidad una obra maestra. Cuantas veces una pinturapasa desapercivida, y a lo largo de la historia se reconoce su valor José Mario Fajardo Antequera
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
Dear Vix, you've done a fabulous job recycling these pieces and giving them a new lease of life. I love Thirties furniture too. My worst nightmare would be something flat pack, no character or style.I love it all but my favourite piece has to be the lamp base it's stunning! I've never seen anything quite like it. Have a great evening. I've totally overdone it this weekend! Love C xx
Yeah, Youtube dudes, YOU should re-look at how you deal with flagged videos! For example something that happened to me lately : some fukker, for no reason, flagged a sexy (not sex!) video of mine that contains ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY. Then YOU guyz age-restricted access to it (ok, fine, no prob). But a few months later, the vid got REJECTED!! (why would u do that). I mean, this is a double punishment for me. fucc!!! now bcause of that sh!t, i have only 2 chances left!
Best artical yet and you pointed out everything I wanted to know and more, thanks so much for taking the time, you taught me something, thanks alot will be back soon.
Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!
Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. 🙂
Wow I must confess you make some very trenchant points.
Glad you had such a wonderful trip – I think you really needed it. Hope you settle back in again and that next year is wonderful for you and D-Man!
followed the steps in week one, you’ll have the nice skeleton of an author website in place. Week two gave you the opportunity to start adding a little flesh to that skeleton, by choosing a subtle but
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.
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It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.
Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
Thank you, chaamiey !!Gerry, I’ve noticed some of my Japanese posts are started to be quoted in many sites. I guess I have to resume translating your posts soon. Could you please put this for Japanese readers?”日本人ã®çš†æ§˜ã¸ ç¾åœ¨、ã“ã®çš‡åŸŽæ–°èžã‚’解èªã—、英訳ã™ã‚‹ä½œæ¥ã‚’è¡Œã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™。ã¾ãšã¯æ›¸ãèµ·ã—ã‹ã‚‰å§‹ã‚ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ãŒ、ã‚ã‚„ãµã‚„ã§ã‚ã£ãŸã‚Šä¸æ˜Žãªæ¼¢å—ã«ã¤ã„ã¦、ãŠã‚ã‹ã‚Šã«ãªã‚‹ç¯„囲ã§çµæ§‹ã§ã™ã®ã§、æ•™ãˆã¦ã„ãŸã ã‘ã‚Œã°å¹¸ã„ã§ã™。”Maybe, Korean sentence will be necessary as well?
No problem, Carol. The dashboard to all the self tests plus the fundamentals exercise series is at . You should have come from there to get to this page for this self test. Bookmark that page or refer to the link from the email you received after you signed up.Pay specific attention to the “Push Away Lunge” in the exercise series to address your tight hips. The full home training course will be available soon as well as a coaching program option where you can get direct access to me for individualized guidance, support, and accountability. Talk soon,drh
Hello! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any problems with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing months of hard work due to no back up. Do you have any methods to protect against hackers?
There seems to be an acceptance of foreign words in answers and I always think it a bit unfair.This compiler has a ‘penchant’ for such as in 16d.I have seen answers like ‘pied a terre’ and ‘en plein’Is everyone au fait with what I mean and am I being pendantic…probably yesTodays was facile, Je pense
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
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Lama maybe you should try changing the type of yogurt you use to make the labneh. There are some yogurt brands on the markets without live cultures and others with too many additives.. This might be a part of the problem
THX that’s a great answer!
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Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!
Hey, a Twitter conversation, what a nifty idea! (I'd seriously never heard of scheduling something like that, but then I freely admit I'm ign'ant.) I haven't read this, but I'll at least spread the word!
I keep saying, as a thirteen year old, I loved Stan Lee. Then I grew up. I don’t find all of his writing awful, but it simply doesn’t hold up. On the other hand, Kirby’s writing, not being based on any fake attempt to be hip and with the times, does hold up pretty well, along withthe art. I’m not inspired by any of Stan’s writing.
”Tumme ner för Orsato – vilken pajas, med tanke pÃ¥ SES gula och Boas röda… IG”…samt ett solklart offsidemal och iovrigt skumma beslut.
That addresses several of my concerns actually.
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.
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Intelligence and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.
Taking the overview, this post is first class
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I'm an urban animal, but I love to visit the countryside, and North Yorkshire looks wonderful. The dress is gorgeous, and the style looks great on you. The cardi is a perfect match. Btw, isn't God's Own Country doing well in the Olympics all on it's own!!
Più che bello il leopardo delle nevi è un animale superbo, nel doppio significato di questo aggettivo: splendido, ma anche dotato di un senso di superiorità ed orgoglio felino. Ma qualcuno mi spiega perchè da qualche tempo in casa Cupertino spopolano i felini?
disse:Brigada Diê!Eu sempre escrevo pensando: putz, q textinho fraco, isso não tá a altura do blog heheheheheE geralmente quando eu MAIS penso que o post não vai ter repercussão alguma é qdo mais tem comentários hahahaha
Re: that Norma Rae movie, specifically that scene where she hops up on the table to show everybody her sign, I'd always presumed she was making her lunch order known and had merely misspelled "onion".
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂
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Genine, If you would like, get some scratchboard nibs, and then you can scratch in to the clay surface when you are done painting, it could take the place of the RW white ink! I am a scratchboard artist, and love clapboard, aqua board and scratchboards! Fun!
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Cher Quentin,L’an dernier tu avais pris le concours en cours de route, et tes 27423 points correspondent aux points de ta team (choisie en mars, je le rappelle) depuis janvier. Tu crois abuser qui, là ?
Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
make sure to check out the London Dungeons too! it’s a walking tour combined with an indoor amusement park and supposed to be fabulous. it’s located right off of London Bridge and about 20 pounds entrance fee.
I really couldn’t ask for more from this article.
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If only there were more clever people like you!
Il fatto che una bistecca alla griglia o un piatto di spaghetti aglio e olio e peperoncino siano comunque migliori di tutto rende la cucina un'arte alquanto sopravvalutata… secondo me. Anche se master chef me lo guardo pure io :)Simone
Great post again.Yes, a lot of people don’t believe it at first but it is true.But eating good tasting healthy food does take a little work/experience.
A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.
Dove si fa riflessioni sulla liturgia,chiedendo come renderla attraente, interessante e bella, la partita è giàpersa.O essa è Opus Dei con Dio come specifico soggetto, o non è.In questo vi chiedo realizzate la sacra liturgia avendo lo sguardo verso Dio nella comunione dei santi, della Chiesa vivente di tutti i luoghi e di tutti i tempi, affinchè diventi espressione della bellezza e della sublimitàdel Dio amico degli uomini.J.Ratzinger
Your posting is absolutely on the point!
Czeka i czeka też druga najpierw alkohol. Zobaczymy, porównamy. ZapomniaÅ‚aÅ› dodać, że do krojenia konieczne rÄ™kawice, inaczej rÄ™ce wygadajÄ… jak…nie powiem co.
You saved me a lot of hassle just now.
Boneeega! Mi ĵus tradukis al mia edzino. Plej bona Åerco, kiun mi vidis la tutan monaton. Mi fakte emas Åteli Äin por meti en propran blogon…Ken
There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.
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Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.
Jennifurret, same is true if you compare alcohol in France vs US. Young Americans don’t know how to deal with alcohol because they’ve been repressed instead of taught. Then they suddenly are able to get drunk and do stupid things, which reinforces the repression on others.“Decency” and drinking laws are just about one thing: appeasing offended and frustrated people.
Just WHAT CASE did the U.S. Supreme Court "rule" that ANYONE born on American soil is a "natural born Citizen"? Because the ONLY "binding precedent" that our U.S. Supreme Court has issued, has been in Minor v. Happersett—which states BOTH PARENTS have to be U.S. Citizens!!! There seem to be several "dictas", but only ONE BINDING PRECEDENT!
I think that UoM would probably fall into the Bloggernacle pretty solidly- but we’re one of the much smaller blogs.I think that we’re still in the process of figuring out how we’re doing links at UoM, but I’ll talk to Arwyn and see about having you added.I really like both John’s blog and his wifes blog.
I spent my first 2 years at Iowa so they are my #2 team. My #1 team where I graduated from take the field today – Hook em Horns! Go Texas!LOVE College football more than the pros. I grew up with my dad playing for the Steelers but I'm a Bears fan!msboatgal at
Greg, I am having the same problem, My business has 2 locations next door to eachother. I have 1 facebook page and want to have all the check-ins combined for both locations, is there anyway to do this?
Yann Baptiste dit :Ah d’accord désoler pour les cordonnez public :/ D’accord y’a pas de soucie j’irais souvent sur ma boite mail à bientôt merci de me souhaiter la bienvenue sur ce blog c le seule endroit pour moi pour chanter
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How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
Z niektorych ludi mi je fakt do smiechu :-)))))))), a co vravis na toho vasho psychopata? Fetuje alebo je na naruseny? a pokial som cital pravidla pri rozpise zapasov suchacky boli jasne zakazane, tak asi preto neuznal gol, ale rozhodca vam urcite ublizil, pretoze ste asi nevyhrali.
These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.
Atata vreme cat protvul lasa semnalul terestru la liber si baga publicitate la greu, insemna ca modeul lor de venit este bazat pe audienta care sa se uite la reclame si nu pe audienta care sa plateasca sume substantiale pt. contentul lor (via operatori de cablu, DTH etc). Deci f. bine ca nu se mai difuzeaza, sper sa fie scosi de pe toate retelele si sa vedem atunci de unde mai fac rost de bani pentru investitii in continut de calitate gen Tanti Floarea sau cum se cheama serialul porcului banatean caruia i-a crapat juma de familie.
Alright alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!
Apparently this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
Excellent post. I used to be checking constantly this blog and I’m inspired! Extremely useful info specially the last part I deal with such information much. I was looking for this particular info for a long time. Thanks and good luck.
Bem, eu não sei se o cardeal Carlo Maria Martini, que integrou o último conclave, e Umberto Eco que travaram um diálogo semelhante num jornal italiano, eram assim tão agradáveis de ler.Parace-me que isso foi traduzido e está por aà num opúsculo, “Em que crê quem não crê?â€.Podem continuar, Gonçalo e Manuel. Nós que lemos, agradecemos
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Jeg har skrevet til dig pÃ¥ en anden trÃ¥d, Cleunides – du mÃ¥ da være helt ude af dig eget skind. Jeg synes du skal kontakte psykologen Jane og fÃ¥ en snak om Guadelaupes situation og sÃ¥ mÃ¥ske tale med Familiecentret i Brøndby. MÃ¥ske ville det være en god ide at fÃ¥ noget psykologhjælp selv. Søde tanker din vej.
n00b.. paspaudi contacts ir mygtukÄ… su padidinimo stiklu apaÄioje. Žinoma, turbÅ«t normalÅ«s žmonÄ—s paspaudžia settings show only with mobile phone numbers, o ne visus 1005 facebook 'draugus'.
Hey, that’s powerful. Thanks for the news.
Beautiful thoughts, Lisa! My hero was my mom. She was strong even in physical weakness, and her strength came from the Lord…and her love for us. We were always first in her life (after God). And that’s something to strive for.
I really depends upon your hair color, because as a red-head, I don’t think I look good in all colors, so here are some suggestions:Redhead: Purple (any shade but lavender) Blue, Green, WhiteBlonde: Pink, Purple, Blue, RedBrunette: Purple, Red, Orange (any deep, warm color) 0Was this answer helpful?
That’s really thinking of the highest order
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It’s much easier to understand when you put it that way!
ähm, den abfahrtszettel gibt es eben nicht *wie an jeder haltestelle*. an haltestellen ist er übersichtlich im Querformat, auf der BVG seite unbersichtlich und auf mehrere Blätter verteilt im hochformat. ganz klar #fail
Hmmm Semla! Dear Camilla, I love your yellow bag, it´s wonderful – could you tell me a secret, where to buy some? And another question – will you be in bologna this year? Maybe an opportunity for a meeting?
