
Home at last, and I lasted the night. One step at a time. Some fun observations…

1. I’m on the prednisone mellow. Everything’s just fine. Which is good because it means I don’t mind quite as much that…

2. I just lost as much hair in the shower as my husband has on his entire head. And more keeps coming out. Prednisone was doing that to me a little before this episode, but I’m guessing the IV steroids are primarily responsible for the clumps. Yay for hats and scarves.

3. My stomach is so bloated I look pregnant, but I lost about ten pounds. I’m sporting quite the cheekbones. Alas, I bet a lot of that weight is muscle because…

4. I have zero leg strength. I wobble as I walk and stairs are a challenge. I knew it wasn’t good when I walked the hospital ward, but I thought it was partially lack of food. I now suspect this will take more time to overcome.

But hey, I’m home! And in time to celebrate Mr. Nemesis’s birthday this weekend. Bring on the cake and pizza. I’m medically required to eat bad foods for the time being, so I’ll enjoy it until I start craving broccoli (which will probably be sooner than I can eat it).


  1. i use piterucspro and LOVE them. Yes, it might be a little much at first, but i don’t have to worry about paying them every year. Or having them take of a % of my sales. Also, If you have ANY questions, they are always their!!!! LOVE that![]

  2. Hello,I just tried to download / view the weekly audition report but when clicking on the link, it goes to a “sorry, but the page you requested cannot be found” message. I then tried to right click to “save link as” but again, an error message appears saying that “it cannot be found or is unavailable”.Can you help please?thank you. Georgette

  3. Seriously, the episode was great, even if the action in Woodbury could have been a bit more entertaining (it wasn’t TWD’s Blackwater if you know what I mean), but this shit about black characters is getting RIDICULOUS. I wonder if they’re making that on purpose, but out of racism of course, but to poke fun at the cliché that black guys die first in most horror/suspense movies.

  4. Morgan Frank-Evidently you are unique, in that you alone can ferret out at the current CPI understates inflation, while even peer-reviewed papers are being published by the American Economic Review that the CPI overstates inflation. Yes, measures of inflation are updated from time to time, for obvious reasons.BTW, if we assume what you say is true, and prices are up 150 percent in the last while, what does that say about gold prices?

  5. Really cant believe people can do this also…seriously how can they do such a thing…i have filed a spam against this blog…google will surely help all of us malar..dont worry..we all will together fight against it…

  6. MICHELLE 11:10P.M., Lane Cheery may have something there. In one article he told and i mean “REALLY TOLD”. All this will end—the downfall of OBAMA —–in CHICAGO ! Remember BLAGO and RESKZO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TESTIFING. You better believe they both have a lot to GAIN OR LOSE !!!!!I love “LAME CHEERY” ! And i’m sure the “ELITES” are very very interested and if he’ right—-SHAKING IN THEIR BOOTS !!!!!!!! LOVE YOUR COMMENTS , SO INTELLIGENT!!! TAKE CARE, ANNE MARIE

  7. I read every day but didn’t post until today. I’m yet another 20-something urban planner (and cyclist in my free time) working in Westchester County, NY. I’m interested in the issues and problems faced by inner-ring suburbs that are stuck in a kind of purgatory between truly urban environments and suburbia, along with figuring out ways that we can take on and win the fight against the peak oil/climate change monster on a community level.

  8. Hi!, Very interest angle, we were talking about the same thing at work and found your site very stimulating. So felt compelled to com­ment a huge thank you for all your effort. Please continue the great work your doing!

  9. Woin, tu as bien raison, Manu. Pour un malfaiteur, jeune ou vieux, peut importe, voir un globe vitré et facile à casser doit être une tentation extrême, m’enfin pour ceux qui aiment ce genre d’activité. j’imagine que pour eux c’est un peu comme demander à un chien si il veut un os ;-)))Perso, je préfère des activités plus constructives que destructives.

  10. Years ago, when I was at the University of Iowa, the campus rag had a write up of the Music School's annual Madrigal Dinner with the priceless line, "A madrigal is a song without music." Within 24 hours, virtually every music department and prof had that article posted on their bulletin boards.

  11. Hi Helen:Good to hear from you and thanks for your kind words of appreciation.Please send me an email on Unfortunately,on your suggested dates I will not be in Hyderabad hence will not be able to connect with you in person.Best regards,Zeena.

  12. I simply L O V E your dress, and want to buy it myself! Can you please tell me wether it`s big/small in size or what? And what size are you normally? I`m a 36 in Norway, do you think I can have a 6 or do I need a 8? really hope you will find time to answer me back. hugs

  13. No w sumie to ja też bardziej górski niż szantowy, jak to ludzie z południa. Ale szant sporo znałem i lubię, bo rytmiczne. Do nastrojowego brzdękania to wtedy i owszem Bukowina i podobne. Tośki Krzysztoń za bardzo nie trawię, ale inne rzeczy i owszem. Bukowiny znałem większość piosenek na pamięć i potrafiłem grać.

  14. Fed a commencé à se sortir un peu les doigts (pour reprendre une expression chère à Arno ^^) vers la fin, mais c’était un peu tard malheureusement. À partir du milieu du second set il fait presque jeu égal avec Melzer, sauf sur les balles de break . Match plaisant en tout cas, beaucoup d’amorties tentées de la part de l’Autrichien, surtout contre le vent, ce qui a donné lieu à des séquences sympa.

  15. It does seem that we are drowning ourselves because of our wealth, success and selfishness. Not really sure where or when this quick-fix, we want it now and if it feels good do it no matter the consequences but my folks didn’t raise me that way. Another source of learning was the U.S. Marine Corps. We were taught to keep going, no matter how tired or hungry you were. You pushed on, sacrificed and did your job until the objective was reached. It sure ain’t looking good for the home team.Tom

  16. This is a cool spreadsheet – thanks.I have submitted my estimates for the 5 previous quarters (this quarter is my sixth) and I have placed first in the smackdown as well as third overall – other three times were respectful compared to the entire group but nothing legendary.. Let’s see what happens tomorrow. My posting here isn’t to show off but rather to share my opinion on where AAPL could come out based on my analysis. That’s all.. Full disclosure – I could care less what other people think of my numbers.

  17. Skubinuosi ginti straips­nio ir auto­rės. Žinoma, žavu, kad kaž­ko­kiais pasą­mo­ni­niais meto­dais suge­bat nutarti, kiek autorė lite­ratų žino ir kiek ren­gi­nių besi­lankė. Gal ir man kokią ateitį nuspė­sit. O kūry­bi­ninkų auk­lė­ji­mas ne toks jau ir pras­tas. Jei skai­ty­mai nori ori­en­tuoti save į vady­binę, pre­ky­binę pusę štai jums ir pra­šom — pil­nas sau­jas marketingo!

  18. Bom dia Dr! Gostaria que o senhor mostrasse umas fotos do CT da base do Timão, como está a construção, quando fica pronto. Outra coisa o senhor não acha que o Corinthians que o nome do CT não deveria ser vendido e fazer dinheiro? O Ronaldo já dá nome ao Lab Corinhtians R9, pra que mais essa homenagem, afinal ele não fez nada pra a base do Timão. Abraços!

  19. Lol. I *am* using WP! I’m also getting spammed like crazy!! It seems the pictures do nothing to keep the bots away. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. The message I’d gotten (from Amazon) was that it was due to copyright issues. Still, I *did* have to go through Amazon. It’s just that instead of one-clicking, I had to download the file direction from Amazon – either way, I had to visit the Amazon website to get the book.I’m still scratching my head….

  20. “I was told, however, that my site is a partisan site and linking to your opponent is ‘just not done.’ So, I deferred to their wishes and removed those links.”Thus demonstrating why Web politics perhaps is not quite as different as any other politics after all.

  21. The real agenda: retroactive pension enhancements for those cashing in and moving out. With cuts in wages and benefits for new hires, and both old and new workers expected to provide less in services because “they” are underpaid.I’ve learned not to believe in anything else.

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  24. Tu nous laisses déchirant nos vêtements en 807 morceaux et nous couvrant la tête de cendres….Mais avons-nous offensé 807 fois le Seigneur que la saison 2 ne soit pas VRAIMENT promise? Tiens, le Destin s'y met et me fournit comme code à recopier: ABLYN.Oui, du fond de l'ablyne, je crie vers toi.

  25. previously when you pass on the cost of fuel surchage to customers, you have less customers, that is a fact, people don't travel for leisure and businesses cut back. You should ask your Operations Director to have a chat, so you don't get surprised someday.

  26. Musta ois hienoa, että naiset vois kesällä hengailla ilman paitaa siinä missä miehetkin. Tissit sais olla arkisempia ja vähemmän mystifioituja, kaikille tekis hyvää nähdä niitä oikeita erilaisia rintoja, kun tuntuu että pornografia, push-upit ja geelitissiliivit on hieman vääristäneet tissikäsityksiä. En usko, että keskikverto-tavistissit ovat sen provosoivempia paljaataan, kuin pikku topissa push-uppeihin ängettyinäkään. Tosin täällä Suomessa sauna- ja mökkikulttuurin ansioista ei ole vielä yhtä vieraantunut tilanne kuin monissa muissa maissa. Boobies rock! 🙂

  27. constatei aki q nao somente as loiras teriam essas duvidas pois perguntei aos meus coleegas de msn e obtive uma resposta intrigante:    ☺ Laecio Coutinho     diz:*saiure*me tira uma duvida*akiSaiure diz:*de q?   ☺ Laecio Coutinho     diz:*Tem algum direito a mulher em trabalho de parto sem carteira assinada?Saiure diz:*só se ela entrar na justica*requerendo a assinatura da ctps*e assim ela terá todos os direiros

  28. Shawn, I think you’ve got a point about recording, but if you actually want a string quartet to perform at your wedding then Baumol is still correct. It’s admittedly his weakest example. Matt, there are productivity gains in labor, but they’re not the dramatic improvements that are turning $2000 plasma TVs into $800 plasma TVs or expensive 286 CPUs into cheaper and faster multi-core Pentiums.

  29. faruk eryürek diyor ki:düzce kaynaşlı ilçesine otoyol cıkısında arazım var hgs satmak için acentalık almak istiyorum sartlar elektsu sagarı kazanc nedır almak ıstıyorum ansıl ulasabılırız

  30. they could replace the BB with whatever I wanted for around $600. As you said, pretty expensive, but not horrible (at least relative to component costs). They’d also refurb/buff the frame to make it look new again, and inspect it.The old Dura-Ace 7400 crankset is doing fine, and the BB has new bearings. It should be fine for a while.Would it be best to ship through you guys or any bike shop? You have the relationship with the company, but are a ways from me in Woodbridge.

  31. Off-topic, but has anyone seen Millsap play in the last 18 games? Is he really as good as his stats indicate? My impression (from last year) was Boozer could create his own shot and have the offense run through him, whereas Millsap feeds off bunnies created by the attention others draw. Or can he really replace Booz? How did a guy like this fall so far in the draft? Wow.

  32. Kristie – Ohhh Andria, this takes me back to my granddad passing away. It is a tender time, but a time to remember we celebrate life! You captured the celebration so well…with family. Thinking of you today…

  33. Some people regard as ignorants those that do not agree with their views, quite so. Nothing new about that “phenomenon”. And yes, I agree that certain but luckily shrinking ideologies, such as hatred for a particular race or ethnicity, can easily blind some individuals. Let’s hope they’re able to find a way to overcome their bigotry, as the world has seen enough intolerance, the likes of which suffering Catalans have been made to endure. That would really be a good sign.

  34. Pierre Boulle: Monkey Planet.I swear to god I used ot own a copy of a book by Boulle called "Threshold" regardign the dsicovery of a new species of hominid in New Guinea called Threshold.It's a great book and I was going to add it to the lsit but none of the references I can access easily online even mention its existence.

  35. खरंच, हे सगळं शब्दनशब्द खरं आहे…सगळ्या वरवरच्या ढोंगीपणावर, हा आतला आवाज ताण असतोच आणि तो कधी खोट बोलत नाही मस्त झालीय पोस्ट !!

  36. I think I heard that Sir Alec explained his approach to playing the professor in “The Ladykillers” this way: once he worked out the teeth, the whole character opened up to him. Very simple.Though I’ve seen two of the three Ealing comedies I’ve always heard about, “The Ladykillers” and “The Lavender Hill Mob,” somehow I’ve never seen the one you’ve reminded me of here. Clearly I must. Thanks for the appetizers.