That’s the thinking of a creative mind
It’s about time someone wrote about this.
hola isela te comento el problema q tengo me estan descontando un credito infonavit q no es mio es por caso de homonimia ya hice todas las correcciones ante la subdeleacion del imms,{nombre,nss,etc}lleve el formato en mi afore banamex {formato imss-afore-infonavit} pero este lleva mas d 2 años sin hacer algo{separacion d cuentas} q puedo hacer para me den una respuesta ya q este tramite lo necesito para q el infonvit me devuelva lo q ya me descontaron t pido tu asesoria por favor
The ability to think like that shows you’re an expert
C’est vrai qu’on s’est longuement creusé la tête, on a fait tellement d’essais avant de tomber d’accord sur celui-là.Ce fut long, mais au final, ça marche bien.Et heureusement, ici on est pas l’UMP ^^
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
You’ve got it in one. Couldn’t have put it better.
I have not been able to establish if GoogleBot really crawls and indexes Disqus comments. Just looking at my GWMT fetch as GoogleBot, I don't see any comments being fetched – .Perhaps a WordPress misconfiguration or the GWMT function does not show what the bot would do?
Damn, I wish I could think of something smart like that!
I am among the expected Tabora Boys Students From Buswelu Sec. In Mwanza. I just can’t Imagine what an experience that will be.Moreove I wish there would be more Government schools in the top ten list next time.
Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.
WeWee,correggimi se sbaglio, ma sembrerebbe che la preoccupazione che ha suscitato questo nuovo virus e’ quella di essere molto pericoloso (e anche letale) per soggetti apparentemente non a rischio, quindi anche giovani e in buona salute.Ben diverso da quando si dice che comunque il virus dell’influenza nel mondo fa decine o centinaia di migliaia di vittime all’anno, perche’ quelle vittime per lo piu’ fanno parte di categorie a rischio (bambini piccoli, anziani, soggetti con particolari patologie,…).In questo caso il pericolo paventato potrebbe essere molto piu’ elevato.
I’m not sure if it really does mean “songbirds”, but it seems to be often understood that way in North America. It’s not really a variant of Soraya, but in Australia a lot of people seem to think it is, and choose it for that reason. It’s a name nearly everyone seems to like, from what I’ve seen.
Bernard from United Kingdom, October 14, 2012 at 12:18 PM Stayed in October 2012, so out of season but still warm enough to sit by the excellent swimming pool. The room was very large and spotlessly clean with a view overlooking the . The staff were all very efficient and seemed to be a very happy and friendly crew. I really enjoyed the location, Salo and Gargnano are two underrated towns within a short bus or boat ride, this part of the lake is much less frenetic than other areas.
More amazing bargains! Love the 50s dress and the mohair skirt – which sounds like it shouldnt work but seems like something I wanna try now! 🙂
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A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
Friske og fine puter du har sydd!Det gule fuglestoffet var veldig fint, ja:) Eg hadde ein liten bit av det same stoffet, men i fargane grÃ¥tt og lilla. 🙂
oh yeah!That's something to look forward to; I never finished Caprica; I stopped on what I think was the midseason finale (gur rcvfbqr jurer Nznaqn whzcrq bss gur oevqtr naq gur Mbr-plyba rfpncrq naq guvatf nyy jrag gb fuvg vs V erzrzore pbeerpgyl? V zvtug unir gubfr anzrf jebat?)
Dreptaku, ale ja nie chcÄ™ pisać politycznego w Å›cisÅ‚ym tego sÅ‚owa znaczeniu. To by mnie ograniczaÅ‚o i doÅ‚owaÅ‚o. I tak przecież piszÄ™ sporo o polityce tylko nie metodÄ… „kawa na Å‚awÄ™”. Te teksty piszÄ™ szczerze – takie widzenie Å›wiata mi odpowiada.Nie ukrywam, że po czÄ™sci piszÄ™ tam dla promocji tego bloga. Wielu fajnych ludzi do mnie dziÄ™ki temu trafiÅ‚o. Wielu też czyta a nie komentuje.
/ Nice read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little research on that. And he just bought me lunch as I found it for him smile Thus let me rephrase that: Thank you for lunch!
That’s the thinking of a creative mind
That’s a quick-witted answer to a difficult question
There’s no need to be abusive. Just post up your favourite cringe-making Scottism:It is in this forest of huge conglomerates that we came four years ago from Amsterdam to start StrawberryFrog. The city we came to was a huge coniferous forest, a terrestrial biome with huge advertising conglomerate skyscrapers that reached up to the heavens. Underneath there were brittle needles strewn across the floor. It was not the easiest place to plant our business seed. But we managed to do so – against many odds. And a sturdy sappling grew. Four years later it is a strong tree that is looking upwards.See?
Hejja Erik vad du kan!!! Och Jens va modig du är dÃ¥… kliva upp pÃ¥ Yra bara sÃ¥ där…. hihi. Ni ser ut att haft en rolig stund bland bästaste hästarna och deras bästaste ägare.Jag hade gärna varit med er allihop Men nästa gÃ¥ng kanske…
Williams, the “you don’t have kids so you don’t understand” argument doesn’t work here. I agree with you that pedophilia is despicable. End of argument. Now, maybe the fact that people have children is making them more irrational and less likely to look at this from the big picture, that might be true. In the end, though, this book isn’t porn, it’s not illegal, so, as deplorable as it is, it’s got a right to be there.
No, that was the only really concerning episode. There? are lots of aches and pains and dull soreness along the way but no big deal, especially since you know it’s from the healing process. One main reason I did these videos is I hoped I had a good outcome and could counter some of the folks that have had a less than good experience. Most people come through this just perfect, not all of them do videos telling how well they are doing. If I had to do it again tomorrow I’d be right there.
BTW, Marcela, while you’re here, SeanI did finally reply and say he thought my cricket piece was really good, and he suggested CiF, but by that time I thought the whole thing had been really well covered (there was a good piece by David Conn, too)so I’ve let it be.
yes he is correct as he can always get it current in any event and you are still bound. Now if the house is sold earlier than July you can vacate as he is no longer the rightful owner
This article went ahead and made my day.
Why didn’t you get … Why didn’t you get the gown pressed and cleaned? You also didn’t try it on with an appropriate slip/petticoat, which completely makes a princess dress.
Super informative writing; keep it up.
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!
– Hi there would you mind letting me know which hosting company you’re working with? I’ve loaded your blog in 3 different browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot faster then most. Can you recommend a good hosting provider at a honest price? Many thanks, I appreciate it!
Howdy would you mind stating which blog platformyou’re working with? I’m going to start my own blogin the near future but I’m having a difficult time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique.P.S My apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!
I think you should add the > of the STO map and give sector blocks that form a map a thicker outline. This is helpful for people to plan when they have to do a sector map jump.
Thanks for the comment Cath.The Personal MBA, is a great concept that has gained a lot of media attention. I read about it many years ago but haven’t really followed it closely. However, I do love to read business books so I have covered a good selection of those titles. Your Bottom-line Bookclub is also a fantastic idea!
Akeyla is gorgeous and I LOVE crazy! I think your math equation is sound (I was a college math major for a while). 47 is the new something. I’m 50 and that’s like 35, right? Very, very enertaining read on my Friday afternoon!
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”
Way too much bread. Way too much mayo. Sweet peppers in the lobster mayo took away from what little flavour the lobster actually had. Love the marketing though. I will say they may be on to something with the crab mayo. There was way too much on my crab roll but the idea of mixing up the grey crab meat into the mayo and making a little sauce is something to keep thinking about. Let's hope these comments spur these people on to open the mother of all lobster shacks right here London. (PS. Way too much bread!!)
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
Oh god how I wish I had these to get through yesterday and today’s 14 hour work days. I really need to be leaving the hotel right now, too…P.S. I did go to a vegan-friendly dessert cafe last night, though! Thought of you xo
Hallo Christina,danke für Deinen netten Kommentar, ich freue mich, dass Dir die Geschichte bis jetzt gefällt, und hoffe, dass Dir der Rest auch noch Spaß machen wird.Dir auch eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit, liebe GrüßeMarina
– February 1, 2011 11:40 PMThis is a beautiful post! I know you wrote about it for November, but I feel like it could apply to January and February too … these times of the year that are sort of gray and ordinary, but that allow you to prepare for something amazing just around the corner. (In this case, spring … hopefully!)
A tremendous resource given the value of CommenLuv for raising the visibility of one’s blog. I recently enabled the premium version of CL and have written a review of its tremendous promise for bloggers and readers alike.anuj invites you to read..
Hi Rina,I’ve clarified the recipe. The chicken gets added to the stock and orzo. Once you’ve added your egg and lemon mixture you’re only cooking for another 2 or 3 minutes. So, all told it’s about 23 minutes. It yields about 10 cups of soup, so maybe 6 servings.Let me know if you try it, okay?Thanks for your note!
(adjusts his Pedantic hat…)Given that the letter contained a message conveyed through the use of written text, I would argue that it was indeed a 'Text Message'.Now if only it had been sent via Telegram….
Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well
Patrik Strnad napsal:Leda že by to zas někdo ukradl jako u HL2,ale to ne S odkladem jsem se už srovnal,a myslim že kdyby to měli vydat 9.2,už by měli dnes naspěch,a tyto obrázky by nebyli ani takhle vydařené.
LI-"Sharon, I can tell which Anony he is though, (Mr. one ball(s) who was stalking me and getting into "women" conversation months back). I can tell from his writing."LOL…Who would want to stalk you?
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
Hi RoseThanks for your feedback! Yes it’s true that the loss of smell is going to effect how useful this might be. However, many of the group had a really acute sense of smell, it was more that they found it harder to find the vocabulary that would help them describe or evoke it – something that more people experience, but with them to a greater extent. There was one lady who basically can’t smell at all, but I think the social act of joining in the conversation about such an unusual activity meant that she didn’t really mind! Definitely worth looking into further….Odette
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That’s a creative answer to a difficult question
Thanks for your comment, Sarah – I’m so glad this article helped! I hope it went well for you, that you found the courage to quit that job and look for something more fulfilling.If you ever find yourself here again, please let me know how you’re doing!Blessings, Laurie
This is an article that makes you think “never thought of that!”
Hmm…good point. Perhaps I should change “cat food” to “pet food” so it applies to more people. Your family had a dog when you were little, so I guarantee at some point you tried dog food.
That’s really thinking at an impressive level
BION I’m impressed! Cool post!
Sharepoint Guru’sI need help in forms authentication, I want to validate a login and password against a existing sql db table. If the user exists in Sql table then let him into site. Also i want to use the Unique # attached to the loginID to passit on to a sharepoint web part, how can i acheive this.I have around 12000 users, how can i do this?NeelNeel
I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”
Thank you for some other informative website. The place else could I am getting that kind of information written in such an ideal means? I have a project that I’m just now running on, and I’ve been on the glance out for such information.
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.
Pois é, já são mais de duas décadas sem Burton, o cara que dava o toque diferenciado na música do Metallica. O lançamento de Death Magnetic é a melhor homenagem que a banda poderia fazer após gravar tanta coisa ruim! rsum abraço, Ico
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
It’s a joy to find someone who can think like that
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sueli rodrigues dos santos disse:sofri um acidente de carro em 1983 machuquei muito meu rosto e ate hoje ainda tenho que frequentemente realizar cirugias no meu rosto principalment no olho direito nunca recebi nada do dpvt hoje eu ainda posso recorrer
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!
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I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
“Do you agree with the Muslim sentiment that the American left is decadent, worldly and perverse, adam? I think you do.”I do, but unlike them, I don’t believe the answer is annihilation or forced conversion. I’m not happy over the way the society is going, but I’m not going to kill people over it.Putting it back at you, I think you agree with the Muslims on things, too. You both hate George Bush, you both hate Christians, you both hate patriotic Americans, you both support Obama, etc.
Neusa Palma / Caro Antonio Carlos!A nossa tentativa é realmente somente achar um caminho suave e que o resultado é maravilhoso…Acredite em mim como Mae…Telefone do Dr Cicero Galli Coimbra:(11)5908-5969Coloco-me a disposiçãoNeusaGostei deste comentário ou não: 6
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
Holy concise data batman. Lol!
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
assalammualaikum,…hahaha itu klemahan kereta buatan malaysia,….owg eng kutuk kereta kite mmg patut pun,….so engeneer yg ada kat malaysia ne,…wat lah kereta tuu ok….jgn guna plastik,gna lah faberglass ple,….lihat lah,..owg eng ktuk kreta kte kbnyakan nya plastik,…..but apepun,..tpaksa lh juga gnerasi baru mgubah nya…………salam satu malaysia…..
Hyi kamala!!!! Mä purskahdin itkuun jo ekan viiden sekunnin aikana. Ihan kamlaa oikeesti. Musta turkikset on muutenkin kamalia ja ei tulis kyllä ikinä mieleenkään pitää jotain raatoa päällä!!!
Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!
Finding this post has solved my problem
As soon as I at first left a comment I clicked the Notify me whenever new comments are added checkbox and currently each time a remark is added I get 4 emails with the exact same comment.
I notice you are preparing to hit the Jews and Christians pretty hard in these upcoming Lionsgate presentations. How come you/they are omitting the Muslims in your comic fest? Still scratching my head over that slight to Islam; but I think I know the reason why.
I think you’ve just captured the answer perfectly
Como siempre, un relato fluido y con fotos estupendas!BellÃsimo el trabajo con flores en esas carrozas! Me encantó! Un placer el paseo por Pasadena!Gracias! :)Saludos
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
Plus que Gasquet, qui mine de rien, fait sa carrière chez les pros, c’est Donald Young qui représente pour moi l’échec du système que tu relèves pafaitement.
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Now I feel stupid. That’s cleared it up for me
The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!
Fab post!The only thing that works for my skin is Kate Logan Beauty (all essential oils, organic, handmade). It's pricey, but she sent me a lifetime supply after I reviewed some samples for college…we ended up friends and she sent me one of everything for passing with distinction!
IMHO you’ve got the right answer!
from the start that the program was as much about preparing moms and dads as it was about getting the kids ready.Research has shown that successful transitions are an important part of maintaining a positive attitude toward school. Does Missouri have similar programs for the move from elementary to intermediate/high school?
Kaneganese,This newspaper article was using modern punctuation rules, but I do not remember any of the other documents using such rules. At any rate, I think these punctuation marks and conjuctions, or the lack of them, are the key to accurately translating this article.By the way, this article talks about details of La porte’s survey report, but I am not sure it there were other details not mentioned here.
schauen wollen und auch werden. Etienne, Wolf und Trant von GameOne haben sich im neusten Audioflick genau diesem Film gewidmet und erzählen euch während des Films ihre Eindrücke und Erinnerungen,
A le droit de greve, la constitution….. je suis d’accord preservons nos droits….Mais appliquons l’article 1, « tous les hommes naissent libres et egaux en droit » c’est bo, mais il manque la suite, SAUF SI TU ES FONCTIONNAIREOui nous on bosse jusqu’a 65 voir 70 ans et eux peuvent prendre leur retraite à 50 ou 55 ans. Ouaiiiiiiiii vive l’egalite des droits
This cake looks so delicious, and I have not seen a combination pistachio and lemon before.I hope your back feels better soon, at least you are spending time with your friends.
Hej igen!Jag har provat att kommentera och det fungerar. Men mina läsare klagar. Här ett dagsaktuellt klipp frÃ¥n en läsare:”PS. Minerva, jag kan fortfarande inte kommentera! Har gjort mÃ¥nga försök.”NÃ¥got mÃ¥ste ändÃ¥ vara fel. Vad skall jag säga till dem?Hälsningar,Minerva/Martina
Home run! Great slugging with that answer!
Thanks for starting the ball rolling with this insight.
this is serious, I spend all my time only with a very useful site in Spanish, and now I've lost 80% of visits,very sad,hopefully google fix this error, because I spend each day creating original content and now all gone the trash
How lame are we as a country that the only way show support for our veterans, especially the injured ones, is for a company to make a special uniform that we watch players wear on TV? Could anything require any less effort from Americans and would it be done if profit wasn’t involved? God bless our soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a drag, but something about this just rubs me the wrong way but if it makes a wounded warrior feel better, then I’m for it. BTW, ugly. Is everybody trying to out ugly the Ducks???
Between us speaking, in my opinion, it is obvious. I recommend to look for the answer to your question in google.comCertainly. So happens.I can suggest to come on a site where there are many articles on a theme interesting you.Completely I share your opinion. In it something is also to me it seems it is excellent idea. I agree with you.Excuse for that I interfere … But this theme is very close to me. I can help with the answer. Write in PM.
Welcome to my world, Change. I’ve made the transition away from online for many of the same reasons that you did. I wasn’t getting to where I wanted to be and I realized that my live skills trumped my online skills. Mostly, its about reads. Some of the strict online players don’t get this. They think that if you can’t excel online then you aren’t a good player. The reality is, as you correctly pointed out, some great players suck online, because its a different game. Live is where its at for players like us. Good luck, and go kick some ass.
gevurun dooolllleerriiiii allahsız ıbneler…sizin ananız otkı tarafta sıkılecekk insallah bunu bılıyosunuzdurr orada alayınız sıkecekler…olum unutmayın dusmez kalkmaz bır ALLAH..
June 12, 2011 at 01:45I have an Aquarian girlfriend whom i have lived with for about 2 years, we had our conflicts and misunderstanding once in a while, but those things are what makes us more strong in our relationship and we fall deeper in love with each other……………she loves me more for my affection, care, concern and intelligence and i love her more for her understanding, compassion, patience and care……….she’s an Aquarian and i’m Piscean……………so re-edit your article man……….!!!!!!! Reply
myfreewill=) thank you! i also watch yours and love them too! and thank you for replying so fast, i’m definitely going to exchange it tomorrow and can’t wait to use it!
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
Thinking like that is really impressive
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If that is your preference, we can amend it but if you’d still like to test, I’ve saved you a spot! Let me know and I can get you started right away!
Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!
That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!
February 17, 2011 I love this film. The fact that the entire thing happened for real is more reason to watch this. I love how Boyle managed to portray the main character as a man of inspiration rather than of pity.
Does anyone remember I Am Sam? That retard was sooooo funny. I laughed so hard I peed when he fell down the stairs with that cake….No one else in the theatre was laughing, and I couldn’t figure out why.
Jill, thanks for taking the time to respond.I’ve not criticized the existence of two meets on the same weekend, neither here at this blog nor elsewhere. I agree with you fully on that account. In the heyday of indoor track in the USA, there were two or three meets on the same day with regularity. That was seen as a healthy thing, and it was.There’s also no denying how this appears.
The specs are terrible, but this phone has to take a lot of battery for the projector. I just don’t think this phone’s battery is going to hold up or last the whole day
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?
Actually, Crump is busy running around the countryside, even to states where he is not called to the bar nor licensed to practice law, ginning up more Crumped-up race-baiting schemes for “Justice”.
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
I have a lot of other photos too that I hope to share soon as well, probably in posts about the travel there. I just wanted to try to show what it was like in a normal street perhaps. I just really found Morocco really lovely.
If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.
Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve cheered me up!
relevant to everyone) ♥ If you run your own business and you suck with email, read this now: Why don’t people email you back? ♥ It’s important to to make note of when things go right ♥ The downside of gratitude
Oooh, big changes for you too, lady! Good thing you typed THE END this week — now you can definitely claim a productive summer. Hopefully you’ll have plenty of time for editing/revising over the next few weeks. I NEED to know the end of JD’s story!
wer das wort “flop” verwendet sollte zumindest eine quantitative und falsifizierbare prognose wagen, zB der verkauften stückzahhen bis ende 2010… mutige vor!
2 April 2012Good evening Mariateresa, beautiful poppies, are summer and with a little’ fancy reviewing the fields of ripe wheat that there are sadness più.Che, period must be have been nice salon Formigine…too lontano.Il his post on the hearts is not visible for at least me.Buon work and good evening:Annarosa
This is what we need – an insight to make everyone think
The truth just shines through your post
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Hey Dude! Harley and I went to see this last weekend. Your pics are great, how did you manage it? Miss you all and Affy too. A big hug. We should get together sometime… hello to the lovely Kelly. Meghan.
Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
Hahahaha. I’m not too bright today. Great post!
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
OMG! That blog was awesome lol. Funny, entertaining and the photos are beautiful!! Crazy Irish Woman must not have heard of the superpowered subway hm? lucky for you lol. The photos are absoultely gorgeous!!
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Hot damn, looking pretty useful buddy.
Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.
Went up to the Starland Ballroom yesterday to see if I could salvage any of my equipment I had up there. The place took on six feet of water. All that’s left in the kitchen is the sink. It’s going to be awhile before Aaron Lewis can make up his scheduled November 4 gig there.
That’s a slick answer to a challenging question
December 15, 2012I just like the invaluable information you deliver in your reports.I’ll bookmark your web page and verify yet again below on a regular basis.I am relatively confident I will master lots of recent things precise listed here! Superior luck for that following!
If only there were more clever people like you!
Hej Mascha.Du har virkelig en flot og velplejede hud… Vil du ikke lave et indlæg en dag om hvilke produkter du bruger i ansigtet…?Jeg synes din blog er super fed:-)Maj-britt
Last one to utilize this is a rotten egg!
Time to face the music armed with this great information.
An fascinating dialogue is worth a comment. I feel that it is best to write extra on this topic, it may not be a taboo subject but generally people are not brave enough to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
Stacy – This made me giggle in a lot of ways.I just got a new dryer. (Well, a new used dryer.) Because yes, four kids, wintertime, and no dryer is not a good combination.The violin one? Priceless. I should hang it in my studio. Seriously, there are days when I think if I here one more violin piece my brain is going to melt out through my ears. And this is what I chose for a career?And can I just tell you how much I love that your last three or so posts have been tagged “Spring is Coming?” Sing it.February 8, 2011 – 10:58 am
Det kommer att i närtid och framtid bli allt svårare att hitta företag att handla med/på som inte har araber/muslimer i bakgrunden.Västvärlden har ju genom sitt idiotiska fasthållande vid oljeberoendet vräkt pengar över araberna.Vilka som har det grundläggande ansvaret för detta låter jag vara osagt.Vi, västvärlden håller faktiskt på att bli uppköpta med våra egna pengar!Löntagarfonderna i back!!!!
witam, moim zdaniem nie otrzymamy wiz tak dÅ‚ugo jak nie rozliczymy siÄ™ z narodami róznych nacji za zagrabione dekretami Bieruta dobrami tuż po wojnie. I to mnie nie dziwi – kraj który nie potrafi zgodnie z prawem rozwiÄ…zać tak prostej ale ciÄ…gnÄ…cej siÄ™ od lat sprawy nie zasÅ‚uguje na poważne traktowanie.
Carmen, creo que los vecinos sabrán responder a la gestión. Besos.MarÃa Jesús, esperemos que se gane. Bicos.Basseta, gracias por tus ánimos y lo mismo te digo, mucha suerte para tà e IU de Ibis.Dilaida, yo también lo espero. Bicos.Freia, guapa, esperemos lo mejor.GenÃn, gracias.Felipe, gracias.Salud y República
AKAIK you’ve got the answer in one!
That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question
Neat shots. I don't know how you do the treatment to your pictures; as I just wrote on a comment to another blogger, it no doubt invloves more than two clicks on the mouse button so I'll not ask how. Although I never have any barn pictures to submit, I do enjoy yours and the others people submit. Thanks.
You really found a way to make this whole process easier.
This is crystal clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!