  37. Man merkt – unsere Jungs sind gleich alt.Hier genau die gleiche Geschichte: Mp3 und Bluetooth sind wichtig, Kamera auch noch – das wars.Axel F ist auf dem iPod – in Ermangelung einer Speicherkarte noch nicht auf dem Handy.Und auch das tägliche, stolze Präsentieren der neusten Klingeltöne ist hier gang und gebe.Telefoniert wird damit quasi nur nach Hause, aus dem immer gleichen Grund: “kann ich noch ‘ne viertelstunde länger bleiben?”

  38. Joyce – I so wanted to ask you on Saturday how it was going, since I hadn’t seen any posts lately. But I’ll be honest, I figured that there might be some stress going on and didn’t want to bring it up. I am so excited to see the rest of the house. I know it will be beautiful. You are such a gifted and creative lady!! Thanks for sharing!!

  39. would say has been lacking: the food. According to manager Tracie Munce, they’re switching to St. Agnes bread, they’ll use Thousand Hills beef for their burgers, and they started sourcing more of their

  40. Je passe mon temps à virer des applis pour mettre les nouvelles qui m’intéressent, faute de place, je ne vois pas l’intérêt de fabriquer un téléphone qui n’a pas la place de mettre les applis android alors que c’est sa fonction première, et à quoi bon faire un soft (pourri au passage car aucun réel intérêt) si il n’y a pas de mise à jour à installer ???

  41. Excellent report, Aaron. We all prefer to use logic, but I agree that Joker may use some frosh in 2012 not physically ready because of lack of depth. In a recent interview with LV about this topic, the first position Joker mentioned was OL… he hinted strongly that more than one true frosh may have to play OL.

  42. …The other automakers you cite (Toyota, etc) in your original post also have plants in the US and also employ UAW members. If the UAW is at all culpable here, you’d think those other car makers would be in worse straits too.Why is anyone blaming the UAW for the failings which lie solely at the hands of the Big 3′s execs? It defies logic.(c/p at )

  43. Por muito que nos custe so devemos avaliar o treinador Vercauteren no final desta epoca. Os adeptos do Sporting vao precisar de muita cabeca fria e humildade nos muitos jogos que ainda faltam este ano. Evitem as respostas rapidas, precipitadas e banais porque o problema desta vez parece diferente.SL

  44. vous êtes extraordinaire, vraiment. Je vous aime. Vous m’avez appris en quelques jours « le galant qui tire ses grègues », le « pessaire de gimblette » et aujourd’hui les boers policiers russes. Vos interventions sont… Simplement, merci à vous.

  45. Or how about Madison Bumgarner? If he isn’t pitching it’d be a great way to keep him involved, and he has as much raw power as anyone on the team!Just kidding, I’d go with Arias at 3B and Sandoval at DH. But the Bumgarner option is strangely tempting…

  46. Witaj mgdln 🙂 zadne pytanie nie jest dziwne, ale przyznam sie, ze odpowiedz moja na Twe pytanie bedzie nieco nieprecyzyjna, nigdy bowiem tego ciasta nie wyrabialam mikserem. Wydaje mi sie jednak ze nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie by to ciasto mikserem wyrobic, przyznam ze ciasto jest dosc luzne i mocno sie lepi i wykorzystanie miksera to moze byc bardzo dobry pomysl. Powodzenia 🙂

  47. Two plantations and he's on the one with less black folks? That's actually somewhat comical considering the name of your blog.Ideologically there has ALWAYS been only one plantation and most of us are in the field, a few are in the house and they ARE prone to defend it.Cain might be saying all of the "right" things (another irony because they couldn't be more wrong), but he'll find out, just like Barry O did, how the owners of the house REALLY feel about him, even when he appears to agree with them in principle.

  48. Tack, tack så väldans mycket. När jag såg sjalonchon tidigare i våras insåg jag att det var PRECIS vad jag behövde. Jag är verkligen jätteglad för att du är så snäll och delar med dig. Trevlig sommar!Sarah

  49. Da hast Dir echt nen super schnuckeliges Plätzchen geschaffen.Und mein Blick is natürlich gleich an der Blütenschublade hängengeblieben. *Flüster,flülster: hättest ruhig a bissle mehr aufmachen können* :-))))))Wir waren heute wieder auf dem Flohmarkt in Wörnitz. Werd wahrscheinlich im August mal mitmachen und hab da so ne Idee. Bekommst noch ne Mail. ;-)GrüßleSteffi

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  52. Augusto disse:O que deixa Minas e o resto do Brasil indignado é o fato de o RJ nunca conseguir resolver seus problemas sozinho. O Governo Federal tem sempre que gastar dinheiro com esses incompetentes. Veja o exemplo da Copa: o RJ é a cidade que mais recebeu dinheiro até agora, e continua essa M****

  53. Jsem také proti rasismu, takže – žádná diskriminace protože je nÄ›kdo cikánské národnosti, žádné výroky ponižující je kvůli barvy pleti atd. Na druhé stranÄ› – žádné sociální dávky, které by nemohl dostat i bílý človÄ›k (a neříkejte že to není, prostÄ› se jim “ucpe huba” aby neÅ™vali o rasismu), žádné nové byty za ty staré vybydlené, žádné úlevy z práva….Říkáte A, ale B už nedoplníte, to se mi nelíbí

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  55. un saludo desde esta tierra venezuela, le felicito por las labores que realizas en masa flexible me ha sido de mucha utilidad tus talleres, pues me ha ayudado mucho emocional mente pues me ha traido tranquilidad al entregarme a realizar tus proyectos , dios te bendiga

  56. wow, they do have everything! i like the Windham Castings Provence Double Chaise Lounge Frame and Cushions – 1099 / C1009DCB / C1099TB because me and my hubby could snuggle together while catching some rays! donnac36(at)comcast(dot)net

  57. Zsófi, ez FANTASZIKUS ötlet! Köszönöm, h gondoltál rá és megvalósítottad!Meg is venném, de külföldre nehéz a súlyos könyveket cipelni, egyelőre marad iPad-en. Külön köszönet az egyesületnek a letölthetőségért.Ádám (Zürich)

  58. Saudades..nós estamos nos preparando pra recebê-los aqui em outubro..vai ser a maior festa! por favor ore por nós. Deus te abençoe 😉 Carol + Vi

  59. Awww… Ne-ar trebui si o referinta spre Intel Parallel Studio si un review la ce fac inginerii Microsoft in legatura cu OpenMP si paralelizare, ca sa avem a bigger picture. Plus chiar daca va parea o vesnicie C++0x will come tot prin 2010, dupa spusele lui Matt Austern si a lui Lawrence Crowl in An Overview of the Coming C++ (C++0x) Standard (pe youtube)

  60. C. Fontanelli “Christmas in Italy®”12/9/12, San Diego, Ca.On Dec. 9th, 2012 at Joan Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the Univ. of San Diego, Ca. Ms. Cristina Fontanelli will sing a program of Italy’s best loved songs, arias, Neapolitan and Christmas classics with support of award-winning classical mandolin artists Chris Acquavella, Oscar Ramos, guitarist Joe Amato and the Italian Cultural Center of San Diego’s Children’s Choir.

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  64. Yo odiaba steam con todas mi alma como protección para los juegos y tener que activarlo. Pero con el tiempo nos hemos ido acostumbrando y no es tan terrible.

  65. Pues va a ser Calatrava. Joer. Se lo lleva usted todo todo todo.Jajajaja. Lo mío es optimismo, ya ni hago intención de acertar algo.Almazán, debería de poner esto fuera de horas de siesta. Que le pilla a uno medio dormido y así no hay manera.

  66. Lillesøs: Fant en sÃ¥nn pÃ¥ noen andres side og syns den var sÃ¥ fin:-) Guttemamma: Hihi… Ja, helt enig. Sola er kanskje ikke noe vi har sett mest av i sommer:-)

  67. 1. The population in northeast africa is clearly conidered.2. Afro-asiatic language likely originated from them3. The haplogroups they carry also originated with them4. They look exactly like their ancient counterparts on their ancients monuments, even to the point of fashion and dress. So on a relative scale we are least mixed.

  68. Yah, so lets pay him 3.9 Million dollars a year, not to get out of the first game of the NCAA Tournament. No I won’t count him out, but I don’t think he can ever do there what he did at UK.

  69. Good for you! It is so easy to second guess ourselves when questioned. It takes a certain type of integrity to stop, evaluate, and make your decision to stay the course. And if it helps, I think you are doing a great job and I will continue to visit for your unique spin on today’s tech. =)

  70. I’ll gear this review to 2 types zynga chip of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

  71. より:I truly enjoy looking through on this website, it has superb content. “The living is a species of the dead and not a very attractive one.” by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

  72. There are search engines to find the song data of a song that you play or sing into your pc, there is a search engine that finds duplicates of pictures, what more odd search engines are there you that know ?

  73. Wow so you don’t get GLEE but Millions do and obviously so do some journalists. Accept it. Every show is not for everyone. Glee Bashing is getting really old and points to fanboy mentality..”We don’t like it and everyone else must agree with us right RIGHT?!!” geez…

  74. Well the sister who is not talking to me would proably have the longest list of what is wrong with me!! I'm pretty sure of that, my mom might come in second! Lol!!! I am not that hot on answering the phone when all the kids are home, but, I have a 12 year old and it causes a physical reaction in him if I do not answer the phone because he is hoping that it is one of his friends calling, and, thankfully for him, we are running about 50/50 now!! Take care!!!

  75. I agree. The graphics looks embarrasing and the characters faces doesn´t show much emotion. I even think Mafia 2 on the ps3 has better graphics. It´s sad when the SUPERIOR 360 must be held back by the INFERIOR ps3.VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 3 votes)

  76. High quality sites get a lot of requests for guest articles and they can choose from the best articles. So, a cheesy article that was written in 10 minutes surely won’t make it onto a quality blog. In other words, it takes time and effort to research and write a good enough article that will be accepted by a quality blog.

  77. P Can anyone help… I have something on my timeline that I can not delete.. I can not see it on my wall, but when I go to someone else’s view it is there… It was one of those silly quiz things. I go to block apps and it’s not there either. Can anyone help. Thanks

  78. These are great. They work really well on any tablet or touch screen phone. The colors are bright. I carry one around with me all the time . Great product. Great price. Would suggest these to anyone who uses a touch screen electronic device.

  79. Debbyie thank you so much for that comment – I have worked so hard to just simply be happy about what’s overall happening in my life with my health. Whether that was making a single, better choice, or maintaining some weight loss (known as the dreaded “plateau), and keep that long term goal in mind. The longer it takes, the more sustainable a lifestyle you’ve created.I hope you feel better soon! I remember being on a no-colorful foods diet. Popsicles, bananas, soup. Yuk. Though I ate a million popsicles. Oooh frozen bananas are so delicious.

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  81. I LOVE to squirrel hunt and try to go each morning while the season is open before I go to work. I take a water proof pouch with me for extra 22 shells, a pocket knife, hat, I use a camoflague game vest that has a vinyl lining to carry my squirrels and hat. During the summer I carry bug spray towelettes.Run like a Deer.*…………..Fly like an Eagle.*~~

  82. Dreambes, je veux pas te manquer de respect, ou te paraitre condescendant, mais franchement, pourquoi tu l’ouvre? Cette album, Wars of the roses, est plein de bonnes idées, mais c’est vrai, la piste Providence avec ses coeurs c’est mauvais et pas à sa place…et l album dans l ensemble laisse une impression de "j ai raté le c…

  83. Well, it’s not the Arab/Israeli angle that has my interest piqued.Imagine an Arab/Israeli war going on concurrently with Desert Storm, a low-level guerilla fight in the Afghan hills, and an outright India-v.-Pakistan grudge match.The possibilities for a screwup of a global nature haven’t been this good since a chauffer took a wrong turn in Sarajevo 92 years ago.

  84. Vive : Le rugby Sinon, que ce soit le foot ou tout autre sport avec un maximum de spectateur n’oubliez pas… tout ceci n’est qu’un jeu.Retrouvez vous autour d’une bonne bière (avec modérations comme ils disent) ou tout autres boissons sans alcool si le volant vous attends ensuite. Vous verrez, vous profiterez encore mieux de votre sport !

  85. There's an explanation for some of the service issues you had at Southern Sun. At both Southern and Mountain Sun, every staffer is supposed to perform every job. One consequence is that you will likely interact with several people during your meal. One way they keep track of everything is to leave your check on the table throughout the meal, so it can be updated by any staffer until it's time to cash out. They explain this "system" on the front pages of their menus, which you can also find on their website.

  86. Deci , din cate am inteles , eroina este o fata pe nume Cristina ( care am sa ma prefac ca nu esti tu , Krisz 😀 ) Care se trezeste in cartea Vestige . Ii intalneste pe protagonistii cartii , incercand sa-i avertizeze despre etichetare , dar acestia nu o asculta . imediat , este prinsa de niste soldati si dusa la scena pentru a fi etichetata .Dar se trezeste acasa , crezand ca totul fusese doar un vis , insa observa pe bratul ei codul de bare .

  87. I’m glad you shared this article. It’s full of great information and you make many rational points that I can understand. I agree with a lot of your content and appreciate how your presented it.

  88. Lidador, Chamar socialista ao regime de Mugabe, só por humor (negro, neste caso). Trata-se de um regime cleptocrático, controlado por alguém completamente insane que, mais do que um sistema, já só defende a si próprio. Quanto muito um regime tribal e racista que usa uma pretensa ideologia pós-colonial para justificar todos os seus crimes. Se isto é socialismo, eu vou ali e já venho…

  89. Does your blog have a contact page? I’m having a tough time locating it but, I’d like to shoot you an email. I’ve got some creative ideas for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great website and I look forward to seeing it expand over time.

  90. Jan03 Uh – Amazing! If I could even accomplish 1/10th that amount I would be pleased! Congrats! You have some really good ideas, I think I might use a few as inspiration! Thanks for the great post – looking forward to the goals of 2011.

  91. Adorei tudo e agora com a campanha no ar, noto muitas sutilezas do estilo MiuMiu à vista. Ela é + alegre e descontraídaq que a mamma Prada, já sabemos, né?Alfaiataria bacana e colorida, isso sem falar nos sapatos!!! O mocassim prata (de salto baixo) com detalhes em glitter no salto é fofo e super irreverente! Quero ! Adoro tb, comprimento cropped das calças! É a sua cara, se joga !!!

  92. zieba,Speed kills. year. you are the best driver in the world. let me guess… BMW?you never know what’s ahead of you. your stopping distance is ^2 of your speed. think about it

  93. Kai – Hello, yesterday ive installed this theme, it’s really amazing but having one issue with it.When we do this action on website “Ctrl+ up key or Ctrl+Scroll up” The sidebar 2 is splitting and goes to footer, there’s any way to solve this issue?You can try this action on demo version of this theme tooPlease it’s really urgent, help me guysSorry for bad English

  94. son dello stesso colore del blog!!!! GRAZIE! siete dei tesori!!devo dire che la pubblicazione su Sale e Pepe è stata inaspettata quanto gradita visto che la ricetta l’han scelta loro e rifatta e mi han detto il tutto quando erano già in stampa ;-))lu…un abbraccio! grazie delle tue foto, mi aprono il cuore ogni volta.arame…son sincera! pure io ;-DD

  95. Du burde jo hatt et eget tv-program. Kanskje ikke i beste sendetid, og jeg ser for meg at dette passer bra pÃ¥ NRK2.Skal du se «Lasse triller terningen» pÃ¥ NRK2 i kveld kl 22:30?- Ja, jeg skal se det.

  96. Hi Y’all,Thanks so much for stoppin’ by for a visit. I’m so glad y’all could make it!Hope y’all are havin’ a wonderful week.I’ll tell my Human about the book…sounds like something she’d like.Y’all come back now,Hawk aka BrownDog

  97. Anitaa!!!!Acabo de releer el comentario que dejaste en mi blog hace pufff… y creo que no entre en tu blog!!!! Lo siento, pero se me pasaria. Ahora si, me quedo por aqui y no me pierdo nada, porque esta tarta y un helado de choco que he visto un poquito mas para abajo… mmmm que ricosss!!!Un beso!!!

  98. Ez egyszerűen szuper! Most már tényleg meg kell tanulnom varrni!! Hogy Te milyen csodákat művelsz nap mint nap! Olyan jó lenne egy olyan szakkör-féle, hah!! Nem gondolkodtál még valami ilyesmiben? Egy béna, de lelkes tanítványod biztos lenne::))

  99. Hi Jaime … To answer your questions…I don’t use pencils at all and colors reproduce equally well as far as I can tell. You can have fun using any you like and even make up your own! Usually when you see my art, especially in all of my books, it was painted to that exact size. I can enlarge it later, or reduce it for other uses, such as calendars, fabric or cards, but the books are printed with the art just as it was painted. I was 39 when my first book came out . . . you have plenty of time! Good luck!

  100. Ha ha ha ha ha! I just said “caca chair” out loud and it made me laugh. I think that’s a good uplifter for anyone who feels down, to just say caca chair. Now that I’m thinking about it I can see myself talking to my wife and saying, completely straight, “Sure thing, let me just got use the caca chair before we go.” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!FYI, bowel loosing in the tub qualifies as a horror story.

  101. Nov06 Do you have a spam issue on this blog; I also am a blogger, and I was wanting to know your situation; we have developed some nice practices and we are looking to trade strategies with others, why not shoot me an e-mail if interested.

  102. Mulla oli lippu DMn keikalle mutta ku koneet jymähti ja saatiin ihan persläpipaikat niin myin.. 🙁 Sinänsä ehkä vähä harmittaa… Mutta ihanalta kuulosti toi videoklippi 🙂 <3 Ja… AIVAN MAHTAVAA JOULUA!Oon nyt vuoden melkein lukenut tätä blogia ja oon saanut ihan hirveesti tästä, oon niin kiitollinen sulle! <3

  103. Well, there are plenty of “brothers” the US whites can look forward to. Once Obama gets in he’ll introduce all his extended relatives (at least 600 mio.) to the eagerly awaiting US whites, who have been preaching to Europeans, Afrikaners, Rhodesians, and lately Slavs what a racist, bigoted, narrow-minded sorry lot they are and how they just need to embrace their brothers and all will be well.The fact that it was Kenya is just a geographical anecdote. This pic could have been taken in any East- or Southern African country.

  104. God has cool pointers on living wisely in the blogosphere? Read softly and carry a big stick??Thanks SO MUCH for tagging me. It has been more of a burden for me to read books, as the free time that I typically have is at night. After a few pages my mind wanders and I start doing the head nod and bob, particularly if I’m ensconced in the command center (Lazy Boy + remote control + cold drink). That, and my vision is starting to go too.Yes, these sound like excuses but I’ll try to see what I can come up with per the meme.

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  106. Me encanta el Calvin Klein rojo y el dorado-plateado!!!Pe iba un poco embutida, sí… pero vamos, que yo firmo para estar como ella después de un mes de haber dado a luz.. jajajja!!! Eso sí, podía haber elegido otro vestido, que el que llevaba parecía un poco como de actriz de circo.. jejeje!!Y la niña-bailarina iba ideal!!

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  108. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You definitely know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving us something informative to read?

  109. Anon has it just about right.They're not particularly out to stamp out tobacco.They just happen to be in the stamping business, and tobacco is a good target right now. Don't worry; when they're done with tobacco they'll move on to something else (already are, in fact).AlathCarmel IN

  110. Go Daddy is wall streetIT’S OFFICIAL: GO DADDY PARTNERSHIP IS A “DONE DEAL”Go Daddy, KKR, Silver Lake & TCV Join Forces to Create Bigger Tech PowerhouseSCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (Dec. 16, 2011) – Go Daddy now officially includes strategic financial partners, KKR | Kohlberg Kravis Roberts is a wall street financial investment firm and now you now the truth.

  111. Thanks for your understanding and for liking my website. For me, all those translations are the best part in ZKG (my website) Big Big Thanks to my frineds, the main ZKG translation team-catts, Alyona and Tatiana!!!We have done 99 translations (interviews, videos, news etc including three English subtitles for three videos and one Chinese subtitle) soon I will post the 100th translation.:)

  112. I’m hoping that the carbon tax might revive Green Power as a marketing tool for energy retailers – it is a competitive market after all, and if one retailer ups their Green Power pricing with the carbon tax, everyone can switch to another retailer – surely there will be some (at least one!?) retailers who opt to use Green Power to pick up new customers by keeping prices low.

  113. to think about the “rhetorical dimensions” of the essays i’m reading, what exactly does that mean? I understand that i should be examining the context as well as gaining insight into the writer and his/her intended audience, but exactly what kind of response is this?

  114. I bought 25 Rhode Island Red female chics from McMurray in June 30th-2011. After 6 month they lay eggs and continuing until this day! I wonder how long in their life time they giving eggs… one year or two years.. Just wonder! Although they’re 25 that doesn’t mean we have 25 eggs a day, but 20, sometimes 17, 16 every single day! we also noticed that the chics sometimes they ate their own eggs!! How can we prevent from this? Any suggestion?

  115. SGS S4? Dual/quad (not sure what to think about infrastructure) processor version at arround 2.0-2.2Gh. 2/4GB RAM. 4.8″ Super Amoled+ HD(3D). 2400-2800mAh Li ion battery. 12 mp HD 3D camera. Next generation NFC capabilities. Improved Wi-Fi charging. New A.I. interface. Biometrics. All that and more i would love to see As far as i-Phone is concerned, by the end of next year, the whole Apple will either rott or like Microsoft, be fetching mail for Google

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  121. Thank you! I agree, accepting support seems to be an issue a lot of us struggle with, although personally I only have good experiences with actually reaching out after all.If you want to air your fears with me, you are very welcome to send me an e-mail to . I’m an entrepreneur too and I know it can be lonely and scary. Sometimes it helps just to share it with somebody? Sending lots of love and support!

  122. Yep, I’m def gonna have to give this a try… I don’t do lipstick, so I’m constantly on the prowl for good lipglosses. Recently I bought LOREAL PARIS: HIP brilliant shine lip gloss. The color is “darling” and not only is it not sticky and it looks good, but it smells good too! that’s always a plus for me lol

  123. A Perfect End to My Time at Life Pacific College Posted Thursday, December 11, 2008 by So good to hear from you Janelle! It was good to briefly see you earlier this year. You are too kind. Thanks for your prayers.Brandon, thanks so much for your note…I honestly don’t even remember doing that…which humbles me even more. You were an amazing student and I am so proud of the direction your life is taking. Hope to see you soon.

  124. cars are not as environmentally friendly as horse carriages =================================Cars were initially hailed as a huge environmental improvement over cities full of "mud" the euphemism for horsse shit.But, the entire story has not been written yet.

  125. You are my inspiration, I have few blogs and occasionally run out from brand . “Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it.” by E. B. White.

  126. Uważa sie , że zwierzęta to maja dobrze. Nie martwią sie bynajmniej o sprawy odzieżowe, nie martwią o etat ani o inne rzeczy o które musi zabiegać człowiek. No poza opieka socjalną , bo udomowionym taka opieka jest potrzebna. Wiem, ze nie ma reinkarnacji, ale gdyby była to juz chyba lepiej byc kotem niż psem, który pomimo wszystko ma trudniej od kota. To tak dla rozweselenia napisałam , że nam ludziom to jednak lepiej jest od zwierzaków. A kot n apewno myszek złowił więcej, o których nie powiadomił swoich właścicieli.:)

  127. At least on this list they published a correct picture fore Bern, Switzerland. This time Geneva got the Castle of Chillon, which is neither close to Berne not to Geneva really.I wonder why Basel, Switzerland didn’t make it on the list. Not that much different from Berne or Zurich.

  128. Hola, les escribo hoy para preguntarles como o donde puedo encontra el video de la celebracion de la independencia que se llevo acabo en rockville washington dc en estados unidos, este fue el sabado 15 de septiembre, 2012, me gustaria poderlo ver por que familiares mios participaron en el gracias, espero me puedan ayudar.

  129. I know your right, however, it has only recently seriously hit me just exactly how bad our government has been since its been taken over by a foreign nation. I thought we would never do what we have done, and now I see its because that is what our foreign occupiers do in their own country and with their own agenda, simply murder, bribe, blackmail and otherwise run roughshod over everyone.Well, we need to stop all of this and do so now.

  130. – smashing did email me, and I let them know exactly what it does – it doesn’t pass any private info whatsoever. In fact, a few of their other free themes (that weren’t created by me) use the same code.You’re making this out to be something evil, and if you’d just run the code yourself, you’d realize it does zero harm.