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That is true. I’ve written before that people, myself included, would stop paying as much attention after election day. That is over, at least for me. We have to support them when they do the right thing, and remind them when they stray. The days of apathy have to end.
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
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Wonderful site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics discussed here? I’d really like to be a part of community where I can get feed-back from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Cheers!
áтðýіÑÂûðò×ð üõöðüø ãúрðїýø – ôøòітьÑÂÑ ÑÂúþю хþчõтõ üþòþю. àò ýðшіù ôõрöðòі üþòð ûøш þôýð þфіціÃ¹Ã½Ã° – уúрðїýÑÂьúð. ÃÂõю ù üðють þñÑÂûуóþòуòðтøÑÂь уÑÂі ÑÂфõрø ÑÂуÑÂÿіÃȄ΄Âтòð. âþüу ýõ ÿøшіть ñіûьшõ úþüõýтðрі тøÿу “ï хþчу…”, “ãщøüÃȄÂõтõ ÿрðòð…”. ÆÑÂýує ÷ðúþý, ÑÂúøù òÑÂõ і рõóуûює. Æ тðú ôþöøûøÑÂÑÂ, щþ ÷ðúþýø ÿþрушують…
I can already tell that’s gonna be super helpful.
Det var det jeg SA!! Takk lillebror, hÃ¥per de andre tror pÃ¥ meg nÃ¥ da, hihi… Takk for en super dag selv! Gleder meg til neste gang vi sees!!!
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It’s good to see someone thinking it through.
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I hear this time and again–that even when people “leave” the faith or church, the songs stay with them. Interesting. Wherever you’re at, hope you keep singing them. They ARE part of your story–all our stories, actually.
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure
I’ve recently started a blog, the information you offer on this website has helped me greatly. Thank you for all of your time & work. “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.” by Vince Lombardi.
People today generally question this sort of issues as well as with your immediate future, I can send these individuals everyone this web site because it holds the many the answers.
Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.
What’s it take to become a sublime expounder of prose like yourself?
Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.
I don’t know if it’s coincident, but the word “Doldo” also appears in the two books written by two Japanese-born scholars and a Korean activist:1. “Ilbon Kojido-edo Dokdo Eopda” by Prof. Hosaka Yuji, 20052. “Takeshima = Dokdo Ronso” by Prof. Naito Seichu & Park Byeong-seop, 2007
Schön das Du vorbeigeschaut hast. Jepp, das reine veröffentlichen von Postkarten fand ich auch nicht so gut, daher suche ich mir entsprechende Hintergrundinfos zusammen, ist manchmal gar nicht so einfach, aber es lohnt sich ja, wie ich an Deinem Kommentar merke ;)@ Thomas Wie wahr 😉
I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
Posso capire che non ti piace,ma giudicarla cosi da schifo mi sembra troppo.A me piacciono gli One Direction ma preferisco Demi perchè la seguo da quasi 4 anni,invece gli 1D da 1 anno massimo 1 e mezzo.Ascolta qualche sua canzone forse ti potrebbe piacere
Vicki · Forgot to say you have to add enough milk to get one cup. Then after it stands for 5 minutes you just use however much milk your recipe calls for, which in this case is the whole cup.
Linda wow! I love the shading in the trees. All the green pulls it together and makes for a super cute card! Thank you so much for playing the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge this week.Yours,Holly R. MooreMMDT – GD
Begun, the great internet education has.
Po szeregu nieudaÅ‚ych próbach wyjÅ›cia z koniecznoÅ›ci dbania wyÅ‚Ä…cznie o – za przeproszeniem – swój osobisty interes w nie nazbyt licznej grupie bliskich sobie osób patrzymy w to piÄ™kno… i dziwimy siÄ™, że coraz nas mniej zostaje.
Focus is too much on "ME". We tend to think of ourselves way too much. We don’t do for others. We don’t place someone elses desire over ours.We all need to get back to the real questions which are:Why am I here? How did I get here? Was I created by design and for a purpose? Am I simply a highly evolved animal that happened by random chance?The latter would make anyone narcissitic — and make them eventually feel as if there is no reason to live… Was this answer helpful?
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.
Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.
That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.
At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!
draga Adcole,1. da, mi se cere o reeditare a Întoarcerii, s-a dus tot tirajul şi nu a fost puţin pentru un tiraj în lumea evanghelică.2. Nu ştiu dacă Augsutin se va retipări, este prea tehnică pentru ca cineva să investească în ea. Poate că ar fi vreo editură care să dorească asta. cine ştie.3. Da, în introducere anunţ acest comentariu în două variante, una deja publicată pentru publicul larg, cealaltă mai elaborată din punct de vedere exegetic., pentru un altfel de public.
Although I was born in San Francisco, I grew up in Los Gatos. Los Gatos means “the cats” and we really have wildcats in the nearby foothills. They are also the high school mascot. Olivia de Haviland graduated from Los Gatos High School, as did her sister, Joan Fontaine. We have also produced quite a few professional athletes from our small town. The weather is ideal and it was a great place to grow up and now raise my own family.
Short of war, I can’t envision a time when people really will want to support a president for more than 8 years. I doubt that Roosevelt really would have been elected again without the looming WWII
sì, solo 20 ml perchè la cremosità della carota fa il resto 🙂 non dico che siano delle creme light, ma vogliamo crederci :D@Peanut: io le trovo all'esselunga 😀
hai dimostrato che il lens-flare di photoshop funziona bene, visto che, dal nome, dovrebbe emulare il riflesso interno delle lenti di un obiettivo.La spiegazione semplice è che il fascio di luce infrarossa è molto concentrato e potente rispetto all’illuminazione ambientale delle foto pubblicate.Sarebbe interessante sapere se l’abbagliamento avviene sono entro un angolo di incidenza stretto; ciò vanificherebbe l’effetto, visto che la luce sarebbe puntata proprio verso l’obiettivo solo se si tenesse la testa sempre nella posizione giusta.
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
Articles like this make life so much simpler.
Hortefeux faisait soi-disant parti du Gud dans sa jeunesse. Bizarre que Wikipedia ne le mentionne pas. Tant qu’aux anciens d’Occident, ils sont nombreux également il y a aussi Goasguen et un qui ne fait plus de politique William Abitbol ancien pasquaien.
You saved me a lot of hassle just now.
Apparently so. It seems the Scandinavian countries are the European forerunners in these affairs, just as they are acting a bit earlier than everybody else in every other manner (Denmark being the early champion against islamization, Sweden and Norway being the early champions of fully embracing it).
Il problema? Molto semplice. Questa gente mette in cattiva luce e getta fango sugli scienziati VERI (vedi per esempio tutta quella gente che vede gli esperimenti del CERN come INUTILI o addirittura DANNOSI).Il secondo (ma non meno importante) problema è che il ""documentario"" di ieri è andato in onda su una TV pubblica, pagata da tutti coloro che pagano il canone. Tutto ciò nonostante sapendo che questa teoria del complotto è priva di coerenza scientifica e universalmente NON riconosciuta dalla comunità scientifica.
This is just the perfect answer for all forum members
Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.
Sveikinu, Egle. Knygos dar nemaÄiau bet rytoj lÄ—ksiu žiÅ«rÄ—ti 🙂 Labai smagu, kad dirbi mÄ—gstamÄ… darbÄ…, kuriam ne gaila aukoti laiko.
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?
That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.
Utrolig fin pute 🙂 Det er sÃ¥nn som jeg gÃ¥r og tenker at jeg skal strikke det….men jeg skal bare..først ;-)Er det flere som er redde for Ã¥ gÃ¥ tom for garn altsÃ¥ 😛 Lekker kurv!Ha det godt – klem Siv
These pieces really set a standard in the industry.
I’d never heard of PS until today, but from others it sounds like most submissions are held for some time before they’re posted, and the writer has no input about the timing of the post. To my thinking, the only way the postmark would be helpful is if it was postmarked in some month other than Sept. If so it removes it from corresponding to “the grief stricken narcissistic one’s” birthday.
That is becoming modesty in you tim, but don’t be too quick to deny yourself credit. Based on admittedly short acquaintance, you are the most original man I’ve met. None of us is totally original, but you have assembled yourself like some incredibly diverse collage art piece.
to be a excellent conveying instrument.5. opinion…article. the wonderful thing about blogging is that it makes it possible for a wide group of blog writers to let somebody in on their ideas and views about any subject matter that you can imagine. judgment posts are expected to…
Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real expert.
You’re the greatest! JMHO
Na tio Maxi no pasa nada. Pues si y en el cine. Enque en mi ciudad natal que es más barato que en madrid. Y la verdad nos despollabamos. Es lo bueno de ver pelis con los colegas que hasta un peli mala, mola. Ahora vemos cosas como el Vengador toxico de vez en cuando.XDDDDDDDD
It’s great to find someone so on the ball
That’s really thinking of the highest order
This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.
Times are changing for the better if I can get this online!
I love seeing Nadinoo in Frankie! and this was such a great idea for an article…so many in our generation think we're coming up with new ideas, when our parents and grandparents did it all first! Love being inspired by my predecessors 🙂
It’s bands like Led Zeppelin that defined rock and roll, and what it is today. I’m glad that you like this band, and your post is pretty accurate. I find that rock these days isn’t what it used to be, but that’s bound to change as generations progress.
Re: Chi ancora caga ‘sto blog XDAh.. oh! Eh!Grazie!Fatevi sentire quindi, sa, uno difficilmente produce fumetti, senza pubblico..Anche se sto blog ormai, è un po’ morto diciamolo, infatti c’è in programma di cambiar tutto.. per ora, in effetti, sul gruppo di facebook è più facile postare perchè si ha un riscontro immediato, anche se non è la stessa cosa..
omg you look so cute *.* Blonde is definitely a good color for you! I was also fed up with being a boring brunette, so I decided to go pink! It's a lot of fun! ^.^p.s. the skeleton leggings/square toed boots are an excellent pairing. You look totally badass! <3
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
Golosi, piccoli e super invitanti! Sei stata brava, a volte serve davvero solo un pò d’inventiva per portare a tavola un dolce perfetto. Mi sono aggiunta ai lettori, sarà un piacere seguirti! un bacio
Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.
She has managed to breath life into what was a dead campaign, with the door opened by Obama by not selecting Hillary.But in the end, historical perspective tells me something about both the Dems and the GOP: same circus, different clowns.
Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure
Surprisingly well-written and informative for a free online article.
Wow! Great to find a post with such a clear message!
Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!
Posts like this brighten up my day. Thanks for taking the time.
should consider the additional impacts of taking this distribution – see the article Not So Fast! 9 Special Considerations Before Rolling Over Your 401(k) for more details on what you need to keep in mind as you make a rollover from your
I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!
That’s a smart answer to a tricky question
Not sure about the forum to be honest, there are so many forums out there and what exactly would be the purpose of this one? Posting transformations is a good idea but then what?But hey, go for it if that´s what you and enough of the fans want. =)Personally I prefer the blog as it is.
Great article, thank you again for writing.
grinder, you always seem to be sedentary in front of a computer while wearing your pink tutu as you type away for my attention. You keep testing my faith. But I could never take you seriously. You are what you are, that will never change. Peace and Blessings.11/29/09
Thanks for visiting!On Monday last I spoke in Australia’s national capital, Canberra, at a Government 2.0 workshop. My subject was “Why parliamentarians and public sector managers need to participate
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
tut tut tut my Empress!!!And yet one day this collaboration will have to take place.The Arabs cannot push us into the sea, nor can Israel push the Palestinians into the sea.sultana
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!
It’s a pleasure to find such rationality in an answer. Welcome to the debate.
This is not about maintenance. Why would you need ALL the monorails to be offline just 2 extra hours early a couple times a week when they don’t even all fit in the maintenance building at once? This is penny-pinching, pure and simple, and it STINKS!