  131. Спасибо за хороший совет!Согласна с вашим мнением,Леся!Один раз мне как-то помогла ,с выбором одежды,моя бабушка.Я приняла ее совет потому,что она указала мне ,что именно эта одежда подчеркнет в моей внешности.Прислушаться к мнению других тоже будет полезным,ведь со стороны всегда виднее.Остается только принять совет.Это,конечно,бывает иногда не легко сделать.

  132. OMG! i’ve been attacked by rice wine recipes the past 2 days aftr readg terri & droolteam bt i’ve to control my urge as i’m still recuperating frm a stubborn cough whch started during pesta kaamatan.bt nice 2 remember tt during my 1 n only confinement, i was lucky 2 hv MIL home-brewed rice wine 4 me :)i luv rice wine cooked with c’ken, eggs or prawns! few mths back a relative cooked it with c’ken & added in hard boiled eggs (the shells removed)with lots of ginger & very yummy !

  133. How do Duluth Councilors and reporters weigh neighborhood opposition? Most proposals here draw fire. Neighbors dislike the substation, Park Point development, Glenwood bike lanes and others. Generally, how do Councilors balance what’s best for all vs. those next door? How do you report without giving opponents too much (or too little) weight? How are valid concerns sorted from opposition to change?

  134. C’est l’agent Smith qui se multiplie à l’infini? si nous sommes dans une matrice, quid de l’environnement?… en tout cas, même si je fais des efforts, je me sens parfois coupable de pas faire davantage. Enfin, des fois c’est compliqué, il faudrait peut être carrément changer de mode de vie pour respecter la nature…

  135. Hallo Markus,im Prinzip hat man bei einem Minijob eben keine Abgaben zu zahlen. Allerdings kommt es dann wieder darauf an, welche Jobs du sonst so hast und wie du versichert bist, was wiederum nur Gegenstand einer ausführlichen Beratung sein könnte. Zum Thema Jobben im Studium und den Versicherungen gibt es hier noch einen Artikel:

  136. « to croon », c’est aussi « chanter à mi-voix d’une manière adaptée à l’amplification sonore », en langage moins diplomatique « faire confiance aux micros pour faire croire qu’on a de la voix ».Tout à fait adapté la dernière légitime de Celui Dont On Taira le Nom, aka « la chanteuse du Palais ».

  137. No, it is not what Israel is going to do, but it is what Canada and the US Canada, the US and Israel didExcept Israel refused to grant the Palestinians citizenship. Still reveling in all of that 1922 Mandate era Zio-supremacy I see.

  138. Gorgeous card Mandy. Most of the time I make CAS cards and struggle to get out of that comfort zone. It's why I like your cards so much – very different from what I make but also very inspiring. Seeing your creations pushes me to try a bit more, to try a different style and not get stuck in that CAS mould. As you say thankfully we are different or else it would be so boring looking at the same style again and again hugs Karen x

  139. bobinou12 dit :  bobinou12BonjourJ’aurai bien voulu m’inscrire, mais pour l’inscription ils disent de taper le code,mais il n’y a pas d’image pour le lire.Je suis toujours a idealvpn.com, mais VPNGARDIAN ne fonctionne pas sous seven7 ,ni sous vista prenium  ça déconnecte assez souvent  pendant les téléchargements et notre IP devient donc visible.J’ai demandé des renseignements et j’attends la réponse

  140. Peccato che il parroco di Bereguardo, dove abitavo da bambino, non fosse al corrente di questo trascurabile dettaglio e invece andasse in giro a terrorizzare i bambini con storie orrorifiche di bambini morti prima di essere battezzati e così condannati a restare per sempre nel limbo.Se spacciava una ipotesi per una verità dogmaticamente definita, il parroco di Bereguardo sbagliava. Sic et simpliciter.

  141. The nightly you are liekly running is 4.0b8pre since the tree on Beta 7 build was closed earlier this week. Beta 7 should be out sometime in November. possibly as early as this coming week. RC1 is liekly what won’t be until December.

  142. Khobragade is likely to succeed if he claim for benefit sharing under sections 39(1)(iii) and 40(1) of the Act and establish that essential/ yield attributing characters/genotype combination are the similarities between his variety and the University variety.

  143. Ziggy: “non guarda l’andamento del market price se non come riflesso/conseguenza del ciclo di tempo”Che è esattamente quello che vorrebbe fare la fregnaccia spacciata x Gann theory. Che però fa esattamente l’opposto, infatti come le altre ti spiega perfettamente tutto……..ma su 10 cicli, 8 DOPO che è successo (però x chi ci scrive libri, x i corsi, x i paper trader, grasso che cola). Mentre questo indicatore è a 8,2 di media su 10 né prima né dopo, ma ORA (cioè quando il segnale scatta).

  144. You got it exactly right. College football was more interesting back when (I'm 66) we could argue about who's number one, when the bowls meant something.I would also get rid of overtimes and instant replay (in all sports) for the same reason. Does anyone remember Duffy Dougherty and the 10/10 MSU ND game? Some people sill talk about it. Let the fans argue over bad strike zones or whether the pass was bobbled, but don't stop the game just so some official can use 10 minutes of slomo, and still screw up the call.

  145. For en herlig pÃ¥skekopp!! Slike skatter er guld verdt :O)Og for noen tøffe sko du har kjøpt deg!! Knallfine!!!!!Jeg er helt pÃ¥ etterskudd nÃ¥r det gjelder Ã¥ fornye vÃ¥rgarderoben litt. iiik – tror det blir fornying i sommergarderoben i stedet (hvis det blir nødvendig, skal vel være inne Ã¥ sjaue/pusse og male i stua det meste av tiden).Ha en herlig pÃ¥ske Moa, nyt dagene. Og for vær dag som gÃ¥r er du en dag nærmere NY :D♥klem

  146. If you thought that discrimination in sports was long gone, then think again. In golf as in many other sports this is nonetheless true, though of course a more different kind of discrimination. The deal here is that golf is a sport for right- handed people. Why? Well because all the clubs on sale are right-handed ones, even though left handed people are allowed to play. To most people this won’t be disturbing, for example all rifles in the army are right handed ones and lefties get used to them quickly.

  147. We had that dreaded rain for a good while. Finally within the past week and a half we have gotten some summer. 86 – 96.8 Fahrenheit or 30 – 36 Celsius.I have HAD to go in the pool the past 3 days. (NOT BRAGGING of course) I actually don't like real hot weather and prefer to sit in the air conditioning. And do any physical activity in the evening when the sun is "less harmful and it's not so damned hot"YOU LOOK DAMN sexy in the mini dress. I love the print, leggings and your boots. *owww owwww*

  148. BonjourTu es passé sur mon blog et il y a ce petit passage de ton commentaire que je suis pas sure d’avoir saisi.« . Vous devriez être arrivés avant le Nouvel An, le 7 février 2008. » Sinon je commence à lire ton blog, il est très riche! La photo des wc m’a bien fait rire ^^c’est vrai que c immense! J’aimerai te connaitre un peu mieux, savoir pourquoi tu es en Chine? A bientotShi Yin

  149. Marcus, wowDidn’t know first to smile, to raise my eyebrows or just to read on. Did the first and the latter You’ve touched on something here my friend. Must say I’m not ‘religious’ (call myself a Christian, am a follower of the teachings of Jesus and think I pray sometimes) but you’ve touched a nerve.Don’t know what comment I would leave on that blog, probably would just read the posts and comments and would feel blessed I’m rich and content with what I have and the friends and freedom I have compared to many others.Bless you, my friend

  150. Adam – A beautiful couple and wedding captured charmingly by your eye for the magnificent. Yes my mind is tired after writing that line that makes just enough sense to be true, but your work always has a way of inspiring me to more.

  151. Super inspiring to watch! Thank god you shot that because if not it would be lost in imagination. Onisght and flash climbing really does seem like the purest and most fun way to go about things. No pre-conceived notions. Just execution. Just try and shot whatever you go for. It would be rad to see your efforts. Go get ‘em tiger!!

  152. Hi SusanOn the subject of www & non-www verification, could a tweak be made to Google Webmaster Tools so that when verifying a www subdomain, that it automatically tries to verify the non-www too using the same method (e.g. if it's a verification file, check it in both locations).This would be rather handy indeed.

  153. abg nilam,1)saye habis dip saye bln 11,boleh tak saye apply untuk kemasukan uitm bln 12?2)saye pelik bile saye masuk MOHE.gov.my dia ckp untuk nak masuk uia(economic)dia kene dpt kepujian sahaja dlm matematik,tp bile saye masuk web uia,dia ckp matematik kene B4,so kalau saye dpt 5c mcm mane?3)bile kemasukan ker IPTA?orng ckp bln 3 dah boleh masuk?terima kasih kerna menjawab!

  154. Dickinson was firmly committed to contend for the liberty delivered down to him by his ancestors.Apparently, we no longer have ancestors to honor, either future or past, and our candidates vie for the title of who can trade more liberty for central planning. And cheap chalupas.

  155. Dear Nikki, Please try to make a movie if there was a movie it would be so cool like diary of a wimpy kind and try to read the book "The royal diaries" its diaries of princesses it is very nice but the diaries were translated i hope you and macenzie get along and is there a 3rd book i would totally buy it it is so going to be the best

  156. STOOPPP!! pitié je n’interviens jamais sur ce blog, que je lis régulièrement, mais là je dis STOOOPPPP! Arrêtons de parler de Carla Bruni, par pitié. Quel est l’intérêt? Rien que le fait de mentionner son nom me hérisse. Sois plus originale dans tes sujets, Closer et Public ont eu les mêmes idées avant…

  157. When the feds ban cars that can go faster than the national speed limit — which would stop a lot of speeding and save at least 10,000 lives a year — then I’ll believe that banning big magazines has some fair and reasonable purpose. Until then, it’s just another case of unnecessary government interference.

  158. Nu het over Syrie gaat wil ik iets kwijt:Sommige moslims beweerden tijdens de vroege dagen van de revolutie in Egypte dat het verboden is om in opstand te komen tegen een zittende moslimstaatshoofd. Precies dezelfde lui (ik het het niet tegen de schrijver van dit stuk) zijn nu fanatiek bezig om het Assad omver te werpen, terecht of onterecht.

  159. appena cercato di bacchettare Thomas Morton e gli altri amici che si dimenticano forse che Repubblica è colpevole almeno quanto Il Giornale di strumentalizzare notizie e non notizie per i suoi fini politico-ideologicima quella è la tana del lupo debenedettiano, speriamo che non mi brucino vivo… 😛

  160. Tammie – one email will be on its way sometime this weekend when I get around to it, thank you Spooky – I would love to write fiction, but I don’t think I have the ideas or the skill. It is a phenomenally hard field to break into.And Surly – you have a point. Just… ah, you know me and getting off my arse to do anything!

  161. she was coming out with another album, BUT she has managed to deliver something new so in saying that I honestly cannot hate on Beyonce, she is talented, beautiful, and a great singer, great performer, married to the BEST RAPPER ALIVE, so who am i to spew any type of hate towards someone I have NEVER MET? it’s getting a bit ridiculous, I am not a Bee Stan, but facts are facts. Women lie, men Lie, numbers don’t.One

  162. Bon pour en revenir à des choses plus sérieuse, en bon Belge(tant que notre pays existe…) je vais demain à Charleroi voir le choc Rochus-Nadal suivi de Malisse-Ferrer en Coupe Davis.Ca sent la poudre!! mais qui va gagner cette finale avant la lettre?Je vous ferai un petit résumé ce week-end, j’ai préférer réserver pour la première journée histoire de sentir « un peu » le suspense.Bon week-end à tous!

  163. vu ! Oui, les ancres étaient optimisées (à mort même) @ NicolasJe pense que cela dépend aussi des requêtes sur lesquelles tu es présent. Il y a sans doute une surveillance bien plus forte sur des requêtes très concurrentielles.@ KoyoteLe site ne comportait pas trop de liens externes (heureusement que ce n’est pas sanctionné), mais avait visiblement trop d’échanges de liens trop visible, surtout en footer de la homepage. Les échanges étaient fait avec des sites de même thématique.

  164. I plan to start my cleanse (hopefully for 30 days) on Friday. I am an avid water drinker…my question is can you drink sparkling water (LaCroix, Trader Joe’s brand, etc.) while on the master cleanse?Thanks and wish me luck!