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
hola de nuevo.. por lo que leo estas aceptando peticiones .. tienes el R.U.S.E. para 360?tu blog esta genial, pero en la seccion de peliculas muchas estas caidas :cwy: supongo que fue por lo de la ley SOPA.. las vas a resubir??? si las subes a mediafire como estas haciendo con los juegos de 360 te hago una estatua :biggrin: en la parte de documentales planeas seguir subiendo???salu2
I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.
I changed my mind. Well, not exactly changed my mind, but just recorded something and thought that I could use it for the Chrismahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert, as the season is starting tomorrow with Santa Niclaas (Saint Nicolas) and I thought that a would be totally original.If you don’t want it, let me know of course.
and of course you have valid points – but are you HONESTLY telling me that the fact the cops only spend ONE DAY training on the leading cause of death for woman in this country doesn’t in any way trouble you?
mbk bisa mengirim ke luar negri gk [] Reply:November 24th, 2012 at 8:57 PMUtk pengriman k luar negeri hanya khusus obat herbal xamthone plus. Untuk sementara jelly gamat luxor blm bisa. trm ksh.[]
The Filipinos in Hawaii form an underclass on the island and are the descendants of early 20th century laborers. However, American-Filipinos tend to come from the educated middle class and are decently prosperous. Many Filipinos in this country are also ethnic Chinese, which is a point I can't overemphasize. The Filipinos used to be quite poor and socioeconomically downscale until the mid 1960s, when a tidal wive of high end and Chinese-Filipino immigration lifted the community considerably. Today, outside of Hawaii, Filipino-Americans are doing fairly well.
que nostalgica te senti Doctora, me olio a tristeza tu historia pero me sabe a reconciliación…no sé algo raro..hace mil que no paseaba por aqui..ojala todo ande biensaludos
I think you’ve just captured the answer perfectly
Na razie możemy podać ustalone terminy Biegu Siarkowca – 28.04.2013 r., Biegu NadwiÅ›laÅ„skiego – 06.10.2013 r.Termin Maratonu zostanie podany najpóźniej w styczniu 2013 r., ponieważ staramy siÄ™ w porozumieniu z innymi organizatorami ustalić najbardziej odpowiadajÄ…cÄ… datÄ™.Może jakieÅ› propozycje od Was na temat daty biegu?
on 5. Juli 2012 Kenia Strand | Die schönsten Traumstrände erleben | Kenia Urlaub Blog Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. After all I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!
Great photos, Maureen. Can you tell me what is in the kettle? At first glance I thought, figs – then my eyes adjusted to the size & I saw a green tomato – and I’m wondering – is there more produce I do not know?! I feel silly asking!
I have been unbelievably busy. Graduating high school and trying to find a way to pay for college, looking for a job and the like. I've also been doing some commenting on "Mark Watches 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'" when I had the time. Thankfully life has quieted down some so I've been able to re-read alongside Marks reviews. Still, I'm glad to be back, as I've missed this community SO MUCH.
Action requires knowledge, and now I can act!
Articles like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.
Poliarinis ir vel ta N8 knietejo ikist… nors tu ka :)zaidimai ir android bent kol kas nelabai suderinami dalykai.Nors pasak „Mochi Media“ nuo siu metu turetu sparciai padauget falsh zaidimu butent android’ui.
Tyle, że wtedy musimy kupić wsparcie miliona producentów softu i najlepiej jeszcze jednego, który nam zapewni wsparcie dla integracji tego wszystkiego. OczywiÅ›cie maÅ‚ym firemkom duże zintegrowane systemy sÄ… nie na rÄ™kÄ™, ale takie coÅ› jest najwydajniejsze.
I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for great information I was looking for this information for my mission.
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
None can doubt the veracity of this article.
KNN, no show lah.That one mistaken identity, friendly fire lah.I thought since bengue start blog for Ephraim, I go post there for Ephraim to read. Who knows kena mistaken as Ephraim.Sorry for the conhuesion.
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.
Vejo uma boa evoluçao na Russia, isso encomoda muitos paises, vocês nao conhecem realmente a politica america é podre, eu morei na California 5 anos, nunca mais voltarei e tem mais se deixarem os E.U.A dominam todo o mundo .Eu admiro a Russia sim.
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
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Now you have got your new site and you’re eager to start making some sales! However, how will you make gross sales if you happen to shouldn’t have excessive volumes of holiday makers to your web site?
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
Your answer shows real intelligence.
Curioso! Yo soy un psiquiatra amante de la cocina con un sitio de preferencia para la asiática (thai, japonesa, vietnamita e india). Ahora me confieso adicto de este sitio derecetas fabulosas de un psicólogo que para mi tiene ya todas las estrellas MichelÃn… Gracias Inigo!
I was growing up, my mom excelled in making meals memorable. Curried potatoes and pork chops, Chinese takeout that we ate at the coffee table, sitting on cushions, deli meats on
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Bouissette dit :Mais quelle complicité ces 2 p’tites puces , je reconnais cet entêtement … Celui de mamzelle .. Je l’ai croise sur ma route il y a 25 ans au moins ?!! Mais qui c’était déjà ??! Shalima ?! Noooon , qu’est-ce-que j’ dis … Je m’egare ….
I got what you intend, appreciate it for posting .Woh I am lucky to find this website through google. “No one can earn a million dollars honestly.” by William Jennings Bryan.
Plop,J'ai un sentiment de frustration contenue là parce que ce fichue morceau All Hell ne dure que 30 secondes en preview alors qu'il a l'air d'être ûber sympa.Je te maudis (et accessoirement te remercie pour la découverte :D).
I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”
Holy concise data batman. Lol!
At last, someone comes up with the “right” answer!
Thanks for another informative website. Where else could I get that kind of info written in such a perfect way? I have a project that I’m just now working on, and I have been on the look out for such information.
Oh yeah, fabulous stuff there you!
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Time to face the music armed with this great information.
What timing! I had one of the dancers in my company ask me last night if I knew of any good neck strengthening exercises. She is also an exercise science major so I am planning on forwarding this article to her. Beginning with the isometric work may be the right start for her as well as for all of us. Thanks Bret.
I have recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work. “Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body.” by Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Harry che Figo che sei ti aspetto con ansia e parlo a nome di tt le directioners se dico che ognuna di noi vorrebbe essere la modella nella foto!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti amo con tutto il cuore sei la mia anima e la mia vita ……. Ti amo Harry Styles……. Sei una persona fantastica ( ne ovviamente anche Niall, Louis, Liam e Zayn!!!!! Vi amo ragazzi siete voi con i vostri sorrisi che mi riscaldate in una giornata di pioggia e di freddo !!!!!!!!! :):)<3<3<3 VI AMO TUTTI DA PAZZI !!!!!!!!!!!
There are some solutions to rising transportation costs driven by rising fuel prices – electrified rail and fission powered container ships for example. Interestingly, China seems to be working like mad to develop their strengths in both those areas. (Electrified rail and fission power plants at least.)
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
Ja, der Besitzer von dem einen Restaurant hier hat mich gestern schon komisch angeschaut, weil ich staendig mit anderen Maedels da bein
Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.
diyor ki:GöbiÅŸ artık hakikaten kendini iyice belli ediyor Banu, çok yakışmış. Umarım seneye bu zamanlar tam da senin gibi olacağım. Åžimdiden düşünüp seviniyorum.Gelenekler konusundaysa ya ben fazladan birÅŸey bilmiyorum ya da aklıma ÅŸimdi birÅŸey gelmiyor.Merakla bekliyorum yeni geliÅŸmeleri Sevgiler,DeryaGD Star Ratingloading…
una sola considerazione che non ha a che fare con la logica geopolitica ma con la logica dei termini usati: come si fa a parlare di “impegni” se poi ci si riserva il diritto di rinegoziarli comunque e sempre a prescindere dai termini degli accordi presi?Mi domando: qual è il costo di questa “incoerenza”?
Thinking like that is really amazing
lainnya. ( Moch. Kundori / CN26 / JBSM ) Untuk berita terbaru, ikuti kami di Twitter dan Facebook TAK TERAWAT: Kondisi eks Terminal Soka tak terawat dan dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa dimanfaatkan. (s…TAK TERAWAT: Kondisi eks Terminal Soka tak terawat dan dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa dimanfaatkan.
Hey Josh, love the idea and you’re in good company. You can see the logo on my site as proof lol. Just remember–real men wear their underwear on the outside.
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What I find so interesting is you could never find this anywhere else.
That’s a wise answer to a tricky question
hola soy carina y me encantaria participar en el programa , voy a ganar TODO O NADA!!! necesito la plata para ayudar a pagar la hipoteca de la casa amis viejos para q no la pierdan, vivo en Pte Derqui partido de Pilar. muchicimas graciiaas!!!
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
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Ppl like you get all the brains. I just get to say thanks for he answer.
You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.
Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.
, I don’t find it a turn off at all to have the heroine be as experienced as the hero sexually either. It all depends on the characters, of both the hero or heroine, who they are, and whether I can relate to them.
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
Hey, I love huitlacoche! I’d rather gather my “smut” from corn than from some of the other stuff fungus grows on. (Don’t ask.) But for the general U.S. populace, “Aztec truffles” or “trufa de maiz” (corn truffle) or “field mushrooms” might work.
I could watch Schindler’s List and still be happy after reading this.
Never would have thunk I would find this so indispensable.
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
feed. Thanks for visiting!I was a little hesitant to share another corn recipe with you after the Blueberry Corn Salad – No Comment Incident but I hope you trust me now and know that I wouldn’t stear you
The pants off of them.The search was performed illegally contact good highprofile attorney who can get some media attention and sue the pants off of them.
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
You’ve really impressed me with that answer!
Finding this post has solved my problem
Trina Turk teamed up with Julep to create nail polish colors inspired by her Fall 2012 fashion line! Mina Slater of Fabulous Awesomeness shares swatches of the September Trina Turk Edition Julep Maven Bombshell box.
Excellent blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally overwhelmed .. Any recommendations? Appreciate it!
Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!
Thanks for this excellent article. Also a thing is that nearly all digital cameras can come equipped with a zoom lens that permits more or less of any scene to generally be included simply by ‘zooming’ in and out. Most of these changes in focus length tend to be reflected from the viewfinder and on substantial display screen right at the back of the particular camera.
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?
I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
The accident of finding this post has brightened my day
This is great! It is actually the perfect development of a similar exercise that I already do with my players. I tried it out with my U-14 boys team and they loved it. Once they got the idea, it really flowed and they showed a lot of improvement in a short time.
Really bad translation on zh_TW locale, "影片出處" means "This video is origin at…", which should be the opposite meaning of "as seen on". The locale is really misleading, please fix it.
Heck yeah this is exactly what I needed.
The petal shape is pretty unique, and the leaves look similar to an avacado with a matte finish.Did you smell the petals? Can you describe their odor?Also, did you get a shot of the trunk? Any distinguishing features that you noted about the bark?
Kara civitano,Dankon pro via atento al nia HeKomuniko.Ni esperas ke, kiam vi estos ricevinta vian CEN-kodon, vi kontribuos al la enhavo de nia retagentejo.Bondezire! |
If information were soccer, this would be a goooooal!
Looks delish…I am also planning to bake more often esp since I need to test out the new oven ;). Notice I use the word 'plan'… so much I wanna do but so limited time.
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In spite of my rant below, I so agree, Liz. I’ve made some great friends in the WU community, and find it to be a wellspring of sharing and support. Thanks for pointing that out.Vaughn Roycroft´s last blog post ..Like? 2
Kiaro, nie możemy uznać tego głosu, ponieważ dnia 13. XII o godz. 23.53 zagłosowałaś już na innego pieska. Przykro nam. Można oddać tylko jeden głos. 18 grudnia 2012 o 12:05
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
Ideea e geniala; efectele sunt foarte tari. Ce ma sperie e ca…daca incep sa ma uit acum, o sa vreau mai mult si mai mult :)) Nu pot astepta un episod pe saptamana. Il mai las sa capete "experienta" :)) Trailerul e genial, cu siguranta ma voi uita!