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  167. How To Increase Online Visibility in 3 Easy Steps…Search Engine Optimization is all about improving the volume and quality of traffic to your website. Email Marketing is a type of direct marketing which involves transmitting advertising messages to a target audience via email. Social Media Optimizatio…

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  169. Ok, let’s look at our closest neighboring Municipal Utilities: Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale. Pick any of those. In fact pick any Municipal Utility in the Nation and you will see that DWP wages are higher. BWP Apprentice Line Mechanic $34.95 / hrLADWP Assistant Lineman $30.69 / hrBWP Electrical Eng Assoc $37.43 / hrLADWP Electrical Eng Assoc $34.91 / hr

  170. Celso Azevedo • 10 de Abril de 2011 às 22:50Olá Thiago,o upload de temas apenas é possível para quem usa o WordPress.ORG. Se o seu site é o que deixou aqui nos comentários, ele está no wordpress.COM que é um serviço muito limitado e não dá nem para editar temas nem fazer upload (a não ser que pague para poder fazer isso)

  171. Thanks, Hannah! I wasn’t sure it made sense. This was really hard. It also shows you how much of the meaning and formal proposition of a poem is implicit in those first four lines, I knew that, but, wow!

  172. “A me pare che la realtà sia tutt’altro”In effetti, nella realtà della “vedova” di Bertolaso, il mondo è rovesciato rispetto a quello dei comuni mortali .I catorci, ad esempio, producono ossigeno terapeutico…Ricambiamo i suoi auguri con i nostri scongiuri.E tanto ,ma tanto, sale per tutti.Anche per la sua “zucca”.

  173. I remember Dad not liking Xmas. He would say that x stands for the unknown. He wanted Christ to be in Christmas.Once one of my students was studying world religions and thought Christianity was pretty cool. When he learned about Jesus, the child shouted, "That's the guy who invented Christmas!!"I don't like saying Happy Holidays, although I sometimes do. I still think it's silly. If people want me to share/respect their holiday, why can't they do the same for me? So, Merry Christmas to all, even though it's a bit early.

  174. May 10, 2012  5:18 pm by katejongbloed Hi Jennifer,Interested to hear about your school project! Plan Canada’s offices are in Toronto, but you can still if you like! I am based in Vancouver where I go to school and blog for Because I am a Girl. And yes, Plan Canada is a non-profit organization.- blogger Kate J.

  175. comme j’ai dit chez kenny, sont tres beau mais la qualité de suit pas en tout cas sur plusieurs modeles de cet été, donc je préfère payer plus cher ( ceux ci étant déjà pas donnés) et acheté des chen luu par exemple, des bises

  176. Anyone who does not update sites to be "responsive" clearly will loose marketability. I believe all users prefer auto detection over the mobile view or spending the time to download an app taking up precious screen real estate.

  177. Interested Bystander | October 24, 2012 at 9:50 pm |It just never ceases to amaze me the IGNORANCE of our citizens.They are more concerned with Zombies and Four Wheeling and Facebook and Instagram.The sad fact is, when all of THEIR freedoms are taken away, they’ll say “I never knew”.“Our” priorities are all messed up. ***********************************IB, I couldn’t agree more. It is appalling to see how little interest some folks are taking at this crucial time in our history. “Eat, drink, and be merry…..”

  178. Lars from Switzerland, September 3, 2012 at 12:23 PM Great staff. Wonderful scenery and view. The breakfast is fantastic with a gorgeous view of the lake and the mountains. We had a great time with our two small children. We could not have been more satisified.

  179. I started running 9 years ago, I’ve never been faster than a 9:45-10 min mile, and that was in the beginning. Now I’m lucky to average out to an 11 min mile. Does it bother me? Sometimes. Like when I’m last at an event, or when my brother runs a 7 min mile and smokes me. My winter running jacket is blaze orange. Orange! A color that I hate! But it’s the best jacket in the world and I love it. Looking good and running is an oxymoron.

  180. yep. Mexicans drink better cokes too, (with out fake sugar) and they would never drink an artificial margarita mix either. Skinny Girl Margarita mix that uses fake sugar – she sold her company recently for over 100 million. go figure. America is just not there yet…. But Whole Foods Market pulled her product off the shelf.

  181. . No such luck. I made it Orlistat xr online through and didn’t mess it Orlistat xr online up, but he really unnerved me and I dare say I was very deserving of my pay that Orlistat xr online evening.

  182. November 24, 2012  12:04 pm by dobo Hi All,The event was quite well run. The challenges were diverse and interesting.Much more variety of challenges to suit various skill sets compared to previous years.The admins were great, and fair with the hints.Would of been good to have more time to complete all the challenges.All in all quite well run, looking forward to next year.RegardsDobo

  183. she uses organic baby food so I was comfortable taking her advice. He’ll be trying Greek Yogurt with baby fruit this week I hope this program begins to work for E and that along with changes in her behavior that maybe she’ll become a better eater for you and Austin.

  184. TalkShoe has created a system for live interactive podcasting. Or you could call it conference calling on steroids (is that still kosher?). While between .01% and .1% of radio listeners call into a talk radio show, about 2% of listeners call into their favorite podcast and another 3% listen live and text chat with the host and callers. While the percentages are single digits, that’s 50 – 500 times more interactivity than radio. In a time-shifted world, we’re not going to see 100%.TalkShoe Founder

  185. Just one aspect to consider. When you say you are pleased with your private health plan, have you looked at how long they will care for you if you are in a long term situation? They will eventually dump you and you will be put in the state system in the end.The rule are very convoluted and you have no negotiations in the writing of the rules.

  186. Rebecca… I know I’ve written about this before, but I’ve often reflected on the fact that just when my mom thought her best mothering days behind her, life turned on a dime and required more of her. These have been my mother’s best mothering days. They might be yours as well as you walk through these difficult times with your children and grandchildren! Prayers this morning continuing for sweet Silas.

  187. I am a huge fan of Zenyatta!! I was soo pleased to hear about Zenny’s baby!! I’m not sure if you named that adorable colt yet, but maybe Little Zen should be him racing name!!Congratulations to Zenyatta and her colt!!!! Can you kiss her for me??:DLouise

  188. They obviously want to go the free route first – who wouldn't? However as this is linked to promotional tours etc this limits when the school can book. What seems to be happening is if they are able to get a free visit they see the benefit then are more willing to pay for an author to come in. However if they can't by this time they are so sold on the idea that they manage to find the finances.

  189. Religion, politics, economics, culture, societal rules, etc. are power structures that bring order to the vibrating and oscillating human consciousness.The fascinating thing about the religious ethos is that the illuminati could use the metaphoric code to find deeper meaning, while behind the veil of the literal interpretation made by the masses.One needs to stratify, or at least bifurcate, human consciousness to see how the diversity of the various power structures work together to create order.

  190. I grew up in hippyland USA where I was essentially taught every day in high school that the white man, or more specifically, heterosexual white men are/were responsible for all the worlds ills, which is ostensibly true, at least(ironically) from a self-important Occidental perspective. I’m sure if you asked African victims of genocide who the most oppressive people in the world are they’d say other Africans, or if you asked people in Asia, the middle east or central America living under

  191. Thanks, JEM.I think in addition to trying to explain where the symptoms come from, the corresponding part is explaining why things don’t have to be this way, and why we’ve been here, or probably worse, before, but come out of it.It seems almost inconceivable that we could dismantle the massive fiscal and regulatory overhang that, in short, is threatening to wreck our national life for decades. But necessity is the mother of invention, and the tools and resources we need are available to us if we make the decision to use them.

  192. Blaine, I think if Superman could somehow get a hold of Hulk long enough to fly him into the atmosphere or just toss him up in space, then he wouldn’t be able to breathe, and then Superman would win. Of course, if Hulk fell back to Earth, then, we’d all lose like the dinosaurs when the astroid hit. This is taking kryptonite out of the fight, of course. (I live in a house of nerd heroes and love them madly.)

  193. قال:يبدو أن قوقل تريد التنويع بين الشركات التي تتعامل معها كنوع من الدعم للأندرويد و تحفيز للشركات. و أيضاً لإرضاء جميع الأذواق.

  194. Hocam, böyle faydalı ve güzel bir paylaşım ortamı oluÅŸturduÄŸunuz için teÅŸekkür ederim. Bende Android yazılımları üzerine çalışıyorum. Buradan gerçekten faydalı bilgiler öğrendim. Çok teÅŸekkür eder, faydalı bilgilendirmelerinizin ve ileri seviye uygulama örnekleri beklediÄŸimi belirtmek isterim. SaygılarımlaMümin KALINKAYA – Ä°ZMÄ°RVA:F [1.9.14_1148]please wait…VA:F [1.9.14_1148](from 0 votes)

  195. Quel plaisir de se faire insulter quand on n’a rien dit à personne ici, vraiment !Par ailleurs, Guillaume, où avez-vous vu que je voulais ne pas « laisser les gens exercer leurs droits d’expression sur internet » ?

  196. Brava, Audi, this needed saying. Weiner's wife's appearance has *zero* to do with his behaviors. I read a fairly despicable article about how she should "marry down" next time so her *next* husband won't stray. It has nothing to do with looks or marrying up or down: it's about choices and character.Oh, and I adore your bracelet, it is TDF.

  197. Là-bas, cela pourrait être icioù je suis venu en silencedepuis… je ne sais plus quandma mémoire me joue de ces tours !mais,je sais retrouver le cheminil n'est pas si difficileoui : je suis fasciné par la musique de vos motsici, leur beauté rends légerenniop

  198. My developer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the costs. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on various websites for about a year and am worried about switching to another platform. I have heard great things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress content into it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  199. I got so much out of this post, Brenda! I do think we have to trust ourselves and take in what others have to say as part of a potential readership – but are they the ones going to be drawn to such a book?I enjoy reading about your process so much and feel grateful to have you in my writing circle! Thank you.

  200. if you have a serious side effect such as: very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, or swelling. This includes prescription, over-the-counter, vitamin, and herbal products. Do not use viagra falls if you are pregnant. Levetiracetam can pass into breast milk and could harm a nursing baby. Do not take in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended your

  201. The family claim to have told the electricity worker about the need for power, Mercury Energy say they didn’t. Meanwhile the electricity worker is off work on stress leave and receiving counselling.Will be interesting to see what the investigation shows.Very sad news.NS

  202. Pan sur le nez à Besson!!! Voilà où mène le pipole façon Hondelatte, « Faites entrer l’accusé ». L’histoire Grégory ne mérite pas une telle dépense d’énergie. Tiens, çà me fait penser au livre du type qui disait qu’en fait aucun avion ne s’était crashé en 2001 sur le Pentagone ou alors à celui qui affrime sans rire que les Olmèques sont des extra-terrestre et ma tante un chien truffier!!!!

  203. Se tivesse um blogue de notas nada disto tinha acontecido! É o que faz ser contra os blogues!E com isto tudo, lá vou passar mais uma noite sem dormir! Ainda se fosse o mue computador, agora, logo havia de ser o de uma pessoa importante!Um abraço preocupado

  204. Hi, I’m having problems when I’m trying to upload a spanish language pack. How can I solve it.Thanks in advance.This is the message i get:Message:simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity “/home/wackwall/public_html/ow_pluginfiles/95168/admin/languages/import/language_es-ES/links.xml”File:/home/wackwall/public_html/ow_system_plugins4586/admin/controllers/languages.phpLine:113Fatal error: Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object in /home/wackwall/public_html/ow_system_plugins4586/base/bol/language_service.php on line 385

  205. Ich renn meiner Ex-Freundin jetzt schon 1 Monat hinterher.. Sie macht mir Hoffnungen deswegen habe ich nicht aufgehört aber langsam glaube ich das sie ihren Neuen nicht wegen mir verlassen wird… Sie sagt sie liebt mich noch auf i.eine art und weise aber…. ich weis auch nicht die liebe fickt einen manchmal von allen seiten, weil sie unberechenbar ist!!!!^^ Danke für das tolle Video!

  206. I feel like we took the same damn birthing class! My husband gives me the same wide eyed looks when he either really wants to get out of somewhere i dragged him or is shocked by the price of something. My birthing class was worthless, we never practiced the breathing at home… and all was great in the delivery room. Go figure.Best of luck these last few weeks (they are the toughest!)..-= Alexandra´s last blog .. =-.

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  209. I’ve gotten to the point where I just can’t think about a Stephanie Plum novel in any format other than audio. Lorelei King just is Stephanie Plum to my mind, and her Lulu and Grandma Mazur are such a treat. Connie, too! Your bullet list of points brought back my memories of this one. And I love Lulu and Tank as a couple, too!.-= Belle´s last blog .. =-.

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  211. think that approach is right on target. Can you mix breathing space with this kind of facilitation? Sure, if you have the right facilitator and have set good ground rules, you should be able to invite people to get up and move around. You could even have some highboy tables where people stand around tables for discussion. Your insight and feedback is always appreciated.

  212. juandos: Another liberal myth shot in the ass: Climate Change Doubt not due to ignorance of the science juandos: A new study has dispelled the myth that the public are divided about climate change because they don't understand the science behind it. Those are two different statements. The study did not determine knowledge of climate change science, but general scientific knowledge. Can you provide one of the so-called signatures of anthropogenic global warming? Interestingly, the study showed that the climate skepticism was correlated with cultural groups.

  213. Because it’s courtue, Coach sure as hell isn’t courtue. They actually do fashion week in Paris and Milan, they have amazing clothes and are a definite one of a kind, and they are hand made in France, big difference my friend, big difference.

  214. Guivas / Cesar,Perfeitamente. Discriminar as pessoas é até irracional. Todavia, defender idéias que tenham base lógica em contraposição a outras que mostram-se falaciosas, de forma cortez, educada e didática, é a forma inteligente de estabelecer um consenso.Contudo, o desabafo do Lauro, tem o meu aval pois tenho verificado que realmente os evolucionistas tratam Dawkins e Darwin como verdadeiros deuses, infalíveis e inquestionáveis, quando sabemos perfeitamente que a teoria da evolução tem mostrado inúmeras falhas e é objeto de várias controvérsias.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 1

  215. LOL… who’s sitting in the flogging booth? And you know… that ferris wheel COULD BE…yes, yes I think it is… a GIANT spanking machine!! With all sorts of implements attached to each partition… *weg*

  216. Predoer müht sich redlich, kommt aber schon schwer durch den Peter Lauster mit den ganzen Nebensätzen und so, und auch das Psy bei Püschologie macht ihm zu schaffen, das klingt so ausländisch immer.

  217. Hello, you used to write wonderful, but the last several posts have been kinda boring… I miss your great writings. Past several posts are just a bit out of track! come on!»The smaller the understanding of the situation, the more pretentious the form of expression.» by John Romano.

  218. As in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man. In their language of symbols, Olympians use the olympic symbol with their third stran of DNA. When Eve mated with Satan, sin had already altered DNA. Only the son of man is worthy to open the book of life. If you do not occupy 100% as one who is holy, it is for nothing.

  219. Belle Victoire malgés la quatriéme place qui en apparence est un échec, la suite promet d’être florissante.Je n’ai pas pu participer à ce combats d’idées…mais la conviction y était…Felicitations à toutes l’équipe de campagne et surtout au Modem qui a su tirer son épingle du jeu.Je me rejouie de nos futures aventures…Merci Alain Cazabone d’avoir tenter de nous positionner dans le cercle des courants traditionnels de la politique d’en haut.

  220. The knowledge and books does not mean we were created by ET. All of us, every spirit intelligence in creation that would be a part of this Universe/School, was here at its creation and for earth. Big Bang, is the moment the metaphorical holographic infinite inwards television set GOT TURNED ON. Though the energy was infinite, those Beyond reshaped it. They are God/Goodness/Family, in Infinite Progression. The Light. Earth hangs in the balance, in opposition, free will, the womb/cocoon.

  221. Kedves Herb Atea!A piros Ladás a saját udvarán azt csinál amit akar, ráadásul még csak nem is hvcs, hanem az, aki a tavalyi évben Csucsort (az egyik fiókát) hallal etette és gyámolította, amikor az udvarukon töltött egy hetet, mert nem tudott visszarepülni a fészekbe.Szóval ne ítélj, hogy ne ítéltess! :-)Élményekben gazdag gólyafigyelést kívánok! 😉

  222. he feels uncomfortable when seeing spiders and feels an urge to smash them flat, although objectively he ought to like spiders because they eat all the insects that bug him.The take-away lesson, I think, is to not lie to yourself & everyone else by pretending that every emotion/belief/thought is 100% correct and justified. Most aren't.

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  224. I must confess, this must be comming from a deep heart. You must have gone through alot which you cant put on pen; but I’m trilled at the dept of insight you drew from all your predicaments. Now I’m beginning to understand the true meaning of the saying ‘the secret of great men are in their stories’.

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  226. Coincido en que han de mejorar la organización táctica y las paradas, pero quedémonos con lo positivo: Kimi volvió a demostrar su valentía en esa salida de boxes emparejado con Hamilton, en el que intentó pasarle hasta el final!!!Y aunque yo preferiría que el Lotus no le obligara a ir tan al límite, demostró que es un piloto luchador y que nunca se rinde… Un saludo!!!

  227. Kathy P – The pictures are stunning. What awesome photography. With a Beautiful Bride like Hope and a wonderful family how could it get any better. Everything was wonderful from the beginning to the nights end. I pray Hope & Joe will have many more blessed years together. Thanks to Dana and everyone who helped put it together.February 7, 2011 – 10:11 pm

  228. Thanks for your article on the travel industry. I might also like contribute that if you are one senior taking into consideration traveling, it can be absolutely vital that you buy traveling insurance for older persons. When traveling, elderly people are at high risk of getting a professional medical emergency. Obtaining right insurance coverage package in your age group can safeguard your health and provide peace of mind.

  229. >Great post! You're SO right — those little known character meals at the deluxe resorts are definitely easier to get into than those in the parks. The word is out about Chef Mickey's and 'Ohana's breakfast, but those are really the only resort-based character meals that are swamped!Loved your pictures (also the one with Prince Charming in the more recent post — swoon!)!Looking forward to meeting you at the 5 Stars to Mickey Bars event!

  230. Anonymous, I agree; the Jewish people are the most naturally egalitarian in the world. They are historically the foundation for American freedom – the successful alternative to feudalism.The American Revolution was a fight to eliminate the old monarchical vestiges of feudalism in the colonies. Their success aroused the same antipathy in the feudal order of Europe then as Israel does today.

  231. Hallo Marcella,Super dat je de tijd neemt voor je ontbijt. Dat doen niet alle mensen Ik zou je wel adviseren om in plaats van yoghurt bijvoorbeeld ongezoete havermelk of amandelmelk te nemen. Yoghurt is namelijk niet zo gezond, zoals veel mensen denken. De rawfood die je er doorheen doet, is weer hartstikke goed!Groetjes, Cynthia Team Inge van Haselen

  232. Kudos, Jerry !!!Mike Francesa = “talk-radio bloviator” … Spot on, Mate !!! Mike is all about Mike and more than sometimes he’s as out in left field as Billy Packer was … the difference is that CBS got smart where NBC and YES have not !!!I annually take particular umbrage with Francesa when his talk show devotes only a modicum of time to March Madness … even when there are local teams playing !!! Right on, Mate !!!

  233. A requalificação do espaço urbano é ainda uma expressão difícil de entender no nosso país, na nossa cidade. Parece ser mais fácil decidir por empreitadas, abate, destruição, substituição em vez de manutenção, preservação, conservação. Sou residente no bairro e é com revolta e tristeza que assisto a esta “empreitada”. É pura ignorância abater estes candeeiros. Revela que não se sabe o que se está a fazer. Onde está o investimento na preservação do património?

  234. Ho notato due cose:1) Jenny-la-troll dichiarava di essere straniera, ed effettivamente i suoi primi post riportavano errori di grammatica e sintassi tipici di chi parla italiano ma è di madrelingua diversa, poi col passare del tempo tali errori sono spariti e si è messa a scrivere in buon italiano facendo anche dei giochi di parole (difficilissimi da fare in una lingua che non è la propria)2) sparita la Jenny-di-cui-sopra ecco sbocciare B14etc.etc. che crede nelle stesse cose e scrive con lo stesso stile…Coincidenza? Noi di Voyager pensiamo di no!!!

  235. Thanks, Mitch.I am not sure I understand your questions about reducing the level of lighting.If this can help, we chose to slightly underexpose the ambient light (by 3/4 stop) to get a bit of a more surreal look.

  236. Oh Blair, how your posts make me smile every day. Wishing you all the glamour and joy [+ bubbly] 2010 can possibly bring. I look forward to see where delight by design takes you next.hugs + cheers.C.

  237. leads to a lot of thoughts … making it personal –> connecting with people –> tolerance v intolerance.for a topical example, I’m a christian. 10 years ago I would have voted yes on california’s prop 8. In the last 10 years, i’ve met and got to know some gay people and all of a sudden its personal.It’s not ‘them’ who I’d be hurting / voting against. It’s someone like me. Meeting and Knowing someone has made me a more tolerant person.More importantly (to me anyway), its probably made me a better Christian.

  238. Ну насчет конкретного спама в блогах я тоже против этого но а если чел коментирует статью при чем в тему и такие посты удаляют то это имхо бредятина полная

  239. Assalamo3alaykoumTu as très bien conclu sidi , en te lisant , je me re-mémorisais chaque moment tant de joie que de pleur , une expérience inoubliable à revivre inchallah , pendant ce hajj je me suis découverte soubhannallah et découvert mes compagnons de voyage , je les estimaient avant de partir mais davantage aujourd’hui , un gros pincement au coeur en lisant le dernier épisode . Ayé le hajj est TERMINE , si vite passé .Que Allah permette et facilite ce voyage à toute personne ayant la volonté de s’y rendre , ça nous transforme et surtout on prend conscience de beaucoup de choses .

  240. Le « ca me tente ou non? » c’est de savoir si j’ai envie d’un one night ou pas. La maintenant, tu suite, drette la!Ca PEUT se développer en plus apres mais à mon humble avis, c’est plutôt rare.je vais arreter ca la, parce que J,ai pas envie de repartir sur ce débat non plus!

  241. B Cool, não te esqueças que para o ano vai entrar em vigor o Fair Play Financeiro, logo não vais poder gastar assim tanto dinheiro como falas nos reforços que nos vão dar a Liga dos Campeões, aliás qual achas que vai ser o activo que para o ano possas vender te permita gastar mais de 10/15/20M em contratações?

  242. magdamartins / Sou muito fã de vcs fui no show em Araruna entrei no camarim e vcs autografaram minha foto, eu minha irmã somos loucas por vcs nos a gente foi especialmente de Luziana Paraná para ver nossos idolos foi o maior sonho realizado nos dias de hoje, sabemos tudo da vida de vcs por que quem é fã de verdade sabe tudo ama vcs de Magda e Rosangela me responda meus amores.GD Star Ratingloading…

  243. Yo nunca le diría a Tamland ladrillo no publicar sobre el clima. Le diré a cientos de extranjeros lo que puede y no puede subir alrededor de un tono de burla. Pero no voy a decirle Tamland ladrillo que no se puede publicar sobre el clima. Eso es un puente demasiado lejos o sea lo que dice es. ¿Es que el dicho? Eso no suena bien. No tiene ningún sentido. Un puente demasiado lejos a lo? Quién se le ocurrió que?

  244. You are just wrong about Apple not opening the iPhone to other carriers! Apple has indeed opened the iPhone to other carriers: albeit Internationally. Take Canada, for example. It’s strategy of signing on with ATT initially (introducing the phone in the U.S. with an extending contract ) was what allowed them to break into the mobile market to begin with. Rest assured, their game plan all along has been to diversify: my ATT iphone contract expires in June ’10, and I’m holding off upgrading with ATT to 3Gs from 3G iphone until then, and possibly be able to switch to Verizon.

  245. Hehe, no i wyszÅ‚o, że torba wyglÄ…da jak z tesco (bez urazy) tyle, że ma napis marvela na boku 🙂 Ja jednak zostaje przy swoim, chyba, że majÄ… ludzie siÄ™ zabijać o niÄ… (sprzedaż dusz, nerek, matek; choler wie), to może być i 2. (byle mieć podpis Åšledzia :3).Ps. Nice collection. Me like.