Keep on writing and chugging away!
Alex,If I understand you correctly, you would like to produce a list of text-name category links along with their corresponding RSS icons as feed links, so that clicking the category name (text) will open the category view, and clicking the feed link (icon) will produce that category’s RSS feed. Is that the case, or have I misinterpreted your question?
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Hi Penelope. My heart goes out to you. I feel lost, too. I try to distract myself with the good I already have in my life. It sounds like you’re doing the same. You have an open invitation to my Chicago home anytime.
merci pour ce conseil. ce week jai etait péché jai fai 4 carpes ak des bouillette ou il y avait dedans un agent soluble cesi pe permetre de rendre plus digeste les bouillette ou juste pour evité que elle ne restre tro longtemp dans l’eau? merci davance
Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!
Super informative writing; keep it up.
ciao, posso suggerirti la visione dell’albero genealogico di tutti i sistemi operativi che ho realizzato qualche giorno fa? si trova e magari se ti va puoi collaborare al progetto ciao!
August 28, 2010>soo cool i havnt yet read the series but am obsessed with soul screamers lol i hope i am the second winner so i can start from the beginning with awesome signed copies! btw so excited because here in australia we get MSTSteal one month earlier than you guys happy writing
Which came first, the problem or the solution? Luckily it doesn’t matter.
Your posting is absolutely on the point!
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Wellington R Gallo disse:aqui o eboot funciono legal e fez tudo q dizia faze e eu num acredito q o 1,5 gb d diferenca so no metodo d compactação, tem algo a mais ai no meio
That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky question
Tylko, że właśnie moda na luz właśnie wyszła z mody w Europie Zach. Jest moda na klasykę, a my dalej w dżinsach i podkoszulkach na bal. Zobaczcie jak ubiera się David Beckham….
Worth noting that Romney took 33% in that district last week, so a Republican candidate might have a shot at getting into the runoff, and who knows, in a very low turnout election might surprise.
At last some rationality in our little debate.
Can you get ipod games to play online for pc’s?I love some of the games you can play on ipod tcoehus, and I know there is a re-made version of angry birds, but what others are there that you can play online? is there a particular site made only for that?
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.
Forfengelig og fin han nissen din..og visst skal man le litt i hverdagen…selvom den kan være litt trist og grÃ¥ innimellom..Ha en fin mandag 🙂
Quegustazo de receta, me ha encantado. Suelo hacer a veces rollitos con hojas de col, pero no con las especias y condimentos que lleva ésta, y además, cocinada de otra forma.Me la llevo porque se que vpy a disfrutar con ella.Un abrazo
No. The orifices and gas valves are different for the different types of gases. You do not want to attempt to do this change. It could not only ruin your water heater but is dangerous as well.
Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
I’m so glad I found my solution online.
Toda la razón. Un buen perfume, ante todo, ha de ser sutil.A mà los anuncios de esa empresa no suelen gustarme mucho. Los veo muy machistas. Besotes!!!
That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
That’s a mold-breaker. Great thinking!
Vamos lá:Kubica voçê acha que a F1 sobrevive sem o GP de Mônaco?Os comissarios de prova tem sidos bastantes rigorosos durante as corridas. Voçê acha que se os pilotos tivessem mais "liberdade" na pista,veriamos mais ultrapassagens?Voçê tem vontade de dividir uma mesma equipe com o Alonso?
Hello! I would love to win this! I just discovered Tarte and I am in LOVE!!!! I would love to win this!! please enter me!Im a subscriberMy name is EveMy email is shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
No Atheist campaign is going to convert people with faith, just like a quote from the bible on the tube is never going to have that “Oh, I see, he was his ONLY son. Right, I get it now, count me in” reaction.The best you can hope for is a sense of recognition and fellow-feeling from an Atheist who encountered the ad, so in that sense I can see this working well.
At last, someone comes up with the “right” answer!
Nice blog. Your posts were interesting reading. I have a site. You can find everything about laser hair removal as well as information on hair bows, color, extensions, and wigs. Please try and visit it, see what you think.Rod
September 24, 2012 at 8:56 pmI am currently in the Marines as an electrician working on F-18 jets. are tungsten carbide rings conductive? Could it be dangerous working around wires? I don’t want to take my wedding ring off, but I also want to be safe. Reply
You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.
Hey, killer job on that one you guys!
Articles like this just make me want to visit your website even more.
Great inspiration! I had just started a sponge with sourdough starter, all-purpose flour, and whole wheat flour. I am going to work it with all-purpose, rye, and the caraway seeds into a not so classic rye bread.
Both leaders of the PNP & JLP over the years have taken the JAMAICAN PEOPLE AND OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY for granted. I strongly support the vision of Betty Ann Blaine and will work with her and other well thinking Jamaican to create the positve change our people and country deserve.
Alakazaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!
Als Grüner fordere ich Euch NRW-Grüne auf, keine faulen Kompromisse einzugehen. Die Grünen dürfen nicht ihre Wählerschaft verlieren, weil sie macht-geil ihre Grundsätze preisgibt.Sollen wir demnächst die ÖDP unterstützen, weil die Grünen nicht mehr vertrauenswürdig sind? Ich hoffe, dass Ihr klare Entscheidungen für eine Energiewende durchsetzt! Gerhard Neudorf
One or two to remember, that is.
I came, I read this article, I conquered.
Kiitos kovasti. Kohta asennus loppusuoralla ja pääsee naattimaan perjantai illan huumasta jonkun pätkän parissa. Jatkahan kirjoittelua, mukava lukea kansantajuistakin kieltä eikä aina koukeroita joista tälläinen tavallinen tallaaja ei ymmärrä mitään.Vielä kerran kiitokset.perttu
October 5, 2012R.I.P Marybr /But as being a car lover I only hope the car is just not inherited bybr /a grandson who chops lowers and puts “Twenties ” on it
We definitely need more smart people like you around.
THANK YOU Very much for posting this petition. I wanted to vote on the CAA petition on Cort Johnson’s Pheonix Rising Site. However, Cort has banned me from this site. I appreciate you allowing a fair and ethical reporting of this issue.Best,Julia
BS low – rationality high! Really good answer!
Son of a gun, this is so helpful!
Hi. Mistoqsijiet biss jekk jogħġbok. Mag jiÄ¡u-bażi DIN po kaya Grace iħaddem mga sa ħidma esperjenza? Esperjenza ta ‘xogħol ko po huwa sa call center u bħala infermiera voluntiera, lanqas relatati sa manifattura. Imma I jaqra po na ni aktar baxx rekwiżiti po ang Nila, tama po ba? grazzi bil-quddiem..
So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!
Thanks for being on point and on target!
Do you have more great articles like this one?
Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!
Amigo Juvenal:Esqueceu-me essa questão no meu comentário: depois das vitórias dos rivais, com a paragem do campeonato e dos jogos que se seguem (FCP-SCB, GUI-SLB, e depois SLB-SCP) não podemos facilitar. Começarão agora as primeiras definições.
wiadomosci aktualnosci tresci newsy newsy newsy informacje posty przeczytaj zwrot podatku dla ciebie aktualnosci nowosci naklejki scienne sprawdz for you to czytaj dalej
I think bush should boycott the olympics. the US has been on the chinese goverment about its human rights policy for years and now he wants to show support and respect for that goverment. The real reason hes goin is the US is borrowing money from them help pay for the war in iraq. if he dosent jump threw the hoop for he'll put that money in jeapody.
if your point is to show how the political winds have changed, fine. but if your point is that black folks should flee to the republican party you are wasting keystrokes. you have completely ignored the fact that the republican party, from the 1960s forward, has been mostly supported by white supremacist.
People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!
I wish I had seen this last week! I was making puppy stockings for our dogs and embroidered their names on the back. I spent a lot of time scouring for free script fonts that I could use as a template for the embroidery that had clean lines that could easily be stitched without losing the “fanciness” … #2 would have been PERFECT!!Oh well, now I know for future embroidering adventures. Thanks for the fantastic insight 🙂
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
Good to see real expertise on display. Your contribution is most welcome.
That’s really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.
Extraordinario. Después de meses y meses de mal de amores, llegué a la misma conclusión. Uno cambia, el corazón cambia… Y cuando después de un tiempo de caminar deshojando margaritas a mordiscones, te das vuelta para ver lo que tenÃas detrás, empezás a ver desdibujada a esa persona… No la ves igual, porque no ya no sos igual. Y tirás las margaritas al cuerno.Un lujo de página.Saludos cordialÃsimos.Mariano
Zelo lep, iskreno napisan prispevek. Verjamem, da ga ni bilo lahko napisati. Verjetno imamo res vsi kakÅ¡no takÅ¡no izkuÅ¡njo ali vsaj podobno. Vendar nam na koncu nekako uspe zlesti ven iz te boleÄine. Svet nikoli ni enak prejÅ¡njemu. Je pa drugaÄen, tak, kot si ga sami obarvamo na novo.
Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.
The honesty of your posting is there for all to see
Pretty interesting, need more background information on Victorian England probably to put the post in perspective though. Rarely see any Uzbekistan stories in America, sounds like an interesting place to visit.
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Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
Kiitos tästä postauksesta; esittelit todella kiinnostavasti noita kirjoja, jotka molemmat haluaisin lukea. Luonto on tosiaan terapeuttista, ja on ylellisyyttä nähdä ikkunasta puita eikä kerrostalon seinää.
Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!
Review by Jessie T. Schager for Rating: I love these shoes. I used to wear a pear of black dc shoes that I even took over to Iraq with me, but now I am wearing these shoes. they are comfortable
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
Kære Betina, tak for din kommentar. Du mÃ¥ helt klart forkæle dig selv med denne opskrift nÃ¥r du kommer hjem – det er vildt lækkert. Jeg laver ofte en almindelig cole-slaw til med gulerødder og kÃ¥l, men du kan servere meget andet til 🙂
the sheep script is better, it’s just badly directed, too long for it’s own good, shit post and too much of it, unmemorable casting and no obvious link to the product for the average dumbo who likes this to remember.
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on From the perspective of the users of e-bikes, which themselves produce no emissions. Are you looking to buy an , you will not have to use gasoline again and you move on to a neighborhood convenience store.
The same thought crossed my mind. What happened to the proto-civilizations of ancient Europe?And now comes the news that migrants from Africa likely caused the demise of the Neandertals … of course, the question is: Just which Africans? Modern Africans?
Finding this post has solved my problem
Hallo,schöner Artikel – ich stimme vollkommen zu, dass man auch als Dienstleister bei Großaufträgen einen Mengenrabatt geben kann ;-)Viele GrüßeHeike Lorenz
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
I saw this story too and was amazed that she managed to keep it secret and then deliver alone. While I marveled at all that, I couldn’t help but grieve that she/her baby didn’t get prenatal care and to be grateful that it was an “easy” delivery (uncomplicated by cord, etc). Sad that these girls feel they have to hide this secret and have no adult they feel safe confiding to.
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
KiedyÅ› specjalnoÅ›ciÄ… bezbożników byÅ‚o pytanie; “Czy Bóg może stworzyć kamieÅ„, którego sam nie bÄ™dzie w stanie podnieść?”Pani ma podobny problem. Może trzeba stanąć na nogach, bo stanie na gÅ‚owie dÅ‚uższy czas powoduje nieodwracalne uszkodzenie mózgu.
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!
Last one to utilize this is a rotten egg!
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
Wat een geweldige namen voor je nieuwe kanjers.Ze komen gelukkig goed terecht en krijgen vast een fantastisch leven.En nu maar hopen dat ze veel eitjes leggen.Succes met de meiden!!liefs van Peet
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.
The way that you are sharing with all of us is incredible! I am so proud to say that I’m kin to you! There will never be a way for us to know how much influence your actions have had in making people more aware of cancer and how it affects others. Hadn’t thought of the California trip in years! Remember Barrett begging to go back with somebody else. We really had some good laughs listening to all your adventures. Please know that I love you and never hesitate to call if there’s something that I can do for you or your family—since your mom would probably never ask!