  246. Bonjour RoseJe comprends que cette trahison ait pu vous faire souffrir. Mais il faut à tout prix ne plus y penser, ne pas ressasser ce mauvais souvenir, en songeant par exemple aux bons moments que vous avez passés avec votre conjoint, et surtout à ceux qui restent à venir… il n’y a malheureusement pas de solution miracle…Si votre amour est fort, vous arriverez à passer le cap…Amicalement.Eva

  247. Que linda a história do seu objeto Uila! Fiquei emocionada, também tenho uma avó que é como uma segunda mãe pra mim. Ela está com 93 anos! Boa sorte com o seu novo projeto, é realmente muito bom de se fazer e de acompanhar! Bjs

  248. LM // June 30, 2010 at 11:40 pmNow Clarence Thomas’ wife goes public against Obama **************************Thanks so much for the link to that article about Virginia Thomas! I had already heard some things about her, but this writing filled in many details. They do keep their professional lives separate, but, then, there is always pillow talk…….? Just maybe as things worsen her organization can have a big influence on public opinion, and that is where the pressure must come from.

  249. "Popeye-like right forearms"Hell, I always thought that was from holding up the "Linda Ronstadt – Living in the USA" album cover with their left hand. Spent most of my teens looking like Fiddler Crab for that very reason.

  250. EFLG,Nothing by email, alas. Still, I’m happy to have gotten the answers I got. Based on Fred’s question over at Lost Nomad, I’m under the impression that some people actually fear talking about their work conditions. I have no idea why, but for some people, simply answering the questions I posed is a little too much to handle.Thanks again for your help in advertising the questions, and for your own contribution.Kevin

  251. — July 12, 2011 at 10:41 am Greetings, after recently getting into the wordpress scene i was thinking of making a moaning blog. After creating my blog over at moanblog.com, i then discovered this one! I can’t understand how i have missed this for so long i have being wanting to put my moans on the web for years and never knew how to go about it!I would love to do a feature of your blog over at mine using a RSS. If you wish to appear on it let me know.With the kindest of regards,Jay Fawcett

  252. Hi,I have been trying to use this table for some time table for a month now however this has been a complete disappointment, I I’m unable to use skype or any other vice char applications not just this it does not support most of the apps on play store and is a total waste. Hope some one there is listening and will make the right patch upgrades to make it work

  253. Rafa, veo que el tema vinícola está pero que muy presente estos días. Estoy contigo, el víno es una cosa y las pócimas otras y al parecer el tal lambrusco debe estar en esa clase que tu defines como incalificable brebaje. Siento perderme estos divertimentos pero fíjate qué horas que son ya. Un beso queridos "bebedores" todos:Geni, Selma, Txema… y por supuesto el anfitrión.

  254. I just recently graduated high school and I would really like to go into the porn industry. I really do like sex a lot and I think having sex for a living would be so much fun. Some of you probably think it’s very s*utty to for a girl to do such a thing, but I’m a confident woman who knows what she wants in life. Performing in porn is something I’ve always wanted to do, so how do I go about getting into the industry? I would really appreciate any ones help. Thanks.

  255. Kaos,então agora a culpa da crise é de Cavaco Silva?Bom pelo menos entro no novo ano a rir.Obrigado.Há pessoas assim,como o PR,que são importantes.Os seus actos são prevalecentes no tempo infinito.Salazar também o foi.Mário Soares,Guterres,Barroso e Sócrates não têm essa felicidade.Tens verdadeira noção da enormidade?Acredito que não.És apenas uma alma bem intencionada que não leu Descartes!Bom Ano Novo e obrigado pelas magníficas caricaturas que brilhantemente concebes.

  256. I simply couldn’t leave your web site before suggesting that I extremely enjoyed the usual information a person provide for your guests? Is gonna be again steadily in order to check up on new posts

  257. Uppror, javisst!!Vi mÃ¥ste provocera Islam sÃ¥ att dom visar hur dom vill ha det. Islamisterna är sluga dom gÃ¥r låångsamt fram sÃ¥ kan vänja oss vid deras medeltid och barbarism, nÃ¥gra idioter ser inte hotet.Vi som ser hotet och pratar om det – vi blir "hotade" med DO, rasism-stämplar mm.Provocera och lÃ¥t fienden avslöja sig själv med terror och slÃ¥-sönder-stan-med-stenar-taktiken./UllaBella

  258. Thank you, I’ve recently been searching for information about this subject for a long time and yours is the greatest I’ve discovered till now. But, what concerning the bottom line? Are you positive concerning the supply?

  259. Naturalmente que o papel da polícia no combate à criminalidade é importante, mas, estou convicto, é mero paliativo, não ataca as causas!As causas são de natureza económica: o baixíssimo nível de bem-estar, consequência de políticas ineficientes.Os baixíssimos salários dos policias, são, seguramente, uma das razões do abandono das esquadras … para "campos com melhor pasto": "saco vazio não fica de pé!".

  260. rutts,I'm trying to decide if you're an idiot, or just an intolerant bigot. The "wars" you mention were sanctioned by Congress, so we all knew what was happening. The waste referred to in the article above was not exactly presented to the public.

  261. For the umpteenth time, since Global Warming is caused by we humans, I call upon the world’s auto manufacturers to disclose and share the space drive they use to ship SUV’s to Mars and the Jovian moons! Think of the potential for tourism alone – ski the twenty-mile slope of Olympus! Join the dance of the stones in Saturn’s rings! Enjoy the dry-heat bath of Venus! Oh, and for those who believe natural causes are nothing compared to anthropogenic action, why are you not picketing the Chinese and Indian embassies and missions?

  262. Bob Plumer / September 15, 2007I’ve often wondered what the allure of Apple was. Yes they build quality stuff I don’t argue that. It seems as if the image of exclusivity makes it irresistible even though the stuff is priced higher than comparative products. I sort of picture it as buying a Cadillac vs. Chevrolet. Both will get you from point A to B the same. It’s just a matter of how much you want to spend to get there.Reply

  263. Only $11 to EnterNo limit on the of amount of eertinsContent Must be Uplifting or ElevatingThe top 3 Freestyles videos will be chosen daliyThe Video With the most hits will be entered into the film.The Event run from now to 11-1-11Produced by neXus CordelContact info:eleventhhourfreestyles@gmail.com

  264. Wow. I could have written this. Growing up, my mom cooked a lot and she is a wonderful cook. And me? I am, well, not a cook. I tell myself that if I tried, I could do it and do it decently and still believe that I one day will do this, but so far? So far we are all about takeout and healthy meals thrown together from grocery items. And for what it’s worth I don’t think there is anything wrong at all about prioritizing time with your loved ones over time in the kitchen. Words for you and for me

  265. fioravanti grazie..sei sempre un tesoro!@ chiara te ne doniamo una moooolto volentieri! baci@ lenia sono golosissime..un bacio grande te lo mandiamo fino in grecia!@ martina..ih! non ti piacciono i fichi..non sai quanto li amiamo così semplici semplici con un bel pezzo di pizza!@ valentina..hai ragione un vero peccato! baci@ simo un buon modo per festeggiare l’autunno..vero? baci@ meggy ti comprendiamo bene…buona scorpacciata..come dicevo con la pizza e magari una fetta di ottimo prosciutto sono imbattibili! baci

  266. but underneath the gloss it was Australian to the core: if you pricked it, did it not bleed Bris-bonian? If you tickled it, did it not emit a hearty belly-laugh and throw another shrimp on the barbie? We

  267. My third. Where’s Phil’s?Its important Phil, please make the time.I organized my series into 1. Inter-personal2. Social/prejudices3. Political – institutionalization (Israel/Palestine)4. Political – institutionalization (other)

  268. Interesting concept that language determines the average intelligence of its native speaker. Since we now understand that and can see how languages are in constant flux, would it be right to assume as the speakers mental capacity grows the language must evolve as well or die such is the case with Latin.

  269. First off I want to say awesome blog! I had a quickquestion which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing. I’ve had a tough time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or tips? Many thanks!

  270. El onor fue para Univisión averlo tenido a el hay,Despierta América es una por quería sin Fernando todavía lo vemos aveces solo por Karla y Raúl y ellos si se les ve ser sinceros con Fernando los demás no. Te queremos mucho Fernando sigue palante y que DTB.

  271. A month after the shot. Don’t worry if you would prefer to extend your time between the 1st and 2nd shot. The time on the schedule is the minimum amount of time in between injections in the series. Next time have the blood drawn first before getting your shot.

  272. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive learn anything like this before. So nice to find anyone with some authentic thoughts on this subject. realy thank you for beginning this up. this web site is one thing that’s needed on the net, somebody with a little originality. helpful job for bringing something new to the internet!

  273. Wrap it in gauze and put it in the infected area.Implementing these changes in your life, will be effective remedies against recurrent yeast infections, when undertaken with a holistic yeast infection treatment program that will kill the yeast infection from the inside out. Seek medical or professional help.Have a look at my website …

  274. Da bin ich ja mal gespannt, was morgen noch kommt. Schade, daß es vorbei ist – Du könntest Deine Leser besänftigen, indem Du einen Kaffee für jeden servierst! Nur mal so als Idee: Wie wäre eine kleine Wiederauferstehung des Projekts zu besonderen Ereignissen wie Weihnachten oder so?Gut, da hat man eigentlich eh für nichts Zeit – aber *seufz*… ich werde diese Gschichtn vermissen.

  275. Johna Bohanan – Thank you, thank you, thank you!! They are beautiful! The ones of Grace made me cry! You did an amazing job considering Jack’s lack of cooperation. Travis left yesterday so I should have his address for you shortly. I can not thank you enough-you were great to work with and I hope we can see you at the homecoming!JohnaJune 25, 2009 – 1:10 pm

  276. Tenho 2 carteiras de trabalho. Uma assinada de março de 1977 a março de 1986 e a outra de setembro de 1995 a Maio de 2010. Sou funcionária pública municipal do RJ desde outubro de 1986. Gostaria de saber se posso levar somente o tempo de 1977 a 1986 para averbar no serviço público para fins de aposentadoria e deixar de 1995 em diante para me aposentar posteriormente pela CLT.

  277. Tak tento test je úplne scestný. Dobre viete, že notebook je rozmerovo veľký a dobré poznám ako to na kolenách v aute skáče. Pri čom telefón je priamo do ruky a vibrácie z cesty pohltí telo…To je ako prilepiÅ¥ plný pohár vody na prístrojovú dosku idúceho auta, a druhý taký istý držaÅ¥ v ruke? Ktorý sa rozleje?Za objektívny test by som považoval porovnanie dvoch mobilov s odliÅ¡nm typom klávesnice, nie dvoch úplne odliÅ¡ných zariadení.

  278. Your Uncle Bob has always claimed to be allergic to cats too, and yet he and Mom just celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss and cat ownership. Just saying.

  279. This absolutely breaks my heart. Is sexual abuse something that is talked about in the community? Are the children usually assaulted by family members? What is WV doing to help combat it? Thanks so much for working hard on behalf of children in communities around the world.

  280. here.Oh, and on (mis-)using words like “utilize:” one of my pet peeves is the word “literally”. Once I even saw, “They were literally exploding with laughter.” A fate worse than any other death, I think, and probably added for emphasis. But there are many other examples that could be added.

  281. What do you expect from this obviously uneducated guy? He cannot even speak English?I do not like his show. I do not appreciate how he makes fun of how other people look like. He uses this show to promote his stupid songs esp. when he himself does not have any singing talent.When the scantilly clad girls dance on this supposedly “family show”…why do the camera men always focus on the men…..just shows you how low their intelligence is.ABS-CBN should have put the regular shows on hold in honor of former Pres. ory Aquino.

  282. Eve, Jeff Gerke is an incredible resource for Christian fiction writers. He is a really forward thinking kind of guy.Charity, thanks for the encouragement. Posts like this don’t generate many comments, so it’s good to hear that people find them useful. Now that the blog tour is over, I return to regularly scheduled programming. I have a new sentence tip in the works right now. Should go live tomorrow.

  283. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossips and net and this is really frustrating. A good web site with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for keeping this web site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Cant find it.

  284. A miastowi znają, znają te numery myszek, dziś mam kotkę to jest porządek.A o tym św. Marcinie pierwszy raz słyszę od Siostry. DZiękuję za dalszy ciąg tematu, że to co małe, brzydkie, stare i słabe- CZŁOwiek godzien jest pomocy jeśli nie w imię Chrystusa to w imię zwykłej ludzkiej solidarności. P{Ozdrawiam

  285. Marjis: kyllä se ainakin Akateemisen verkkokaupassa on myynnissä, toimitusajaksi kun luvataan 1-2 päivää.Onna: Riivaus on kiikkunut ikuisuuden lukulistallani. Pitää varmaan ottaa se kesäkirjaksi. Olen vähän odotellut, että se ilmestyisi pokkarina, kun kovakantinen versio on niin kallis, mutta täytyy varmaan ostaa se vihdoin tai lainata kirjastosta. Jos saan luettua, niin kerron sitten täällä blogissakin. Se kyllä kuulostaa ihan täydelliseltä kirjalta juuri kirjanrakastajan näkökulmasta!

  286. Det sÃ¥g verkligen gott ut!Ett tag tyckte jag att jag Ã¥t alldeles för mycket ägg… smidigt, men lite trÃ¥kigt i längden. Det gäller ju att variera sin mat, och det är jag inte alltid sÃ¥ bra pÃ¥. Men är löjligt förtjust i avokado! :)Ha en fin dag!Kram Marie

  287. Putin is not power hungry, he doesn’t like killings of inoccent mothers, bebies and the old. He wants peace for all !! Russians where never a greedy nation like our brothers in all western countries including usa. Ones a old polish man said, when americans do die, he does bet on it that the last word that comes out is “money” because they are so greedy. i was wondering about that, what that old polish guy knew.

  288. So…. So far so good! I didn’t get to test my new lighting setup properly (I had enough time for two plates only) but exposure times seems to oscillate around 6-8sec, depending on how many bulbs I’m using in each lamp. Soon, when I do more tests, I will write more about it!

  289. In case anyone is interested:What do vegans use in such cake and muffin recipes instead of eggs? Answer: apple sauce! I’ve tried this myself in pancakes, and believe me, it works!Also, I’d use carob instead of cacao (carob does not contain caffeine).Just some “variations to the theme” in case anybody needs some ideas.

  290. Lol, a Mick writes a screed against the English. I skip over it after reading the first few sentences, but someone quotes it so I get the highlights.Then I move on. If it was the other way 'round, if I was a Mick being insulted by someone with an English handle, maybe I'd fire up the "Jew-lite" engines and run a sortie or two?Dunno. I'm not a Mick.This is the "irrational kookery" vis-a-vis the Oirish that the Micks at Mangan's observe in me, I suppose.If pattern recognition is "irrational kookery," I suppose I'll go to my grave an "irrational kook."

  291. I was wonderstruck yesterday watching my kids have fun posing for our annual family pictures. Romping with each other in the grass, climbing a split-trunked tree, jumping off a barnyard fence, laughing with and at each other…I didn’t cry b/c it would have ruined my makeup (pictures, ya know), but that half-hour made my heart smile, and still does

  292. Estimado equipo SV a la vista de la actividad presente en la magnetosfera, preveeis incremento de la actividad sismica? Que lapsus de tiempo calculais entre estas perturbaciones de la magnetosfera y los eventos sismicos?Existe algun link donde poder la pelicula completa de fotogramas de la simulación de la magnetosfera para este evento?Gracias, permanecemos atentos.

  293. I’ve watched my friend with an autistic son carry on with dignity, bravery, and even humor. But the most endearing to me is the courage she has now to not only forgive herself, but to carry the torch, so to speak, for the cause.Courage + love + effort = Sue Cranmer

  294. Ciao Paolo,è vero che le petizioni non hanno valore legale, però bisogna anche dire che hanno avuto la forza di smuovere qualcosa.Quella dei costi di ricarica è una tassa stupida, già guadagnano abbastanza con le chiamate..

  295. Liking the new look of the blog sir! Re the underarm thing; mine have darkened as I’m getting older. I didn’t know if it was something to be concerned about on a medical level (it isn’t), but I wasn’t fretting about it as a vanity issue. By the way, the skin of the perineum also gets darker as we get older. This applies to men and women. And yes, there are bleaches out there to lighten it all up. The comments on the sites that sell the stuff are hilarious. So I guess it goes to show there is no part of the human anatomy that can’t be pimped out for profit. Ali

  296. skudrunner.Again you make unwarranted assumptions.I am not an accountant. I had a corporation for 10 years. It did not do accounting. And yes, it was a Class C corporation. If you are Subchapter S, you a can convert yourself to a C with simple form. And if you have problems with your tax bracket, you probably should.But you strike me as the type of person who stubs their toe just so they can coomplain. Or at least pretends to.

  297. Labrat: They aren't crashed out … they were starved out.Rogue fisherman are harvesting entire baitballs … strip-mining the deep ocean.Tuna populations are dieing off, and sharks are starving and heading to shorelines to eat, since the deep oceans are being converted into deserts.Result: waves of shark attacks as pelagic sharks crowd into the 200 mile limits.

  298. E' incredibile la relatività con cui Stuart e straker trattano la censura ed il diritto di repplica.Se loro sui loro blog insultano qualcuno, lo deridono e lo censurano è perché ne hanno piena facoltà essendo noi dei disinformatori.Se poi vengono da noi e non vengono censurati ma bensi gli di dice arrangiati, allora gridano che sono stati violati i sacri diritti di tolleranza….Come diceva il rag, Fantozzi, ma mi facci il piacere mi facci…

  299. En Argentina, al margen de (por sutree) no tener un gran problema con los antivacunas, el gobierno tambie9n implementa una especie de recompensa a los padres que completan los cuadros de vacunacif3n obligatoria: los subsidios a las familias carenciadas se dan un porcentaje cada mes, y a final del af1o, cuando presentan los carnets de vacunacif3n completo (y los boletines de escolaridad), se les da el resto del subsidio.Saludos!

  300. Hi there, just became alert to your website via Google, and located that it is really informative. I’m gonna be careful for brussels. I will appreciate for those who proceed this in future. A lot of other folks will likely be benefited from your post. TQ

  301. That GM “craftsmanship” issue goes way again, I feel. I recall the 60s Vista Cruisers as neat cars, even so the dashboard and controls generally appeared like flimsy plastic, along with the mechanicals seemed basic and agricultural. An early 50s Olds wagon arrived through higher school auto shop back again inside the day, and it did not appear considerably of an upgrade from the contemporary Chevy pickup.

  302. Bon article même s’il manque un peu de développerment.Il est toujours utile de rappeller que l’industrie manipule régulièrement la Science et l’opinion publique. Peut être un petit plaidoyer pour une recherche correctement subventionné par l’état. Histoire que les chercheurs n’aient pas besoin de faire la pute avec l’industrie pour arriver à boucler leur budget et dispose ainsi d’une « liberté de parole ». Subventionner la recherche, ca sert aussi a avoir des experts indépendants.

  303. Five months ago, Arianna Huffington (and, one presumes, her bags of money) lured Maura Egan away from The New York Times. Now, as WWD Egan is leaving her gig as deputy culture, and lifestyle editor of the Huffington Post/AOL behemoth. She doesn’t have any immediate plans, other than going to the beach. There are two ways to look […]

  304. Putain, mais c’est pas possible ! On se barre deux minutes du nid pour aller pisser, et ça manque pas, on se fait pourrir ! Ouvrez grand le bec les pigeons -surtout Bonie-, je vais… Enfin bon, je m’égare. Allez maître André, faites péter la devinette suivante, je suis dans les starting blocks !!!

  305. I really want to make some extra money working from home and am interested in learning Internet marketing. I currently stay at home with my two little kids but would be able to devote about 25 hours a week to Internet marketing. It’s just that I don’t know where to start. Where do I find some great resources that help me with the Internet marketing basics as all the websites I have come across are not for absolute beginners like me?

  306. Amazing blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused .. Any suggestions? Kudos!

  307. Thank you for all your valuable hard work on this blog. My mother really likes going through investigation and it’s easy to understand why. Most people notice all relating to the dynamic manner you render powerful items by means of your web blog and improve participation from website visitors on that topic and our girl is actually understanding a lot of things. Enjoy the rest of the new year. You’re the one performing a first class job.

  308. “Mitchell resigned because of the President’s refusal to present an American plan.”You mean because he was continuously stabbed in the back by both Ross AND Obama!Heck Mitchell knows that only an IMPOSED peace plan would work – in other words, only a third party sword can unravel the Palestinain-isreali G0rdian knot.

  309. As a 42 year old lawyer and mother of 2 pre-schoolers, I am probably not your target audience. However, I love these books, and can’t wait for the next installment. Brilliant to post exerpts at the end of your Christie Craig books. Got me hooked on Shadow Falls and your other series!

  310. singaporeans like you do nothing but complain. i built this nation up with my blood sweat and tears! without me, you wouldn’t have internet to surf. no nice foreign company boss to take you to america to screw the american chicks. give me your nric and i’ll show you just how powerful the union is. grrrr…

  311. Thanks alot : ) for your post. I’d like to say that the price of car insurance will vary from one policy to another, mainly because there are so many different facets which bring about the overall cost. For instance, the brand name of the motor vehicle will have a massive bearing on the charge. A reliable old family car or truck will have a more economical premium than just a flashy racecar.

  312. The cross between texting and the abbreviations used in computerized communication is really taking a toll on what people think is appropriate. It`s crept from personal communications between friends (luv u, BBL etc…) to the work/college environment and people don`t realize formal communications should be grammatically correct. My theory. As flawed as it might be.

  313. きりんさんの相談文から、一生懸命子育てされている様子が伝わってきました。お仕事しながらここまでされていらしゃるのは本当に立派です。私はDS事件の際、「本人に問い詰めて」「目の前に証拠を突きつけ」ていることが気になりました。二男くんは受動的に謝らされている状態ですね。自分から罪を認めて改めよう、償おうとしてくれるようになってほしいですね。私の田舎では「ナマハゲ」という民俗行事があります(有名でしょうかね。。)ナマハゲは1年間子供がした悪事が全部書いてある台帳を持ってきて、罪を問い詰めます。子供たちは親から悪いことをした子はナマハゲに連れて行かれると言い聞かされているので、それはそれは怯えます(悪いことしなきゃいいのにね~、これが毎年するんだなー・笑)。子供たちが泣きながら罪を認め、謝ったら、親たちは何とかナマハゲに引き下がってもらおうとします。貢物を持っていったり、土下座したり。。最終的には「来年も来るからな!!」と言いながらナマハゲは去っていきます。罪を疑い問い詰めるのはナマハゲの役目で、親の役目ではありません。親がナマハゲの役をやってしまうと「俺の事信じてくれない」発言になるのかなと。親の役目は、・悪いことをするとナマハゲに連れて行かれると恐怖を植え付けること・子供を愛しているからナマハゲに連れて行かれたら悲しい・・悪さをしないでほしいと言い聞かせること・子供が自分の罪を認めて謝る勇気があると「信じる」こと・子供が罪を認めたらそれが許されるように全力を尽くすことです今回のケースをナマハゲへの恐怖→盗み癖を直さないまま大人になる未来の恐ろしさと置き換えれば、応用できるのではないかと思いました。お子さんがもう少し小さければ直接ナマハゲ作戦が効くんでしょうけどね~。今は反抗期まっただ中で辛いと思いますが、愛されて育った子は少々寄り道することがあっても絶対に正しい道に戻ってきます。自信を持ってください。私も仕事をしながら育児をしています。お互い頑張りましょう♪

  314. this is the error i get when column fix applied“Warning: simplexml_load_string() []: Entity: line 88: parser error : Comment not terminated <!–action method="addColumnCountLayoutDepend"><layout in /var/www/magento/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Layout/Update.php on line 431″;i:1;s:2033:”#0 [internal function]: mageCoreErrorHandler(2, ‘simplexml_load_…’, ‘/var/www/magent…’, 431, Array)

  315. The problem is that politicians have short term career prospects. What the point of giving your support for a twenty year tram scheme. They only look at solutions which benefit their short term election prospects so we only ever get soundbites and snapshot ideas. It's a shame that the people who have the power to make things happen can;t think about longer term legacies. A tram scheme for Bristol would have been amazing. Instead we have a city choked with overpriced buses.

  316. Ok, first of all, if you read the original post, she was spotted and photographed MID-TAG. Your CSI goofiness is sort of obviated by that fact.Also, the whole “graffiti=graffiti=graffiti” argument is a bunch of bullshit. If you want to peddle that line of close-mindedness, take it to the sfgate message boards, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of right-wingers who agree with you.I, on the other hand, recognize that there is a significant difference between actual graffiti artists and tagger scum.

  317. very good premack ealmpxe, for me and the squirrel situation won’t work, because her prey drive is too high. And she also jumped out a 6 ft glass window after them, when we leave they run up to the windows, hate them, I didn’t know why til I saw what they do when I go away in truck:(, but, very good ealmpxe to one premack. thank you.

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