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myself, not knowing what to expect or what to do? For better or for worse, I found a way to get an old but sweet apartment, get to work on time, teach English, travel on the cheap, etc., etc. Ok, so I did some looking
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Fran, I can’t believe your vacation time is ending! Live it up for the last couple days – ww and the big purple bowl will be waiting for you!! I’ve enjoyed *meeting* your NM friends via your blog!
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!
The accident of finding this post has brightened my day
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
Se nel file htaccess hai già attivo tutto, senza vedere il file incriminato (class-simplepie) la vedo dura da risolvere dipende 1) è un plugin, tema? 2) dovrei vedere il suddetto file per capire almeno dove farti piazzare la stringa 3) è possibile che anche aggiungendo la stringa ti dia lo stesso errore (non postare qui il file al limite inviamelo via email) 4) i servizi di hosting molto spesso ti dicono la prima cosa che capita perchè non ne hanno voglia, io continuerei a rompere e a chiedere esattamente dove inserirlo
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
That’s a wise answer to a tricky question
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
und Betreiber eines blogs mit dem Namen “Zukunft Mobilität” spannender finde als einen Jahresrückblick auf das Jahr 2010, ist ein Ausblick auf das wahrlich spannende Jahr 2011. Natürlich besitze ich keine Glaskugel.
This is a great series. I wholeheartedly agree. I also graduated from highschool early. I graduated law school at 23. So, what? I was so emotionally immature when I started college. I share Susan’s sentiments.My son at 15 has a better education than I do. I went to public high school. In college, I majored in Accounting found it boring and ended up in law school. I didn’t read the great books. I am enjoying his education. I feel like now is when I am getting an education.To quote Sebastian ( a lady), “I hope there will be a part to this series where you talk about how your son found what he is doing for his gap year.”Again, thanks for the series.
If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.
Love does not necessarily brings a haapy-end. if it were not for the sake of sad moments, love would loose much of its power. check short or very short stories to find many romantic ones (and romance, to me, is not just marriage).how is this 6-words-story from :“For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn”
Oh and also made cake with cage free large eggs, grass feed cow butter, organic brown sugar and all organic ingredients. Big difference!!!
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
117Sou leitora parabenizo seu bom senso e acho ri-dÃÂ-cu-lo esses comments maldosos de quem não tem mais o que fazer!Pra mim não tem oq debater: é isso aào que vc falou!!!!!!!!! Concordo 100%bjs
I toaltly understand you. Im 13 too, but my parents divorced when I was 4. It’s just the saddest thing on earth (after death xd), my mom was a single mom with me and my brother, then she got a boyfriend, who she got a little girl with, and then seperated about 1-2 years ago. I hate it when my friends who their parents are still married/together, just brag about it. They don’t know how sad and depressing it could be. They don’t know how much you can cry. They’re life is just so perfect.
Mors,,Jag känner ingen med dagens namn,,Jobbade ihop med en Åsa för många år sen,vet ej var hon finns i dag,,Ha nu en bra dag.Kram.
Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!
Awesome you should think of something like that
That’s not even 10 minutes well spent!
/ I self published my book Living in Lanzarote via Lulu, and I’ve been really pleased. Things started reasonably, but when they listed it on Amazon, they really took off. I won’t get rich with it, but I suspect it will pay me a steady few hundred dollars a month for a few years.
I love Penny black too but unfortunately most of my stash is stickers, although I do have a couple of stamps, will tell all on my blog tonight.Great idea for a challenge blog – mmm ! It will encourage me to buy even more stamps now!!! Oh dear!!LOL Dawn
Respondendo à sua questão da cebola na tortilha, devo dizer que não fica “crua”, pois cortei-a bastante fininha.Mas à s vezes ponho-as também juntamente com as batatas! Tem dias!E parabésn pelo novo Blog!
Thanks for sharing. What a pleasure to read!
Inseamna ca a avut o alta intrevedere magica!De data asta cu constiinta sa, dupa neste descutii (exprimare de Badea) cu Tanta sau cu vecinili di carter. Ce sa-i facem, e in Gemeni, are momente in care devine o idealista naiva si usor de manipulat!
Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!
At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby–nice work!
Totally, totally agree with Jolean about this non-sensical ettiqute that you have to be a participant to enter a giveaway. Thank you Jolean for saying it so eloquently and having the same thoughts that whomever told you that can stuff it. And NO need to apologize Jolean, bravo!
Is it true that it is powered by Bing?Ifso getting them to fix their search results may be difficultThe deal may be made with Yahoo, but Microsoft has a corporate interest to make sure it’s not easy to fix problems with Linux or to find more information about it.There have been article’s in the past of ‘colored’ search results where anti-linux news and pro-microsoft bias had a higher ‘bing-pageranking’.I doubt Yahoo is able to do much about this.
That’s really thinking at a high level
Greetings, Defamerite. Y’all in the Dominion Building with Haddock and Co? Gorgeous place.Your name is totally familiar to me. Do you know somebody called Lorraine Murphy? That would be me. I’m 90% sure we’ve met somewhere. Vancouver’s a small town.
Very interesting blog I must say. The things you say are generally right, but I do not agree on everything you .I will be back to see what else you have to say and what the reaction of other people on your blog will be. Keep up the good work.
Hello Simone, This is a fantastic article! We would love to put up the English version as a guest blog entry on and give full link-back credit to Berufebilder. We would need to change the current video on the top to our new runway video from our F/W 2012 collection (should be ready any day now). Please let me know if that would work for you. Take care, Fraser Fraser Sullivan | E-Commerce Manager | KORHANI | 905 660-0863 x 290|
Cassie- I see your point, but that is an extreme example (someone in a suit versus someone in flip flops and jeans). What if both women were qualified, both wore suits, but one had styled hair and makeup applied (not a lot, but very polished looking) and the other had her hair pulled into a tight bun and had no makeup on and looked like she didn't put effort into her apperance.It did not say who the survey included.
It’s great to find someone so on the ball
Data classes and destructuring both look amazing. Data classes are a much needed addition that are just as simple as they should be. Are the data classes immutable? Destructuring a la Python looks nice as well. Is there a typo in the last code example? It looks like you are returning a Pair instead of a TwoThings? Or does Pair cast to TwoThings?
Grazi for making it nice and EZ.
C’est vrai que les roux son de très bons amants ( Marc, mon petit Hans).Oh merci pour tout Marc tu es Ginger au masculin.
Le Grand Larousse du XXe siècle tient à préciser que « multiplier » et « démultiplier » sont d’exacts contraires.
E ainda bem que a 746 foi contemplada com perfume, pois aquela parte final do percurso tresanda a catinga. Pelo menos antigamente quando a estrada Militar era toda ela contemplada com barracas. Agora já só há o Bº 6 de Maio e uma ou outra no Estrela de Africa.
Jeg fatter ikke at i købte den omgang til dem! Hvis man indgår et væddemål/spil så skal man være enig om betingelserne før man går igang. Basta!Af ren princip, havde jeg nægtet og så måtte de mene at man skulle have tæv eller hvordan.. Næste gang ringer du til mig!!?!
I was honored to get a call coming from a friend as he uncovered the important recommendations shared on the site. Looking at your blog post is a real amazing experience. Many thanks for considering readers just like me, and I would like for you the best of achievements as a professional in this field.
Excellent , la tête dépitée de Yoda dans la dernière case !!!Mais par contre c’est faire trop d’honneur à Dark Darcos que de l »‘assimiler » à Dark Vador….OK, on a les méchants qu’on mérite …
hausmarzen · mercoledì, 13 giugno 2012, 10:47 amNoi italiani siamo l’uno per cento del pianeta. Una pulce. Ma per una serie di circostanze siamo considerati i più “coolâ€. Gli stranieri ci disistimano come senso civico, ma adorano la nostra qualità della vita. Quindi bisogna esportare bellezza: agroalimentare, moda e design, industria manifatturiera di precisione, arte e cultura
This ring on a woman’s finger is a sign of her acceptance and willingness to marry a specific person. Frequently are offered by men to girls. Even so, the other way around also is gaining popularity within the US. In some nations like Finland, Norway and so on both parties committed to marriage put on these rings.
I am pumped to download your top workout songs…I only have 1 of them on my playlist. Agree with songs you’d never want to hear again.Your dinner looks yummy and protein filled. The pilot’s looks amazing too…
MiaÅ‚em niemiÅ‚Ä… okazjÄ™ spróbować herbowego i miodowego z tegoż „browaru”. Pierwsze miaÅ‚o niespotkanÄ… przez mnie wczeÅ›niej lepkÄ… konsystencjÄ™, a drugie pachniaÅ‚o bardziej biszkoptami niż miodem. Ogólnie wrażenia niezbyt pozytywne. Też widziaÅ‚em stragan Korebu na Targu DominikaÅ„skim zachwalajÄ…cy tamtejsze wyroby.
The punky BHS thief that took the phone better watch his back. I wish they had tagged him. There are valid reasons for going the extra mile to bust that thief. The phone probably had sensitive information on it. I am proud that our chief sent his kid to a Berkeley Public School. Cell phone robberies can be linked to other serious crimes worth pursuing.Â
With just your website address, and some keywords you can build endless relevant backlinks to all of your websites. Backlinks are very important to increase search engine rankings and website traffic.
Både inredning och kläder var superfab i repotaget! :DDu borde själv ta arbete som STYLIST tycker jag!Tack för en inspirerande feel good blogg!Kram Saga
PaweÅ‚ KrzyworÄ…czka4 listopada 2012Wojtku,z tym dziwnym zapleczem, to masz racjÄ™. Czy jest to realna strona klienta, czy tylko taka dodatkowa wykreowana przez tÄ™ firmÄ™ pozycjonerskÄ…, to i tak wyglÄ…da jak licha zapleczówka.Bez wÄ…tpienia wÅ‚aÅ›ciciel tego biznesu nie ma wpÅ‚ywu na wyglÄ…d i zawartość strony – wszystkim tam steruje pozycjoner.
Thank you for the sensible critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. I am very glad to see such great information being shared freely out there.
Hello…Hi my family member! I wish to say that this article is amazing, great written and include almost all important infos. I would like to peer more posts like this….
The Eurocrats fiddle while the entire Continent burns down around their ears. One would think that the PIGS crisis had been sufficiently instructive with respect to financial hemorrhaging. These immigrants are nothing but a black hole into which the EU will pour countless more billions of Euros.
Well, I used one of my Get out of Jail cards today. The bread had expired so it was lunch order time for R today.I saw Missy A carrying the lunch order bag and stopped her to put R’s in – I was late!
I really loved the detail of this article. I knew that colors played a role in how it makes people feel, but you went into a lot of extras. Really thought provoking.Thanks!
Astagaaah.. ini bneran ada???Kmrn liat ada yg pake begitu.. ampe bingung sendiri kenapa ya koq bisa FB di blog kaneeeh ternyata themenya hahahaha thanks infonya
Fish! Guppies are super cheap and hearty. You can find colorful ones with big gorgeous tails (usually the males). And your daughter will have fun picking out tacky decorations for the tank.
Lovely quilt. All my quilts were made by my grandmother or great grandmother and are similar to the one made by Mr. Savvy's mother in that they didn't purchase fabrics to make quilts; they used clothing that was worn or outgrown. I love every single one of them.
Bonjour,J’aurai voulu avoir quelques renseignements sur les différentes formations, et les possibilités de carrière au sein de vos écoles. Je ne travaille pas actuellement dans ce domaine, mais ce métier, ainsi que la méthode me passionnent particulièrement.J’aimerai, dans le cadre de ma reconversion (actuellement pompier de Paris), participer à une de vos formations. Pourrions nous en discuter par e-mail?Je vous remercie par avance, ayant remarqué que chacun semble satisfait de vos réponses.Cordialement,AM
I find it amusing that people conspicuously engaged in making things up in some weird manner attach an academic standard to it. I believe it was you who set up the straw dog here. No one here claimed their work was academic. What they have stated is that their work requires significant, far reaching and varied research. They are objecting to the dismissive attitude that lead you to claim they are ‘making things up in some weird manner.’
It would appear that if you're in a relationship, you can never exhale then. Or perhaps you should listen to that “still small voice” and get out of something that isn't working as soon as possible.
je pense que ne passent sur ce blog que des militants ou convaincus … heureusement! Parce que si il y avait des hésitants, compte tenu du sectarisme de la plus part des commentateurs ils fuiraient très vite et le blog et la candidate !
Je lis des commentaires ignobles, dus à la haine et au racisme antisarkozy.Les commentaires accusent le gouvernement en place d’avoir préparé cette tuerie.C’est simplement ignoble, ces esprits ont complètement perdus la raison et le sens de la dignité.
bitch please. KiedyÅ› update’y wychodziÅ‚y co miÄ™siÄ…c/dwa i wnosiÅ‚y dużo nowoÅ›ci.Teraz wychodzÄ… co tydzieÅ„ i dodajÄ… nie potrzebne rzeczy. Dla mnie najlepszÄ… wersjÄ… jest 1.3
I’m slightly falling for Fox Mulder, he’s amazing. You know, the perfect guy for me would have the best qualities from Mulder, Tenth Doctor, and Fred Weasley… my expectations are way too high :’(
I was growing up, my mom excelled in making meals memorable. Curried potatoes and pork chops, Chinese takeout that we ate at the coffee table, sitting on cushions, deli meats on
גנהמורה שלי לשל"ח לנהיה ×Âלנבוגר סמינר, ולנבוגר ×Âוניברסיטה. וגנהונהיה ניצי, ל×Âומני ומסית פוליטית במקונלחנך.
Wobei z.B. tvbrowser immer noch unbedingt ihr eigenes Java installieren wollen, auch wenn das Original schon drauf ist. Da sind wohl die Abhängigkeiten noch nicht aktuell…
Oooh! What to read. Hmmm. I could read some Buffy (or Angel). I could read “A Shepherd’s Tale.” Nah, I think I’ll read something Marvel. There’s just too much DC love on this blog. Hahahaha!
Ohhh Francesca ! Preciosa entrada ! Te felicito !Un curso estupendo, como todos los anteriores… Una maravilla de proyectos !!Las compañeras… Unas profesionales, solidarias, atentas, creativas….La amfitriona, Silvia, excelente !!! Y los hoteles… Perfectos!Muchas gracias y gasta la pròxima !! Un baccio !
Taylor & Luke will always be remembered in my heart. And the pictures you and Ann shared on your blogs are so tender to me – once a mother, always a mother. No matter what. God bless you and your families, both here and up there.
That can’t be much fun to deal with those sort of problems. It’s ok though, I’d just come back and leave my comment all over again. Lin’s last blog post..
Moi j’utilise µtorrent c’est le top meme si je suis sur ubuntu je prends wine pour le faire tournée sa marche impect et je vais sur ce site pour avoir pleins de fichier voila
Lo voy a preparar, no como los donuts porque son fritos y no me gustan, fuera de que no se hacen aqui fritos, por lo tanto cero posibilidades.Se ven muy ricos, seguro que no se pueden dejar de comer, gracias a tu marido por la receta.Saludos.
Mandy I LOVE these ruffle bags! Too too cute! I've always wanted to try sewing. Ill have to give it a whirl one of these days! 🙂 PS. I hope you and Lance had a fun date night! I can't believe you had to go three weeks without him!! 🙁 That is rough. You are a strong wife to endure that. I would be lost 🙁
Most mathematicians wouldn’t be able to read the articles in that journal, if they’re anything like I remember. Most math articles are written =horribly= and assume you know quite a few major results in the particular field being written about.=meep=
This is really nice Eleanor and you have pointed out some very valid points and I feel its better to talk to some one and start concentrating on something else. Thanks for this beautiful post.
I totally agree. Mandy always looks adorable but still never wows. FC is Mandy’s stylist Brad Goreski? Because she was at his Born To Be Brad launch.
interested in Destin’s culinary culture, then be sure to check out this article highlighting 5 winners from the Food & Beverage category. Immerse yourself in Destin’s vibrant community and breathtaking scenery, as you
Masalah kita sama. Service sudah jalan. tapi ga bisa receive sms. sudah diotak-atik konfigurasinya tetap ga bisa. Saya pake Ubuntu buat ngejalaninnya.
How could you leave out “Men in Tights”??! That’s my favorite version. Also, I just finished watching the final season of the BBC series. It was pretty well done and fun to watch, with some great characters. Also, there was a Showtime series in the early 90′s that was interesting. It had a more mythological angle and was very engaging.
Thanks for sharing superb informations. Your site is so cool. I’m impressed by the details that you’ve on this web site. It reveals how nicely you understand this subject. Bookmarked this website page, will come back for more articles. You, my friend, ROCK! I found simply the information I already searched all over the place and simply couldn’t come across. What a perfect website.
Hi Dianna!Welcome to our sweet food club! I am happy to see you here.I hope you liked the cake. I pressed down the dough with my fingers, I used the measuring cup only to smooth out the surface.Petra
Thanks so much for linking up and joining my pary! I love the outfit and what a sweet picture of your sister and new neice… Come back any time and don't forget to link up next week..
Stop lying… Shame to call you’ll Maldivians . There was no beating of women during President Nasheed’s protests….this is a brutal military state now.. Everywhere they are beating and killing civilians .. The man called the president use his fists like Hitler in every speech he gives …
Un forma de no dir que et vols casar:Posant un anell de compromÃs en qualsevol peça de menjar, pot acabar en un lloc que no és el dit… i realment pagar una pasta per que desprès l’hagin de cagar no deu fer gaire grà cia.
Nubian, last week there were many complaints (especially from “the Ladies”) about references to Cricket, Rugby, etc. Funnily enough – no complaints today about 10a! The Delia factor!
Sara, me encantan tus videos, eres elegante y muy bonita además haces que todo se vea muy fácil, muchas gracias por todos los consejos que nos das (:!Espero algún dÃa vengas a México y hagas un taller como el de Madrid, serÃa fantástico y no dudarÃa ni un poquito en asistir!!Espero estés muy bien, mis mejores deseos!
L’arme de destruction massive contre l’évasion fiscale est la délation contre intéressement. Si vous donnez une fraction de l’amende à l’informateur qui a fait remonter une affaire à la justice, les grandes entreprises multinationales qui fraudent seront à la merci de n’importe quel cadre frustré à qui on a refusé une promotion, ou qu’on a viré.Â
« Nicolas Sarkozy a supprimé ses meilleurs voeux » « MAM et 10 autres personnes aiment ça » Énorme ! Bravo !
hola soy vale tengo un pronblema . cuando fuy a la playa dijdero que podimaod ver las fotos en este sitioperono me sale nada solo lapropaganda que ago
Thank you! It’s not so much that they’re awful, it’s that they’re so damn average that makes their success so perplexing. In 2012 when everyone has access to as much great music as they want via the internet, why do so many people go so nuts for something as bland as Mumford & Sons? Being average and successful is even worse than being downright awful in my opinion.
Oj oj, her er befruktning pÃ¥ gang 🙂 5 om dagen sier vi som kan kost, danskene sier derimot 6…., og det lyder jammen ikke værst det heller.Har et fruktbilde pÃ¥ vent jeg ogsÃ¥, og det kommer vel etterhvert.Om du nÃ¥ reiser pÃ¥ hytta fÃ¥r du ha trivleige gode dager Rune. Feste spennende ting til minnebrikken og kose deg stort med konemor.Her regner det i bøtter og spann og tÃ¥ka ligger tett i tett, men vi lever i hÃ¥pet.Anneklem
Sounds delicious! A quick question – do you use a large can of diced tomatoes and a carton of chicken broth like you show in your picture – or is just the small/regular cans? Thanks!
Qué chistosas preguntas las de los hombres….. claro la sel sexo tenÃa que estar incluida por un amigo!!!!Haces bien en NO contarles tus intimidades!! ja!Eso sà yo también espero libro, fotos, pelÃcula…………Tu voto: 0 0
actually I typically picture a collection of dumb white trailer trash all crowded around some toothless redneck’s 15 year old “big screen” TV in some Florida trailer park when I think of typical MMA viewers.
“People generally buy on emotion, then use logic to justify the decision they have just made.”So true! UPS is the perfect example. They’re basically selling space in lorry to send something from A to B, but it’s the branding and message that make you want to choose them over their competitors. Nurofen, panadol etc do it too. You can buy exactly the same thing for 25p from a supermarket own label, but yet they convince people to spend £2+ by appealing to our emotions. Genius!
Of course, since WW2, socialists (progressives) can only adopt a transnational/post-national political identity because being a national socialist ie. Nazi is no longer politically correct, to say the least.
Hoy, es uno de esos tantos dias que me averguenzo de ser Europeo. Debo ser un idealista ingenuo que cree en Europa. Pero desde luego no en esta, si no enla Europa de los valores (no bursatiles). La Europa de los ciudadanos, del estado del bienestar, de la solidaridad… etc.Todos somos Grecia !!!Salud !!!MiguelMe gusta o disgusta: 1 0
this whole going to bed before 11 pm thing is pretty rad (remember these pretty little goals over here? I’m totally kicking butt and taking names). I have to admit it’s rather exhilarating
KBD, the only “fail” here other than your ability to act like a heterosexual male and wear jeans multiple times before washing them, is in your ability to post comments using lowercase lettering and correct spelling/grammar. I realize this statement is also ironic given my recent typo…
vorrei vivere nella parigi degli anni ’50,nel quartiere latino.Svegliarmi con una donna raffinata al mio fianco,prendere un caffè a letto con lei,uscire e comprare “le figarò” e una baguette (sottobraccio) a piedi o in bicicletta.Passare le mie serate in un bistrò a discutere di cinema con i miei amici truffaut,godard e rohmer.Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
I do wish the photos had shown her legs, since her outfit was so carefully chosen to show them! The side shot with the bag made it look like she had on pants.
This would be my new Mary Poppins bag. It would be my work bag, my travel bag, my daily bag, my knitting bag, my yoga bag, my computer bag…my everything bag. I currently run my own business from a home office, and this would ensure I always step out in style!
Thank you so much for sharing salt free vegan recipes. My family went plant based November 2010 for a number of reasons mostly for the heart disease in my husbands genetic makeup and my being overweight. And now his blood pressure is running high so we are throwing the salt out. So, we are hoping to find recipes here to help us and our two kids to enjoy the plant based life without salt. Thank you and if you have anything to encourage me with this journey I would appreciate it.Jessica
é cada um aqui, meu deus,estavam tb calados. a partir de hoje bom só fazer corridas a rolar para terminarem todos k alinharam a partida ate já ouvi que na volta a portugal nao vai haver este ano serra da estrela, sr.graça. iool vai ser bonito de ver na rtp 1
..иÑкал что-нибудь новое от s.maharba..пришел к вам..как-то по домашнему, и впрÑм по-дружеÑки, у ваÑ)))..в итоге поÑле Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ‡Ñ‚ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ð²ÑŒÑŽ от Robot Koch Ñкачал jahcoozi)))..от Kocha волоÑÑ‹ шевелилиÑÑŒ на голове, от Ñборника ремикÑов вообще не оторвать было..
muhammetikinci diyor ki:annemin maaşıkesildi 1980 yılında abimşehit oldu sigortası annemin üzerine geçirilipemekli edildi maaş almaya başladı 1989 yılında babam vefatetti anneme dulmaaşı bağlandı ayrıyeten annem şehitannesi maaşı alıyor fakat 2002 demaaşının biri durduruldu bilgi almakistedik bize maaşınız kesildi de demiyorlar ama ödemede yapmıyorlar bilgialabilirmiyim acaba maaşı kestilermi